Instead Of Kryptonite, New LGBTQ+ Superman Will Be Crippled By Anyone Using Wrong Pronouns

Via The Babylon Bee

BURBANK, CA—The brilliant and courageous writers at DC Comics have announced that Superman is now gay, and his pronouns are they/them as he is also non-binary. Now, instead of Kryptonite, he will be rendered completely powerless by anyone who addresses him using the wrong pronouns.

“I’ll finally defeat Superman! He’s such a liberal snowflake!” says right-wing transphobe Lex Luthor to reporters in the latest issue.

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The New Superman is Super Gay. Here’s Why this Culture War Fight Matters

Via Gen Z Conservative

Now, I’m not super into superheroes.

Apart from the Dark Knight trilogy and Deadpool, I find the movies either overly earnest in the annoying, Boomer sort of way (i.e. Superman always doing the right thing) or filled with originally interesting but gradually duller and duller storylines (the Avengers franchise after the first Thor movie). So I’m coming at the whole DC Comics announcing that Superman is super gay, err…bisexual, from a layman’s perspective.

But, and this is important, even I know that Superman’s love interest is Ms. Lois Lane, not Mr. Louis Lane.

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