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Pictorial Essay: FACES In PARADISE

Our actual village idiot (Nonanonymous) says I am a “Palestinian sympathizer”. I guess that means I must shut up. So, I will. But … I have pictures.

Lives in ruins: A Palestinian family carry their belongings towards the remains of their destroyed home after returning to the town of Beit Hanoun during a ceasefireLives in ruins: A Palestinian family carry their belongings towards the remains of their destroyed home after returning to the town of Beit Hanoun during a ceasefire



Meanwhile, back in the Holy Land,  God’s Chosen People  gather on hotel rooftops or on nearby hills to watch and enjoy the bombing of Gaza.  It’s like a reality show … only better.  Pass the matzoh, bitch!!

Israelis sit on a hill to watch the Tel Aviv regime’s airstrikes on the besieged Gaza Strip, July 2014.


The Golden Calf

israel is the golden calf


The Adoration of the Golden Calf by Nicolas Poussin (Image: Wikipedia)

for Tisha B’av August 4, 2014 

This is thy god, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.
Exodus 32 verse 4

Tisha B’av commemorates the false report
jews accepted wandering in the desert
when we got to worshiping idols.

Abraham broke the idols
in his fathers corner store
cuz he was certain
G-d is one.

the biggest atrocity that has befallen jewish people today
and in the last 100 plus years is the acceptance of these false reports
and the worship of the state of Israel.

israel the idol.
israel the false G-d.
israel the golden calf.

Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern zionism
a german speaking assimilated hungarian secular
jew, in his diary in 1895 regarding the indigenous

population in Palestine, meaning there were people there
already called Palestinians, wrote:
We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border…
denying it employment in our country.

and so it begins or continues
the claiming of a land is not ours.
the assimilated colonized mind
of jews living comfortable in european
empires learning from the imperial powers
they wave flags in.

we covet those flags
and want to wave one
of our own.

the posh snobbery of western european
assimilated jewish men became the fathers
of israel. they are the racist grandfathers
at the heads our dinner tables
at the heads of our states
and 2 state solutions.
they have told the same
lies and false histories
since 1897 at the first zionist congress
in Basel, Switzerland.

Herzel wrote that israel would be
a colony part of a wall of defense
for Europe in Asia, an outpost of civilization
against barbarism, he said.

i give you israel’s father
and the father’s he fathered
and the father’s after him.

israel the dumb brute.

you’ve built an empire
just like europe, just like america
and have 1.8 million Palestinians
in a corner of Gaza and bomb
them in hospitals and bomb them
in schools

now you make your own genocide
your own ethnic cleaning
your own holocaust

this is what you are doing.

you are ridding a people from a land

you goliath

israel the golden calf
the false g-d

we worship
we war/ship

this is what happens
when you build a state
when you erect borders
when you define yourself
in opposition to another.
when you other

israel I do not want a seat at your table.
i will eat with the goyium you so despise
or i will eat alone

i do not want aliyah.
the audacity of ascending
to a higher place
a place where there is life
already and love
and generations
we now murder.

your city of peace
is a city of death.

i renounce my citizenship.

we are a Diaspora people
meant to wander, to make
all the world a home
for us and for all
to call everywhere
not one plot of land
it’s a metaphor!
you literalists!
you racists!
you european / american genocidal mimics!
you maniacs!

our gift has been making every/where funky

not one land but all land
not one people but all people
we were chosen to wander
Zion is ahead, is a future
we work toward, the messiah
not a person, but a time

israel you are an empire.
you have warheads and weaponry
used to dismantle homes and families
and persons from breath. your water is blood
Gaza a gas chamber you round
Palestinians in.

israel you are the golden calf
but i am still a jew.
i see you prostrating in front of idols

kill your idols!
fuck your idols!

every young person
every young jew
every person not named netanyahu
not a israeli prime minister war criminal

we have been lied to
we have been manipulated
we have been coerced

your jewishness is not dependent
upon an undying loyalty to a state
that murders in your name.

israel is not a religion.
israel is the golden calf
and G-d is
a child in Gaza

and this is holocaust
this is genocide
this is ethnic cleansing
this is what it is
and can no longer be.

israel i abhor you.

today on Tisha B’av
i mourn for Palestine
for Gaza.

zionism is racism.
ask america what happens
when you found an idea of a country
on the supremacy of some
over the humanity of all.

where are the indigenous
all the natives in this country
in this city
in israel

i mourn the morality of a people
of a world, of a country here
and a country there. i mourn
the lives withering in prisons
built for Black and Brown people
in american and i mourn the lives
lost in the open air prisons in Gaza

the same war is being fought against
poor and working and indigenous people
around the world everyday and right now
in Palestine.

i mourn tonight

but in the morning
i will resist
with those
not on the side of might
nor on the side of white

G-d, israel, is a child
in Gaza, in Palestine
waking up
this mourning
to shake you
to the ground.


Experts Warn Situation In Gaza Will Get Worse Before It Gets Much Worse

News in BriefWorldwarworld leadersviolenceNews ISSUE 50•30 Jul 31, 2014

GAZA CITY—Following three weeks of escalating bloodshed throughout the Gaza Strip, experts on the conflict warned Thursday that it will only get worse before it gets far worse. “With increasing bombardment and ground fighting, and no sign of a ceasefire in sight, it’s clear that the situation in Gaza will unfortunately continue to deteriorate before it can finally take a turn for the truly horrific,” said Institute for Palestine Studies senior fellow Nadia Hijab, predicting that, with the deaths of more than 1,300 people and the displacement of approximately 500,000 Palestinians, it seemed likely that the violence would only get more severe before the two sides are ultimately able to agree on intensifying it still further. “Neither Hamas nor Israeli forces are showing any sign of letting up, and I fear that only when this crisis reaches a low point will it finally descend to a point even lower than that.” Hijab added that, as the conflict continues to worsen, the United States may have no choice but to ramp up its effectively nonexistent diplomatic efforts and do absolutely nothing.

Via The Onion


“Facts don’t cease to exist because they are ignored.” – Aldous Huxley

Could someone post the videos of the carnage being inflicted upon Israel by those Hamas rocket strikes? I must be looking in the wrong place.

The moment an Israeli bomb smashes a Gaza market is caught on camera by an independent Palestinian television company. The Israeli strike targeted the outskirts of the Shujayea district, during a humanitarian window. 17 people were killed and more than 200 wounded.

At least 15 Palestinians, including a journalist and two paramedics, were killed when Israeli airstrikes hit a busy market place in Gaza. The shopping area was busy because Israel’s 4-hour humanitarian ceasefire was supposed to have been in force. Israel’s four week bombardment has claimed more than 1300 Palestinian lives, the majority were civilians.

Excuse Me For Living

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Israel has all the proof it needs that world opinion will never consider its right to exist important. The Obama White House, and a lot of the US News Media, portray the Hamas-Israel conflict as something like an amateur soccer match, with the uneven score (40-odd Israeli soldiers killed versus 1000-plus Palestinians, mostly civilians) showing that the contest is unfair, that Israel has “gone too far,” that they have entered the same moral zone as Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot, carrying out a “genocide.”

Of course, this is a real hot war, not a diversity training exercise, or a self-esteem course, or any sort of the kindergarten psychotherapy that has come to form the basis of American thought and policy. And a vicious world opinion uses America’s own moral fecklessness the way Hamas uses women and babies to shield its rocket installations.

Apparently world opinion also doesn’t take seriously Israel’s founding maxim, “never again,” meaning that Israelis will not passively wait for world opinion to save them from an enemy that plainly and clearly seeks to annihilate them, as happened 1933-45. The Hamas organization is explicitly dedicated to the destruction of Israel. That is not a rhetorical gimmick; it is its declared unwavering primary goal.

The claim that Israel seeks to annihilate the Palestinians is simply a lie. Israel seeks to stop rocket attacks and tunnel invasions, and as long as Hamas is dedicated to those actions, they can expect a forceful Israeli reaction. The sealed border of Gaza has been part of that reaction, to counteract the traffic in war materials and the ready supply of suicide bombers who, Hamas declares, “love death more than the Israelis love life.”

The Hamas war leaders are killing their own people to score public relations points. The particulars of the Hamas arsenal embedded among the civilian Gaza population are so firmly established that the facts are hardly worth rehearsing. Anyway, the world doesn’t care about those facts. Israel’s will to exist is an annoyance to it.

Of course, Gaza is just one flash point in an Islamic region much more broadly inflamed in conflict between different Islamic brands and their political subsidiaries. The main reason (unacknowledged) is overpopulation of the region due to short-term wealth from oil. With oil production peaking across North Africa and the Middle East, the world can expect at least a generation of violent conflict over the table-scraps of Modernity. Even the Islamic nations with scant oil reserves have been hugely affected by a half-century of this regional oil wealth. The crack-up in the shadow of this brief historical episode has been easy to anticipate. World opinion is not going to stop it.

By the way, where was world opinion a month ago when ISIS was crucifying and beheading its way out of Syria into central Iraq? World opinion took those horrors in stride because that’s exactly the kind of behavior that world opinion now expects from radical Islamic maniacs.

Israel is a sideshow to all that, really, but one that attracts a lot of attention, with the memory of the Nazi “final solution” lingering on in the atrophying moral organs of what has been loosely called “the West,” where the last great world conflagration played out. It is ridiculous, of course, to compare the lot of the Gaza Palestinians to the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto. The Jews locked in the Warsaw ghetto were not firing rockets out of it, nor did they ever declare that Germany had no right to exist.

The Palestinians will find justice when they find a leadership that is willing to grant Israel a right to exist and when they stop firing rockets and sending tunnel commandoes into Israel to wreak havoc. If they started with that, they could expect a conversation to begin with Israel over new terms of coexistence. But they have to demonstrate an interest in coexistence. There’s no evidence of that so far. Why this simple equation is not understood by world opinion is an abiding mystery.

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I’ll give you one guess. Always ask – Who Benefits? – whenever a new war is launched. Smedley Butler and Ron Paul know the answer.

“War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small “inside” group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.” – Smedley Butler

“It is no coincidence that the century of total war coincided with the century of central banking.” Ron Paul


Israel: Palestinians Given Ample Time To Evacuate To Nearby Bombing Sites

News in BriefWorldwarworld leadersNews ISSUE 50•29 Jul 23, 2014

JERUSALEM—In response to criticism surrounding the death toll during its ongoing incursion into Gaza, representatives from the Israeli government Wednesday emphasized that warnings sent to Palestinian civilians provided them with ample time to evacuate to nearby bombing sites. “We are being very careful and thorough as we carry out our targeted strikes, and I can say, without question, that Palestinians are given more than enough time to leave their residences and find shelter in a future bombardment target,” said Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, adding that whether alerted by phone, text message, or leaflet, Palestinians have sufficient opportunity to relocate to any number of locations marked for imminent aerial strikes. “Giving Palestinian civilians the chance to seek safety in the home of a family member or friend that will be shelled to rubble in the next 48 hours is a gesture we deserve praise for, not condemnation. In fact, this initiative has been a major success in this campaign.” Ya’alon added that since there were numerous bombing sites Palestinians could take shelter in, he was not responsible for whatever happened to people who chose to stay home.

Via The Onion


20/7/14: International and Palestinian volunteers accompanied Civil Defense and other rescue crews, as well as family members, into Shujaya, in an attempt to locate survivors of overnight and ongoing shelling by the Israeli army. A young Palestinian man, in a green t-shirt, who hoped to reach his family’s home, was shot by an Israeli soldier while crossing an alley between buildings. Two additional rounds struck him as he lay injured on the ground.

Whither Israel?

Fred Reed with a no nonsense, balanced, non-vitriolic assessment of Israel and the hatred that drives everything in the Middle East. There are no solutions. There will be no compromise. There will be death and destruction. There are no good guys – only bad guys of differing degrees. The citizens of Israel & Gaza are just trying to live their lives. It’s the power hungry zealot leadership of both countries sacrificing them on the altar of ideology and religion. Does this Fourth Turning seem to be heating up or winding down?

The Road to Ruad

July 20, 2014

I first heard the phrase in Phnom Penh during the siege: “The situation is hopeless, but not critical.” As Israel and the Moslem world claw at each other unendingly, I wonder whether the same diagnosis doesn’t apply. Perhaps I am wrong. I don’t see how.

To begin at the beginning: The Jews had long wanted a country of their own and, after Germany, understandably really wanted one. The problem was that all the countries were already taken except maybe Antarctica, so they conquered parts of Palestine by force of arms.

There was nothing Jewish about this. Most of history consists of groups conquering each other’s territory. When you do this, the conquered people hate you, and begin to resist. To control them you resort to the rifle butt, the torture chamber, the air strike, and the secret police. This makes them hate you more, world without end. Consider the occupation of Jewish Palestine by the Romans, the Jewish resistance, and Rome’s murderous responses.

The neighboring Moslem peoples, and indeed all Moslems, came to hate the modern Jews like poison, and the Jews, now become Israelis, soon returned the sentiment. Historically, this was business as usual. Christians, Jews, and Moslems have spent a phenomenal amount of time hating each other. It doesn’t seem to have gained them much.

Anyway, a vaguely possible modus vivendi was the Two-State solution, now dead, if it ever wasn’t, because Israel is absorbing the occupied territories. So many Jewish settlers now live on occupied Moslem land that no Israeli government could force them to come back, even if it wanted to, which it emphatically doesn’t. So much for modus vivendi.

In what amounts to Greater Israel, the Jews came to have custody in Israel proper of about 1.7 million Moslems, in Gaza of over a million and a half who hate Israel and, in the West Bank, pushing toward three million more, who hate Israel. Why Israel wants additional Moslems isn’t clear—I don’t want any at all, as they seem to be nothing but trouble–but it does seem to be collecting them.

This means that Israel can never be a democracy because, if the Moslems had the vote, Israel would stop being a Jewish state and just be a country with a lot of Jews. Worse, the moment Moslem voters, who breed faster than Jews, outnumbered these by one vote (if they ever did), Israel would become an Islamic republic, like Afghanistan. I do not think the Israelis have this in mind.

How a First World people can live as keepers of what appear to irremediably primitive Third Worlders is not clear, even without hatred.

There is worse.  The Moslems cannot be allowed much commercial success, since it would translate into political power. And intermarriage must be prevented at all costs, since Jews, of whom there are not many to begin with, could be bred out of existence. Is this not Alabama in 1900?

So what can Israel do with its internal Moslems? Logically it can (a) shoot them all, which even Netanyahu probably wouldn’t do, or (b) exist forever with a huge and perhaps growing number of hate-filled subjects, or (c) push them across the borders at bayonet-point. Is there another choice?

Since the Moslems both internal and external hate the Jews, Israel must constantly fight them off, often militarily. Just now it is invading Gaza again, which has been firing rockets into Israel. The Moslems are always doing something, such as blowing up buses full of Israelis, so Israel is always bombing Gaza, invading Gaza, killing Turks, bombing Lebanon,  invading it, bombing Iraq, killing Iranian scientists, and so on. There is the usual political posturing and kindergarten yelling about you started it, no, you started it, but underlying the noise is that the two sides bitterly hate each other.

If there is any reason to believe that it will ever stop, I am unaware of it. Does anyone seriously foresee a multi-culti, Koom Bah Yah amity, with turbans and yarmulkes back-yard barbecuing together and swapping dirty stories? Anybody who thinks this possible must be smoking Drano. The two flavors of Moslem are murdering each other in droves, and they have the same faith. They’re going to learn to love Jews?

Any day now.

No military solution is possible. Israel’s First World, heavily armed, high-tech forces can defeat, usually easily, any forces arrayed against it by its Third-World enemies. It just can’t keep them defeated. Nor can the Moslems decisively defeat Israel. The only remotely plausible approach would be to force Israel to mobilize and stay mobilized until its economy collapsed, which for a lot of reasons isn’t going to happen, and anyway the US would intervene.

The beat goes on.

Meanwhile, Israel depends utterly on America for its survival. Yes, it is an advanced, highly educated, commercially astute nation, and if it lived in peace would be a small roaring success.  But it doesn’t live in peace. And it is too small to buy or build the forces it needs to repel its neighbors and keep its supply lines open. It cannot field a large army other than briefly because it just doesn’t have the population. A garrison state, it very much needs US support.

Said support is not just military and economic.  If votes in the UN are an indication, Israel is detested by most of the planet, which would endeavor to do all manner of anti-Israeli things if the US didn’t veto all of them. Israel has a PR problem. In Gaza we see the now-common spectacle of a national military fighting a non-state enemy of barely armed militants. The result is dead children, recorded on cell-phone cameras. Image-wise, not good.

In America politics regarding Israel are often bitter and even more confusing. For example, I know feminists hostile to Israel, which doesn’t mistreat women at all, yet well disposed to Moslems, for whom mere misogyny would be a great step upward. Many Jews of my acquaintance are ambivalent or confused, wanting Israel to survive yet loathing its government.

How firm is American support for Israel? Very—for now, anyway. This is due in part to the immensely powerful Israel lobby in Washington, in part to a certain lack of enthusiasm for Moslems after 9/11, and in part to the lack of strong anti-Jewish sentiment in America. The United States isn’t Poland. In fact there is a lot of pro-Jewish feeling, seldom mentioned because it doesn’t fit the journalistic template of the eternally endangered Jew on the raw edge of extermination, sieg heil.  Of course, pro-Jewish and pro-Israel are different categories.

If there is ever a threat to American support, it will be not from anti-Semitism but from indifference. There is a potential softness in the support. When Netanyahu gets 29 (was it?) standing ovations in Congress (which he did) it is not because all Congressmen are wildly enthusiastic about Israel.  God himself would not receive such unanimous enthusiasm. Electoral politics screens out principle, and politicians will vote for whatever they think in their interest. If congressmen spoke honestly (yes, I know) I think you would find a small neo-Nazi group virulently against Israel, a substantial Christian group strongly for—and a majority who just wanted the question to go away.

There are powerful forces—Big Oil, companies that want to do business in Iran—that would happily abandon a small, petro-dry nation with no resources. Thus the crucial importance of the lobby.

All in all, it seems to me that Israel has gotten itself into a horrible situation, hated within, hated without, and hanging by a lobby. What can the Israelis do? Emigrate to New York? Undertake an absolutely horrific ethnic cleansing? Exercise the Antarctica Option? Spend all eternity ducking rockets and bombing neighbors? Live as herdsmen of unwanted Moslems that they have to avoid assimilating?

I don’t see a happy ending. Or any ending.