Germany Closes Its Last Nuclear Power Plants – Electricity Bills To Spike Up To 45%

Via ZeroHedge

One might say that the timing could not be worse for the implementation of “net zero” climate goals given the already boiling economic instability across the western world.  Then again, maybe the timing is perfect for the people in power?

With stagflation still running rampant in the US and Europe the last thing anyone should be worried about is a less than 1°C rise in global temperatures in the past 100 years.  There is no concrete evidence of any significant climate crisis, and all the people who tell us a crisis is right around the corner do so while raking in billions in funding dollars from governments and think-tank institutions with a vested interest in reinforcing the hysteria.  In other words, there is no basis for exponential restrictions on “greenhouse gas” emissions.  The climate crisis claim is a sham. 

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WHY Is Germany Committing Suicide? The Same Reasons WHY the EU/UK is Being Deindustrialized!

Guest Post by David Chu

Well that’s the real question, isn’t it? Why? The how and the who is just scenery for the public. Oswald, Ruby, Cuba, the Mafia. Keeps ’em guessing like some kind of parlor game, prevents ’em from asking the most important question, why? Why was Kennedy killed? Who benefited? Who has the power to cover it up? Who?

~ Mr. X in JFK movie

Why is Germany committing harakiri (or seppuku)?

Because the Americans ordered them to do so!

Recently, William F. Engdahl wrote a very interesting article titled, “Europe’s Energy Armageddon From Berlin and Brussels, Not Moscow” which was re-worked in Pepe Escobar’s “Germany’s Energy Suicide: An Autopsy”.

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Germany’s energy suicide: an autopsy

Guest Post by Pepe Escobar

When Green fanatic Robert Habeck, posing as Germany’s Economy Minister, said earlier this week “we should expect the worst” in terms of energy security, he conveniently forgot to spell out how the whole farce is a Made in Germany cum Made in Brussels crisis.

Flickers of intelligence at least still glow in rare Western latitudes, as indispensable strategic analyst William Engdahl, author of A Century of Oil, released a sharp, concise summary revealing the skeletons in the glamour closet.

Everyone with a brain following the ghastly Eurocrat machinations in Brussels was aware of the main plot – yet hardly anyone among average EU citizens. Habeck, Chancellor “Liver Sausage” Scholz, the European Commission (EC) Green Energy VP Timmermans, EC dominatrix Ursula von der Leyen, they are all involved.

In a nutshell: as Engdahl describes it, this is about “the EU plan to de-industrialize one of the most energy-efficient industrial concentrations on the planet.”

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Germans Stockpiling Firewood

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

We are quickly reverting back to the Dark Ages. Cooking and keeping warm with fossil fuels may become a luxury as the energy crisis spreads across the West. Reports are growing from Germany that people are stockpiling firewood before the winter season. Google search results for brennholz (firewood) peaked this August in Germany as their government announced they would continue supporting Ukraine indefinitely.

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New Normal Germany’s Geisterfahrer Geist

Guest Post by CJ Hopkins

So, it’s official. On Wednesday, August 24, New Normal Germany’s Bundestag rubber stamped the government’s latest revision to the so-called “Infection Protection Act” (i.e., New Normal Germany’s new Enabling Act), authorizing the continued persecution of “the Unvaccinated” (i.e., New Normal Germany’s new official Untermenschen), the mandatory wearing of medical-looking masks (i.e., the ideological-compliance symbol of the New Normal Reich throughout the world), the banning of protests against the New Normal (i.e., the new official ideology of Germany), and assorted other “emergency measures.”
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Why Is the German Government Supporting Nazism?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

A few days ago I wrote about the mind-boggling incongruities of our time– .
The incongruities become more pronounced with every passing day, and they go without notice or comment.

Afterwards, I read that a guard in Germany gave a Nazi salute to someone or on some occasion, meant probably as a sign of approval, and he was arrested for committing a crime. Germany is so thoroughly under the lock and key of the Israel Lobby that Germans have no independent existence, especially as they remain occupied by Washington which permits no possibility of German sovereignty.

In Germany a Nazi salute is a felony. So is questioning the official narrative of WW II which includes the Holocaust. A German scholar, no matter how distinguished or how much evidence he has, who raises any doubt about any aspect of the Holocaust narrative is sentenced to prison. German historians are not even permitted to point out that WW II started because England and France declared war on Germany. The simple basic facts of the war’s origin cannot be legally acknowledged by German historians. The truth is considered Nazi apologetics.

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Germany won’t survive winter without Russian gas

Via RT

The president of the national energy regulator has warned that Germany doesn’t have sufficient gas reserves

Germany won’t survive winter without Russian gas – official

Germany’s natural gas reserves are not enough to see the country through next winter without purchasing additional Russian gas, the top official in charge of electricity and gas networks has told the media.

In an interview with Germany’s Bild am Sonntag, published on Sunday, Klaus Muller warned that while “gas reservoirs are nearly 65% full,” and “it’s better than in the previous weeks” it is still not sufficient to “go through the winter without Russian gas.

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The Federal Republic of New Normal Germany

Guest Post by CJ Hopkins

So, the government of New Normal Germany is contemplating forcing everyone to wear medical-looking masks in public from October to Easter on a permanent basis. Seriously, the fanatical New Normal fascists currently in charge of Germany’s government — mostly the SPD and the Greens — are discussing revising the “Infection Protection Act” in order to grant themselves the authority to continue to rule the country by decree, as they have been doing since the Autumn of 2020, thus instituting a “permanent state of emergency” that overrides the German constitution, indefinitely.

Go ahead, read that paragraph again. Take a break from the carnage in non-Nazi Ukraine, the show trials in the US congress, monkeypoxmania, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, Sudden Bovine Death Syndrome, family-oriented drag queens, non-“vaccine”-related facial paralysis, and Biden falling off his bike, and reflect on what this possibly portends, the dominant country of the European Union dispensing with any semblance of democracy and transforming into a fascist biosecurity police state.

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