Woke-a-Cola: How To Destroy A World-Leading Brand In 60 Seconds

Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, ‘n Guns blog,

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “Get Woke, Go Broke.”

In the curious case of Coca-Cola, going woke may be the single biggest branding mistake in the history of marketing.

In late February a whistleblower came forth with screenshots, posted on YouTube, of slides from Coke’s internal ‘diversity training’ course urging its employees to quote, “Be less white.”

And by ‘less white’ they mean subservient. They don’t mean be more sensitive.

When this happened, I immediately said to myself, “Scratch ever buying another Coke product off my list.”  Not a moment’s angst or energy went into it.

“Be less white?”

“Drink no Coke.”

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