So our glorious leader Trump spent $100 million sending messages with missiles and the mother of all bombs in the last couple weeks. Now he’s sending three carrier groups to North Korea. I’m sure that’s a cheap excursion paid for by taxpayers.

Meanwhile, a crackhead was able to collapse an Atlanta interstate with a lighter and some government drones blew up another interstate yesterday. Atlanta is normally gridlocked, but now they are in the midst of a disaster. The lost productivity is surely in the tens of millions.

Why is Trump off starting wars when he promised to fix our infrastructure, cut taxes and replace Obamacare? I guess it’s easier to bomb the shit out of other countries infrastructure than fix our own.

Atlanta traffic made worse after section of I-20 buckles

A section of westbound I-20 is closed after a large portion of it buckled, causing a huge bump in the roadway.

Atlanta’s running out of interstates.

The metropolitan area is served by four interstates. Last month, a five-lane section of one collapsed during rush hour and took part of that highway out of commission.

Monday afternoon, things just got worse. Way worse.

A section of another interstate buckled due to an underground gas leak, and now a portion of that freeway is shut down too.

Continue reading “MEANWHILE….IN ATLANTA”