Via Ben Garrison

Open Letter To All Of The Whiny Safe Space Liberals Crying Over Our ‘Racist’ And ‘Sexist’ Country

Hat Tip Westcoaster


The first half of last night was stressful. I could barely eat. Stupid Florida, always keeping us on the edge of our seats. I switched my networks around last night. I mostly relied on Fox News and Twitter. CNN wasn’t calling states as fast, and MSNBC is a last resort kind of thing. I vowed to stay away from that channel, UNLESS things started shaping up for Donald Trump.

Then the results started coming in. Flyover nation. North Carolina. Ohio. Florida? Wisconsin?!!! That’s when the wheels started falling off their wagon. That’s when I started thinking about Hillary Clinton’s defeat. I never really allowed myself to go there before. I didn’t want to get my hopes up, but my country came through. We the People are not stupid.

We the People defeated MSM. We the People defeated the establishment. We the People saved the Supreme Court. We the People rejected the power-hungry, seahag criminal in a pantsuit.

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Who Is Behind The Riots? Charlotte Police Says 70% Of Arrested Protesters Had Out Of State IDs


Tyler Durden's picture

Confirming what many had suspected when viewing the sudden and intense collapse into anrchy that occurred in Charlotte this week, Todd Walther, spokesman for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Fraternal Order of Police told CNN’s Erin Burnett:

“This is not Charlotte that’s out here.  These are outside entities that are coming in and causing these problems. These are not protestors, these are criminals.


“We’ve got the instigators that are coming in from the outside.  They were coming in on buses from out of state.  If you go back and look at some of the arrests that were made last night.  I can about say probably 70% of those had out-of-state IDs.  They’re not coming from Charlotte.”

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In Surprising Move, Twitter Permanently Bans Conservative Commentator Milo Yiannopoulos

Censorship by the left wingers is alive and well. If Hillary is elected censorship of free speech will intensify and the crackdown on internet sites like TBP will skyrocket. Any speech the liberal left doesn’t like is classified as “hate speech”.  A gay Republican Trump supporter with millions of followers is unacceptable to Jack Dorsey and his left wing Twitter minions. Fuck him.
Tyler Durden's picture

On Tuesday night, in a surprising move, Twitter permanently banned conservative commentator Milo Yiannopoulos from using its service. Yiannopoulos, an editor for prominent conservative website, has been known for making provocative statements on Twitter and elsewhere.

Twitter said the suspension was part of a wider move to block a number of user accounts for abuse and harassment after Ghostbusters actor Leslie Jones on Monday drew renewed attention to the issue and announced she would quit the social media site.

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Another Reason To Consider…

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Voting against Hillary.

You may have heard that a California appellate court (see below) has ruled in favor of California laws that give government bureaucrats the power to deny citizens the right to carry a concealed weapon unless they show “good cause.” This “good cause” to be defined by the government bureaucrats and which definition does not include ordinary self-defense.

The bureaucrats use the “good cause” verbiage to effectively outlaw concealed carry (and thus, armed self-defense outside the home) for ordinary citizens.

It is the polar opposite of “shall issue” requirements (as in my state, VA) which compel the government to issue a permit to any citizen who applies, who has not been convicted of a felony.

This case will almost certainly become a Supreme Court case – and in that case, it will decide national policy regarding concealed carry.

And, perhaps more.

If Hillary becomes Dear Leader, she will almost certainly appoint at least two and likely three new “justices,” all of whom will be (like her) very much interested in “sensible gun control.” Which (if you need me to translate) means: No guns for you.

It is a certainty that a Hillary Court will rule in favor of the appellate court. Which will result in more states enacting “good cause” requirements and possibly rescinding existing “shall issue” requirements and quite possibly concealed carry and open carry altogether.

Continue reading “Another Reason To Consider…”

Whither the Shards of America?: It’s Us, or Them



From the sewers they come. Anti-Trump animalia beating a supporter of Trump in San Jose. They have done the same to Sanders. Anti-Trump is legitimate. Beating up his supporters is not. Us or them.

From the Drudge Report, America’s thermometer, regarding the disruption  a campaign rally for Trump:








Enough. This can’t last. If people want to demonstrate against anything at all, fine. If they detest any politician at all, fine. If they are vulgar subliterate rabble, let them be vulgar subliterate rabble where I am not. But when they run wild over and over and shut down politics, they need to be stopped, right now, with nightsticks and dogs and long jail sentences.

A country that allows a feral underclass to run unchecked, to attack and beat anyone it doesn’t like, to loot and burn and disrupt political rallies, to block highways and intimidate the citizenry, will not last. It is time to put an end to it. If we still can.

Look at them. They are the muck at the bottom of the national drains, stupid, half-educated at best, without regard for notions of law or democracy. Many couldn’t spell democracy. They need to be stopped, hard.

Continue reading “Whither the Shards of America?: It’s Us, or Them”


I find it hysterical how the left wingers accuse Trump followers of being violent and a danger to the country. They reveal their true colors more and more every day. These worthless pieces of shit proved Trump’s comments about illegal immigrants to be 100% accurate last night in the lily white Costa Mesa section of Orange County. They clashed with police, beat up innocent Trump supporters, and acted like the animals they are. These free shit army regulars will use any means necessary to keep their free shit. And Soros is funding their violence.

This is the future across our entire country. The white hard working, tax paying people of this country who are being screwed from the top by the Federal Reserve and Wall Street and from the bottom by these lowlife bottom feeding free shitters have had enough. If these free shitters attempt this type of violent behavior in our neighborhoods, there will be a lot of piled up bodies – and they won’t be white bodies.

Bring it on left wingers. You ain’t seen nothing yet.

Via Daily Mail

Police clashed with hundreds of protesters outside Donald Trump’s rally in Southern California on Thursday night.

At least one police car was smashed up as hundreds of demonstrators – many of them waving Mexican flags – took to the streets outside the Pacific Amphitheater in Costa Mesa, Orange County where Trump was speaking.

The protesters flooded the street outside the amphitheater with some stomping on cars, hurling rocks at motorists and forcefully declaring their opposition to Trump – bringing traffic to a halt and creating a tense standoff with authorities.

One Trump supporter was pictured with a bloody face after clashing with the anti-Trump activists, many of whom appeared to be young Hispanic people.

The violence in Southern California where Latinos make up a large segment of the population suggests Trump may face more of this in the days to come, as he campaigns ahead of the state’s June 7 primary.

Police in riot gear form a line to break up a group of protesters, one of whom is carrying a Mexican flag, outside Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign rally in Costa Mesa, California on Thursday

Police in riot gear form a line to break up a group of protesters, one of whom is carrying a Mexican flag, outside Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign rally in Costa Mesa, California on Thursday

This still image taken from video shows a supporter of Trump after a protest on Thursday, April 28, 2016 in Costa Mesa, Calif. Dozens of protesters were mostly peaceful Thursday as Trump gave his speech inside the Pacific Amphitheater. After the event, however, the demonstration grew rowdy late in the evening and spilled into the streets


As Seen On CraigsList: “Get Paid $15 An Hour To Protest At The Trump Rally”

The Left reveals themselves. This won’t be reported in the liberal MSM.

Tyler Durden's picture

For those wondering why Trump rallies tend to devolve to pugilistic matches, where even belligerent 15-year-old protesting (or perhaps “provocative” is a better word) girls end up getting pepper sprayed much to the media’s fascination, the answer is Craig’s List ads such as the one below, in which the “I’m feelin’ the Bern“-affiliated organizers provide paid positions for protesters at Trump rallies, and which provide not only shuttle buses, parking, and signs (as well as time cards) but also hand out $15/hour for said protest activity “due to the economic inequality.

Well that’s one way to cover the “minimum wage.”

This particular ad has since been removed by CraigsList, although as Gateway Pundit recently pointed out, this is a recurring pattern as anti-Trump protesters openly admit answering Craigslist ads and getting paid to protest at Trump rallies.

No Safe Space for the Wicked

Hat tip Francis Marion

Guest Post by Jim Goad

No Safe Space for the Wicked

One of the most inane verbal constructions in the modern leftist lexicon—right up there with “rape culture,” “white privilege,” and “transphobia”—is the idea that the piteous lambs who constantly squirm under Evil White Maledom’s pale, oppressive thumb require “safe spaces” wherein they can segregate themselves without fear of reprisal.

In a deeply personal way, I can relate. Ever since my father punched my mother in the stomach while she was pregnant with me, I suppose I’ve been a trifle touchy about having my personal space invaded.

A year or so ago right here in the typically safe confines of the Taki’s Mag comments, someone brilliantly summarized all of politics as a struggle between people who want to be left alone and people who won’t leave you the hell alone. I just want to be left alone, but that’s difficult in a world where collectivist zealots not only won’t leave you the hell alone, their blind belief that they are fighting the “good fight” makes them feel entitled not only to openly harass you, but to invade every aspect of your personal life until you’re jobless and homeless.

As with everything that hangs leftward these days, the progressives’ idea of a “safe space” is based on a rancid double standard. Just as nonwhites are deemed incapable of racism…and women cannot possibly be sexist…and gay people can’t possibly hate heterosexuals…there are to be absolutely no safe spaces for straight white males. Instead, every inch of their terrestrial and neurological territory is to be invaded, conquered, and occupied.

To my memory, the last time I can recall a large-scale white mob attacking leftists was during the Hard Hat Riots in Manhattan—and that was over 45 years ago.

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