Open Letter To All Of The Whiny Safe Space Liberals Crying Over Our ‘Racist’ And ‘Sexist’ Country

Hat Tip Westcoaster


The first half of last night was stressful. I could barely eat. Stupid Florida, always keeping us on the edge of our seats. I switched my networks around last night. I mostly relied on Fox News and Twitter. CNN wasn’t calling states as fast, and MSNBC is a last resort kind of thing. I vowed to stay away from that channel, UNLESS things started shaping up for Donald Trump.

Then the results started coming in. Flyover nation. North Carolina. Ohio. Florida? Wisconsin?!!! That’s when the wheels started falling off their wagon. That’s when I started thinking about Hillary Clinton’s defeat. I never really allowed myself to go there before. I didn’t want to get my hopes up, but my country came through. We the People are not stupid.

We the People defeated MSM. We the People defeated the establishment. We the People saved the Supreme Court. We the People rejected the power-hungry, seahag criminal in a pantsuit.

After they announced Wisconsin, commentators started to change their tune. They looked visibly nervous. Eventually, Mockarena told me it was safe to flip to MSNBC, and it was hysterical. I thought Rachel Maddow’s face was going to fall off.  I flipped back to Fox News. Juan Williams practically peed himself. I watched the cheese slide off his crackers in real time. It was something.

I scrolled through social media. Liberals were melting down. They wrote stuff like, “I don’t know how we consistently underestimated the quiet endurance of racism in America.” They whined over “flagrant sexism.” Others reposted stuff like this:

And this:

Trump won because he is racist. He won because he is sexist. He won because he is islamophobic. He won because he is homophobic.

And this:

Our country is extremely sexist. And I know it will take a man tweeting this for it to really resonate.

And this:

when you realize millions of people support a homophobic, sexist, racist, hateful person and made him the most powerful man..i’m so sick

And this:

Chloe Bennet



We did not underestimate Trump. We over estimated the sexist, racist, homophobic, incredibly ignorant American voters.

I’m sick and tired of it. I’m sick and tired of these uninformed jackholes telling me that I’m racist, sexist, Islamophobic and homophobic. They have no basis for those claims. They’re consumed by their emotions.  Do they honestly believe Hillary Clinton lost solely because she’s a woman? It couldn’t possibly have anything with her being a pathological liar who’s spent her entire life pursuing political power? It had nothing to do with the fact that America’s not satisfied with her vision for America– an America with open borders, higher taxes and more bureaucratic scumbags in D.C. telling us how to run our lives?

We’re not racist. We’re not sexist. We want people to come into this country legally. That’s not racist. Progressive leadership in the big, urban cities hasn’t pulled the black community out of poverty. It’s worsened it. Liberalism has failed them. We acknowledge that. We want them to prosper. That’s not racist. And as for being sexist? All issues are women’s issues. I have no idea why liberals continue to separate them. Do they really believe we only care about vaginas, boobs and killing our offspring? Liberals assumed we (women) would vote for Hillary based on those reasons alone. THAT’S sexist, if you ask me. Women care about the economy. We care about national security. We care about the almost $20 trillion national debt. We care about the erosion of our freedoms. We care about the future of the Supreme Court. The list goes on and on and on.

I also saw some posts on how Trump’s victory signifies that America hates the LGBT community. NEWSFLASH: We elected a man who wants to keep dangerous anti-LGBT ideologues OUT OF OUR COUNTRY. Those people who want to throw them off rooftops? We don’t want them here. We want to protect the LGBT community. The fact that we stand for traditional family values and don’t want men in the women’s bathroom doesn’t take anything away from that. Not for one second.

We’re not racist or sexist. We’re freaking SICK AND TIRED of the political establishment crapping all over the Constitution and treading on our liberty. We’re sick of them refusing to uphold the rule of law. We’re sick of being told that this is as good as it gets. We want economic freedom. We want to keep more of our hard-earned money. We want healthcare premiums that AREN’T AS MUCH AS OUR MORTGAGES. We want people to enter our country LEGALLY. We believe in peace through strength.  Faith. Freedom. Family. We’re the most kick a** country that has ever existed. All you liberals whining over our “demise,” GET OVER YOURSELVES. You’re clueless. We were founded on the novel idea that we were endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights. Rights than cannot be given or taken away by a governing authority. This was about individual liberty. We reject government force and coercion. Votes. Favors. Political power. That’s the cycle of every progressive politician. We’re done. We’re sick of it. 

Another part of Ronald Reagan’s 1964 speech, “A Time For Choosing,” comes to mind.

“Public servants say, always with the best of intentions, “What greater service we could render if only we had a little more money and a little more power.” But the truth is that outside of its legitimate function, government does nothing as well or as economically as the private sector.”


“Yet any time you and I question the schemes of the do-gooders, we’re denounced as being opposed to their humanitarian goals. It seems impossible to legitimately debate their solutions with the assumption that all of us share the desire to help the less fortunate. They tell us we’re always ‘against,’ never ‘for’ anything.”

But we are. We’re for economic prosperity. Individual responsibility. Fiscal responsibility. Less government. More freedom. We’re sick of the liberal do-gooders shoving their BS agenda down our throats and calling us bigots when we reject their horrid ideas. We’re sick of them scoffing at the principles of liberty.

Donald Trump is America’s middle finger to the media, Hollywood elites, progressive ideologues and everyone else in the world who hates our guts.

I’m drinking the tears of our political enemies in a mug today and loving every minute of it. We defeated them. We have one more chance to prove that our ideas work. We’re right. We always have been.

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November 12, 2016 10:37 am

I love this. I am sharing this with 12 hillbillies.

November 12, 2016 10:39 am


November 12, 2016 10:40 am

Sometime I wish a leftist would explain why all those things that made us the greatest, freest, most prosperous nation on earth, one without which most of the world’s population might not even exist or only live at minimal subsistence levels without hope for more, one which has carried the idea of personal freedom and rights to become and do what you choose to become and do instead of what you are told to become and do to the rest of the world, one which respects individual life instead only the ruling elite’s lives as important, bad things.

November 12, 2016 10:46 am

Because they’ve never NOT had all of that so they don’t know why they can do what they can do right now.

It won’t be until they aren’t sure where they are in the jungle, what might eat them, and whether there is anything safe to eat or drink that they will think “Maybe I took a wrong turn somewhere.”

This is why it’s good to have some form of initiation ritual where you *at least* kick the boys out of the tribe and into the wilderness (with supervision the boy doesn’t know is there of course) and make them understand how life and freedom are made possible. Through a combination of individual focus and intelligence first, then through shared effort with like minded people who understand what real oppression and fear are.

Once the boy has demonstrated he can do this he can be allowed into the lowest rungs of the adult world and will be grateful. Those that don’t make it will be beasts of burden for the day care and the extremely loving and talented women who run it when they know their men are Men and what happens “out there” when they aren’t working together.

November 12, 2016 10:53 am

Over the next 5-20 years it is going to become both socially and scientifically obvious that what Leftism really is is the mind of a child in the body of an adult. It isn’t a philosophy, it’s a stunted ability to think through cause and effect. They never leave the “mimic the people around you that seem important or popular” stage of emotion and thought.

Which is why you are going to see a LOT of people start parroting what the alt-right has been saying, but without actually understanding it. This is going to cause the alt-right platform a lot of problems. Those of us who have been pounding the liberty and freedom of association and race realism and gender realism etc trees before Ron Paul had finally broken through the narrative just a little will have to stay focused on the foundation as the public narrative gets VERY messy for the next couple of years while all these children try to rapidly suck up to their NEW “I wanna be cool and in power like you” cool kids to follow.

November 12, 2016 10:43 am

Kiki doesn’t hold back. Make her the mayor of Bluestown, America.

Sibyl S.
Sibyl S.
November 12, 2016 11:06 am

The leftist fascist media are gas-lighting, speaking opposite of truth, pretending victimhood.

Expect this to build to a crescendo with wider spread violence until Obama calls for martial law and/or directs the Electoral college to vote according to Hillary’s (fraudulent) popular vote win.

All of us know that Democrat votes do not equal Democrat voters. So many dead, people voting multiple times, illegals and now felons voting, etc. Democrats know and employ a dozen ways to cheat in elections.

Rise Up
Rise Up
  Sibyl S.
November 12, 2016 2:13 pm

Come on, Sybil…you know Obammy can’t direct the Electoral College. Besides, he already started handing the reins to Trump, if only informally.

The electors meet on December 19 to cast their separate votes for President and Vice-President.

November 12, 2016 11:44 am

The Joos own the media and they know everything with respect to social conditioning revolves around status. If you wear Plimp Soles, visit art museums frequently and have the latest iPad even though you can’t afford it on your $12 hr job pouring coffee at Starbucks, you will perceive yourself as spritialy transformative to women.

If your a Mexican if you drive the biggest truck that you can’t afford what diffence does it make if you can get laid. If you don’t, you won’t be respected among the Macismo crowd.

I can go on and on but you get the picture. We have to attack the lefts Status symbols of Lebron James and Starbucks( Schultz) and Amazon (Bezos) and Dallas Mavericks(Cuban)

November 12, 2016 12:46 pm

Waste of good bandwidth. You can not reason with people who are not capable of rational thought. They do not ” think ” they ” feel ” and mistake this action for thought.

Your audience here already knows all this shit. Find a guy in a BLM shirt and explain it to him. Better yet offer him more money than soros ( I hear going rate is $80 per day and access to a legal fund ) and have them picket the DNC office…..

November 12, 2016 1:10 pm

It gets written here and shared or copied/pasted.

The election went this way because of wastes of bandwidth like this happening billions of times for the past couple of decades reaching people one thought at a time, one day at a time, etc.

It’s been the slow methodical burn of reason one gear click at a time that turns this tide and has built a foundation that was strong enough to withstand the full frontal assault that remember included actual acts of violence that have gone unanswered… that happened to Trump and all of us at the same time.

November 12, 2016 4:22 pm

That’s funny!

November 12, 2016 1:20 pm

The progressives learn from their mistakes when it comes to politics.They will be back with a vengeance when the next election comes around.

They are an enemy to be taken seriously. Especially their political strategy.

November 12, 2016 1:46 pm

“Especially their political strategy.”

Lies and bribes and violence.

November 12, 2016 4:23 pm


November 12, 2016 5:07 pm

Hah! Nice. I think we can make it perfect.

Lies, Graft, Butthurt, Terror, Quackery

November 13, 2016 12:22 pm

I read an article before the election that said, “if Hillary is elected she will put in place laws to ensure that voter fraud will continue forever, and no conservative will ever be elected again.”

So, Mr. Trump needs to put laws in place, to ensure that committing voter fraud is impossible to do, perhaps with stronger penalties, so elections will be fair forever…

On the other hand, is it possible that conservatives are too fair for their own good?

After all, this Country is not a Democracy, but a Constitutional Republic! In fact the word Democracy cannot be found in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, or any of the Constitutions of the States.

So what does the Constitution say? Article IV, section 4. of the US Constitution says, The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion;

So the Law says we are to have a Republican form of Government, and it doesn’t mention Democracy at all.

That can only mean that a Democratic form of Government is Unconstitutional.
Which means the Democratic party is Unconstitutional, so I guess the Party is over for the Democrats.

But in spite of all that, I guess we should try to be fair and offer Rachel Maddow, and the rest of the Libtard morons a fair alternative, they can leave the Country, or face summary execution…

November 12, 2016 3:19 pm

Ran across this link at ZH. Awsome rant by some UK Liberal talk show host who, except for his disdain of Donald Trump, absolutely nails what’s wrong with the left and why they lost. It’s well worth the 2 minutes to watch him…

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 12, 2016 4:27 pm

I have a new answer for anyone who asks why I voted for Trump:
“I don’t vote for warmongers.”

November 12, 2016 5:20 pm

The brainwashing of the masses is beginning to scare me. They are brainwashed because they are ignorant about history, economics, and human nature. They have learned to be passive thinkers as well. In this state they possess no cognitive tools to help them separate reality from propaganda.

Years ago I was reading the philosophy of a certain history curriculum. The early years in school were to be devoted to learning facts, not doing group “analysis” or other abstract conceptual activities that are so popular now. The argument was that in order to perform critical thinking tasks, the students needed to know things before they could think about them in any kind of higher-level way. “Before they can think, they have to have something to think about.”

I had a brief discussion about the election with a mature, professional mainstream kind of woman today. We disagreed over who was the bigger liar, Trump or Hillary. She knew Trump was the bigger liar because she read a study from Princeton that proved it. Ah yes, Princeton! That bastion of counterculture thought producing the easily-triggered snowflakes.

The Big Picture is quite elusive to some high I.Q. people. Deluded idiots.

November 12, 2016 5:41 pm

I just finished having lunch with a former co-worker. He had actually come to me saying “I had an epiphany the night after the election that I haven’t been listening.” I smiled at him… and he said that he’s frustrated because he can see the problem, but he’s seeing all these incidents of violence.

I asked him why he’s frustrated, it should be part of the epiphany. Then he said “Well why do Trump supporters need to assault people after winning?”

My jaw was on the floor. I asked him if he was confusing the riots and protests and guy being dragged from his car on video as being trump supporters doing them? He said he hadn’t even heard of those things.

Here was a guy who was already going through his own “Oh shit, I’ve been wrong all along” and TODAY he still hadn’t heard of any of the violence and protests by Hillary supporters.

He then said he had another epiphany… he lives in a bubble. I smiled and we hugged as we said goodbye after a couple more hours of conversation.

Be willing to talk to the ones who will. Do not budge an inch for them trying to squeeze in the Curse Words (racism, sexism, homophobia, etc). Do not accept it and if they insist CUT OFF communication and outgroup them. I refused to let him fall back on his easy outs, and he was grateful for it by the end of it.

This election was a gigantic slap in the old fashioned sense. An act of aggression done out of love for someone who has started blubbering nonsense and gone totally unhinged.

November 12, 2016 7:24 pm

“We’re not racist or sexist”

I dont know. This week has got me really questioning that. The behavior of women in particular has been extremely disappointing. Listening to all their non-arguments is very tiresome. At some point you have to conclude that women (in general) simply are not as cut out for politics.

And then there’s the ghetto shit going on. How many videos of whites being beaten up by blacks and being dragged away with their arms stuck in the frickin window of their OWN FRICKIN CAR do you have to see before you start to actually become racist? I submit that for the QOTD tomorrow.

November 12, 2016 7:51 pm

How many? 1.

When I asked the person above who had realized he lived in a bubble if they had heard of the knockout game. He had not. He however firmly believed in white on black violence. He was doubting himself during the conversation but the term “knockout game” was only a vague memory of something he might have heard someone else say.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 12, 2016 10:29 pm

After he recovers from / assimilates this conversation, ask him to look up the following Internet memes:
John Podesta / Spiritual Cooking
Mena, Arkansas / Arkancide
Regulations on Classified Information
Murder Rates and Demographics of Chicago Homicides, 2009 – 2016
The Little Black Book of Communism
He may be sad for a decade or two, but that’s what happens when you defer your education past adolescence.

November 13, 2016 8:08 am

I don’t have cable so I don’t watch main stream news at home.
We were on vacation in Zion election day. My wife was working on payroll, I was working on a blueprint while I had msnbc on and the wifi was excruciatingly slooooowwww.

It was a beautiful thing to watch the liberal meltdown, rachel in tears, the other progressive fucknuts in shock. We turned the boobtoob off at 1:15 am.

The alarm went off at 5:30 am so we could be on the trail before sunrise, my bride turned on the news, I had already checked my phone to see Trump had won, she was just as shocked as me.

msnbc had some jerkoff commentator on, rambling on and on about the raycist, hate filled America that had just elected Trump.
My beautiful wife said FuckYouAsshole to the t.v. and commented that this, this media, is what is truly wrong with America and a man like Trump just might be the leader to plow us through this fourth turning.
We have some fucked in the head people in this country thanks to our fucked in the head media.

The following is from my cousins daughter on FB, my God, I’m so glad Trump won in so many ways, but I never thought I would feel so much joy in reading shit like this on social media. I live in Muskegon County, MI, the only west side county to go for hilory.

“I’m tired of being silent. I’m tired of trying to not make people uncomfortable. If you voted for Trump you voted for someone who does not respect me because I am black, a woman, and queer.
You voted for someone who has been endorsed by the KKK and other hate groups who have now come out of the woodwork and think that their hatred, bigotry, and violence is ok. You voted for my body to be policed by my government instead of by me. You voted for my friends to be harassed, abused, and told to “go back to where they came from”. You voted for a guy who’s VP thinks you can electrocute the gay out of someone. It’s not even about Trump or Pence guys. It’s about the horrible, racist, violent, homophobic, misogynistic people who voted for him and now think that BECAUSE Trump is president that they will have no repercussions to their actions.

I’m scared for my friends and family. I’m scared for myself. I’m furious with all of you.

If you voted for Trump, unfriend me. Seriously. I don’t care if we’re family. I don’t care if we’re super good friends. UNFRIEND ME. Your vote for Trump means you were more concerned about keeping your guns and Hilary’s emails than you were about my physical and mental safety. Don’t pretend to care about women. Don’t pretend to care about people of color. Don’t pretend to care about me. Just unfriend me. I’m done with you.”

So fucking what? I did not unfriend the little (actually she is fat as heck) cupcake, I enjoy the social media meltdown as much as I enjoy the media meltdown.