Five ‘Simple yet Effective’ Tips to Boost Your Longevity

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Simple changes can significantly influence overall health and longevity. Nearly 70% of people across five generations said they would like to live 100 years, but not if they had terrible health, were a burden on their family, or if they had serious cognitive loss
  • Training specialist David Wiener found five effective choices to help achieve that goal, beginning with keeping your brain active using games, concentration skills, keeping a gratitude journal, going for daily walks and reaching out to loved ones
  • Fresh air and sunshine can help lift your mood and optimize your vitamin D levels, which decreases your risk of metabolic syndrome, Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Sleep reduces your risk of heart disease and stroke
  • Chronic stress can lead to medical conditions that shorten your lifespan. Exercise is generally acknowledged as leading to a healthier life, but exercising in the late morning hours can support greater benefits than exercising at other times of the day
  • Each of these five simple strategies can make a significant difference in your overall health and longevity. Perhaps the most important factor, however, is reducing your linoleic acid (LA) intake, as LA is a potent metabolic poison when consumed in excess

Longevity and the Fountain of Youth have been a focus of human thought and experiment for centuries. Researchers are fascinated by the topic. A quick search on PubMed reveals over 62,000 results for research studies that include the term “longevity”1 and over 150 studies listed on

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8 Simple Rules America’s Longest-Living People Follow

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Lifestyle choices made by Seventh-day Adventists appear to extend life by up to 10 years for some. Several studies were done in a cohesive population in Loma Linda, California, in which the researchers had a 90% response rate and higher throughout the data collection
  • The study identified five factors the researchers believe were responsible for the significant differences in longevity between Seventh-day Adventist participants and others living in the same geographical area. These factors include never smoking, lower body weight, vegetarian diet and exercising more than their counterparts
  • Eliza Cheng, nutritionist from California, created the acronym N.E.W. S.T.A.R.T. to help her clients remember eight simple strategies used by Seventh-day Adventists to remain healthy
  • The strategies include eight principles that are well documented and supported by research, including nutrition, exercise, water, sunshine, temperance, air, rest and trust
  • For those interested in taking further steps, consider eating enough mushrooms and connective tissue or collagen, supplementing the semi-essential amino acid taurine, and taking control of your gut microbiome

People have been searching for a way to lengthen life for centuries. Research1 into the lifestyle choices made by people in the Seventh-day Adventist church has identified several factors contributing to their long lives, with men living an average 7.3 years longer and women an average 4.4 years longer than non-Adventists in the same geographical area.

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Which Lifestyle Changes Can Make You Live Longer?

Via ZeroHedge

Lifestyle and habits can have a big effect on our health – and our life expectancy. A recently released study that followed U.S. veterans of the age group 40 to 99 between the years 2011 and 2019 is attempting to show just how much.

As Statista’s Katharina Buchholz details below, according to mortality trends collected among 719,147 veterans and lifestyle factors assessed among 276,132, being physically active lowered the risk of death among the sample population the most – by 46 percent – opposite someone with no healthy habits and factors.

Infographic: Which Lifestyle Changes Can Make You Live Longer? | Statista Continue reading “Which Lifestyle Changes Can Make You Live Longer?”