Stucky QOTD: Lone Wolf in a Binary World

Ms. Freud is a lifelong Demoncrap …. something I did not know until after she hooked me in her clutches.

Ms Freud’s son (the stockbroker) and his wife (corporate lawyer) don’t like Trump because he’ll upset the status quo.  They LOVE the status quo … for them, life in America is f.a.n.t.a.s.t.i.c.!!

My mom and dad think Trump is just a Big Fat Liar.  (However, there may be hope for dad.  I was watching TV with him on Friday … and when the Munich shootings came up he said;  “Goddammit, Germany needs a Trump!! France needs a Trump! All Europe needs a Trump!!!”  Seriously.)

My seester (and, husband) is a fucking libtard nutjob unlike anything you can imagine. She would vote for Satan if he ran as a Demoncrap …. and she’s going to get her wish with Hillcunt.)

Son #2 told me yesterday he does not like Trump because he’s “hateful and bigoted“.  He’s going to write in Kasich. Really.

I am a Lone Wolf drowning in a Sea of Stupidity. This is how I feel about them sometimes …

Q1:  Are you a Lone Wolf in your family also?  How do you survive?


Fact #1:  One of two people will be America’s next POTUS; Hillcunt or Trump.

Fact #2: I am NOT crazy about Donald.  I am NOT a Trump-eteer.

Fact #3:  Hillcunt is an un-convicted felon. She is pure evil. She will complete Oreo’s plan to fundamentally change Amerika … and utterly destroy what is left. This election will determine America’s fate.

Fact #4:  This can only mean one thing.  Despite Trump’s shortcomings, he is one thousand times better than the Wicked Witch of Kankles.

Fact #5:  The choice is binary.  Any vote not for Donald, is a vote for Hillcunt.

Fact #6: Those who are not with us (Trump), are against us.

Conclusion:  Those who are against us, are our enemies.

Q2:  Am I right?