Stucky QOTD: What If It’s Really “Muslim” … and NOT “mooslim-fuk”?

I will NEVER respect Islam as a religion. Their holy book (Koran) is incredibly boring, highly repetitive, and filled with nonsensical gobbledegook befitting of only backwards 7th century desert dwellers. It’s is worse than evil, it is (or, should be) irrelevant.

But, the article below is about its followers, Muslims. One fine quote (of several) to ponder is this;

“It is logical to conclude that if even 1% [18 million] were dedicated to terrorism and the “conquest of infidels,” the war would have ended in their favor long ago.”

Why is Russia the only non-Muslim nation with greater than 10% Muslims, yet they generally get along quite well? (It has NOTHING to do with supposed Russian “brutality”)

What if “radical Islam” really is an invention of our owners?

What if there really are moderate Muslims?

What if everything, or mostly everything,  we (no, I) believe about “mooslim-fuks’ is wrong? What shall we then do?

No, those aren’t the questions of the day.  Feel free to address them if you wish but, there is only one question at the end of the article …. which I hope you find interesting enough to challenge your assumptions.

Continue reading “Stucky QOTD: What If It’s Really “Muslim” … and NOT “mooslim-fuk”?”

Paris BURNS.

60 dead ….. 100 hostages ……. probably hundreds wounded …….. and Admin is posting funny Friday pics.  lol  The rest of you are jerking off somewhere.


They haven’t said yet …. but, it’s probably MOOSLIMS, ya think? Deport them ALL.  Yeah, riiight.  French pussies are getting the fruit of the tree they planted.

Obama spoke to our country.  I couldn’t bear to listen.  I’ll bet he tried his best to look all serious and sad.  Probably said we’ll stand by France and will help in any way possible.  I think that means we’ll bomb Mali.

NYC is taking “precautions”.  Amerikan pussies.

Well, what do say?  Should the USA!USA!USA! take in 100,000 Syrians?  Won’t that be fun?  Or should we just build a fence, and deport all the mooslim-fuks we got?

A Mooslim Free Zone. NICE!!!

Some websites are issuing a call to spread the word that the Obama administration is determined not to allow this American patriot to — OHMIGOD!! — offend Muslims.  Will do!

When sickfuk mooslim murders five American servicemen  …. the Pentagon suggests that recruiting offices keep their window blinds closed from now on. (see “NOTE” below)

But, offend a mooslim? CALL IN THE ARTILLERY!!!

The Head Nigger In Charge announced that the Just Us Department would launch a civil rights investigation into this man’s establishment.


His interview with the CuNNt whore.


NOTE:  See article titled — “Here’s The UNREAL Thing The Pentagon Wants Military Recruiters TO Do Instead Of Being Armed” —-