Guest Post by Hardscrabble Farmer

I have no evidence that this will work for anyone other than myself, but I offer it as an alternative because it does work for me.

Be the example you wish someone would set. If you disapprove of some behavior or belief, then cut it out of your own life first. Against processed foods from Big Ag? Stop eating it. Hate lying phonies? Tell the truth and be yourself however humble and inconsequential that may be. Dislike the cancel culture and the rising Stasi state?

Stop talking about your opponents and railing against their words and actions, rather eschew all forms of gossip and mendacity. Exhausted by the alienation of a population divided by the plandemic? Be friendly to strangers, stop and help when you know someone needs it, expect nothing in return.

I know it feels like you’re on your own right now, but the truth is that you always have been. Those people in the halls of government have only as much impact on your life as you are willing to concede to them. Stop worrying about what they will do and start focusing on what you can do. Learn, then teach. Feed yourself first, then feed someone else with your surplus.

Learn to shrug off what you cannot control and how to master the skills that are present in your own life. Every time a statue comes down of someone who helped build this country, erect a shrine to them in your heart and recount their accomplishments and deeds to the youngsters in your orbit whenever an opportunity presents itself. Tired of incivility? Be gracious and polite. Disgusted by the obese monsters that scrawl on their own bodies to deface themselves? Treat your own like the temple it is.

There is far more that you can do than what they prohibit. Focus on that.

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