NEWSGUARD — The “Ministry of Truth” cancer is finally exposed so it can be excised

Via State of the Nation

Editor’s Note: There is an extremely dangerous and deadly cancer eating away at the First Amendment which must be excised from the American Republic forever.  That fatal carcinogenic entity, which is slowly killing free speech across the USA, is known as NewsGuard.

There’s no better way to understand the not-so-well-hidden agenda behind NewsGuard than to follow the money.  After all, who would ever financially support such a transparent “Ministry of Truth” except those control freaks who have a strong interest to censor the raw and radioactive truth.  Well, here they are:


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Ominous New ‘Fact Checker’ Approves MSM Lies to Start Wars While Attacking Alternative Media

Via The Free Thought Project

A new level of “fact checking” and “fake news” counter attacks are coming. This time, however, it won’t just be on Facebook or Twitter or Google, it will be internet and device wide. This fact checking service is being sold to the public under the name “NewsGuard” but the only thing it appears to be guarding is the establishment.

Newsguard attempts to set itself outside of the other allegedly “unbiased” fact checkers like Snopes and Politifact by setting out to monetarily cripple independent media sites by having their ads pulled.

“By licensing the NewsGuard ratings, advertisers limit their advertising, including programmatic advertising, to sites that meet the NewsGuard criteria. Advertisers use this data and related information about sites to craft efficient—and safe—ad campaigns,” their website reads.

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