A Different Standard For Heroes

Guest Post by Eric Peters

A guy drives his Jeep with extreme recklessness, swerving around cars stopped at a red light to try to bully his way through the red light and piles into a car trying to make a legal left-hand turn. Guy’s Jeep does a barrel roll and ejects the not-buckled-up-for-safety driver, killing him. The other car’s driver manages by sheer good luck to survive the wreck.hose hero

This happened yesterday in Roanoke, Va. (news story here).

As it turns out, the now-deceased Jeep driver was a Hose Hero – a fireman. Also a former Hero of America’s Fight Fer Freedom (to slaughter the enemies of Uncle or whoever just happens to be there) in Afghanistan.

Which probably explains the odd muteness of the chorus.

You know. The media and the politicians. Who – had the Jeep driver not been a Hero but rather just some guy who was in a hurry to get to work (the apparent reason for the Jeep driver’s actions, according to news reports) would surely have erupted in keening outrage at the recklessness of the driver, his indifference to human life. (See, for contrast, the coverage of a woman who was not a Hero but killed a construction worker by cutting him in two with her car.)

Instead, there is this:

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