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Sanctions On Russia Come Back To Bite Their Issuers

Guest Post by Moon of Alabama

Unlike ‘western’ politicians I try to think ahead of the consequences certain foreign relation policies might have.

On March 9 2022 I predicted:

The Sanction Backlash Will Push The ‘West’ To Accept Russia’s Demands

For years the U.S. committed policies that have left a lot of countries grumbling. Now, as the U.S. needs support to milden the consequences of ‘punishing’ Russia, those policies come back to bite. So will the secondary effects of sanctions the ‘west’ has imposed on Russia.

The first [map] shows the countries which banned Russian airplanes from their airspace. Russia in turn denied its airspace to operators from those countries. It will cost quite a bit for U.S. and EU airlines as their flight times and cost to and from Asia, which typically fly through Russian airspace, will now increase. Carriers from Asian countries will now easily out-compete U.S. and European airlines on these routes.


A year later the Financial Times and Fortune finally wake up to the issue:

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Putin Announcing He May Nationalize All Foreign Corporation Assets who Left Russia

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Putin seeking 'legal solutions' to seize assets of Western companies exiting Russia | Fortune

Putin has announced that he endorses a plan to nationalize foreign-owned businesses that flee the country over its invasion of Ukraine. This is signaling to the West that he can also play the same game. Putin’s approval of the plan is scheduled to be discussed in Russia’s parliament Friday. Now even Goldman Sachs said it was “winding down” its business in Russia, following hundreds of other Western firms that have closed or suspended operations. Since the West is confiscating private assets, all is fair in love and war as they say.

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The New Russian Sanctions Bill Is Washington’s Monument To Its Criminality

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The Congress of the United States by almost unanimous votes in both House and Senate has made it clear that Congress had rather destroy the President of the United States and to increase the risk of nuclear war than to avoid conflict with Russia by normalizing relations. The vote on the new sanctions makes it pointless for President Trump to veto the bill, because it passed both houses by far more than the two-thirds vote required to over-ride the president’s veto. The only thing Trump can achieve with a veto is to prove the false charge that he is in league with Vladimir Putin.

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Lifting of Sanctions Could Be Costly To Russia

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Tweets on social media say Trump is about to lift the sanctions placed on Russia by the Obama regime. Being a showman, Trump would want to make this announcement himself, not have it made for him by someone outside his administration. Nevertheless, the social media tweets are a good guess.

Reports are that Trump and Putin will speak tomorrow. The conversation cannot avoid the issue of sanctions.

Trump during his first week has moved rapidly with his agenda. He is unlikely to delay lifting the sanctions. Moreover, there is no cost to Trump of lifting them. The sanctions have no support in the US and Western business communities. The only constituency for the sanctions were the neoconservatives who are not included in the Trump administration. Victoria Nuland, Susan Rice, Samantha Power are gone along with much of the State Department. So there is nothing in Trump’s way.

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