Dangerous? Not So Much

Guest Post by Todd Hayen

There is so much arm flapping going on from us shrews to get sheep attention that it can become rather annoying.

I have used the Chicken Little analogy before: we are all running around getting continually bonked on the head by falling acorns it isn’t funny, “Look! look! look! The sky is falling!! People are dropping in droves! Death, disease, mayhem! Why don’t you see it???”

But what is it really that we are seeing that they are not? We believe it is proof that what we have been saying since day one is truth. From the extreme that they are intentionally trying to eliminate most of the population on earth, to a slightly watered-down accusation that their vaccine is far more dangerous than intended and people have to stop taking it because A) it doesn’t work as advertised and B) it is not as safe as they assured us it was.

What the sheep see is slightly different. First of all, they will never buy the genocide angle unless they have to wade through dead bodies, literally, to get to the store to buy some eggs (which won’t be there because all those responsible for eggs on the shelves are also dead).

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