Dear Senator McCain, You & Hillary Are The Problem

Submitted by Michael Shedlock via,

Senator John McCain is the biggest warmonger on the planet, next to Hillary Clinton of course.

Ironically, McCain has an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal today that proclaims Stop Assad Now—Or Expect Years of War.

Like Hillary who wants a no-fly zone over Syria, McCain says “Ground the regime’s air force, create safe zones for Syrian civilians, and arm the opposition.”

McCain: America’s intrepid secretary of state has now taken the meaningless step of suspending talks with Russia over Syria. Meanwhile, Mr. Assad and Mr. Putin are creating military facts on the ground in Syria that will enable them to dictate the terms of a peace secured by carnage. They have decimated coalition-backed Syrian groups, slaughtered countless civilians, consolidated the Syrian regime’s hold on power, and even struck a United Nations humanitarian-aid convoy. And they have done all of this with no consequences. Thus the war grinds on.

  • Mish: Dear Senator, how many innocent civilians were slaughtered in Iraq in a needless war you sponsored? How many in Afghanistan? How many innocent victims has US drone policy killed? And for that matter, how many innocent people have died in Syria because the US backed Al Qaeda terrorists? Can we please have an accounting?

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Wikileaks: McCain plotting to shoot down American plane in Syria to blame Russia

If an Amerikan plane is shot down, or even just damaged in Syria, you can be 99% sure it’s a false flag  I can’t imagine the Russians shooting at an American plane, can you? Shitstain McCain needs to be tried ….. AND SHOT for treason.


translated from Russian by Kristina Rus

“M.”: Mikhail Saakashvili, ex-president of Georgia, Odessa region governor

“K.”: David Kezerashvili – former head of financial police and minister of defense of Georgia. Wanted for embezzling state funds

“G”: Anton Gerashenko – people’s deputy of Ukraine in faction “People’s Front”, secretary of Verkhovnaya Rada committee on issues of legal basis of law enforcement. Advisor to the minister of interior, Arsen Avakov, resident agent of US special services

“R.”: Ramzan Machelikashvili – cousin of Ruslan Machelikashvili, infamous field commander of Islamic State, callsign Seyfullakh. Commander of special anti-aircraft unit, received special training in the ATO zone. Anti-aircraft specialist sent to Syria.

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The corrupt pussies in the Senate took their bribes and their orders from their puppeteers and passed the Patriot Act, as expected. Shitstain McCain led the charge in shredding the 4th Amendment. He is a traitor and should be treated as one. Only one Senator made a stand.

“Are we going to so blithely give up our freedom? Are we going to so blindly go along and take it? I’m not going to take it anymore. I don’t think the American people are going to take it anymore.” – Rand Paul

“The Patriot Act will expire tonight but they will ultimately get their way… But if you go into the general public you will find that over 80% of people over ago 40 think that the government collecting your phone records is wrong and shouldn’t occur” – Rand Paul

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Rand Speech 1 (before the vote)


Speech 2 (post vote)

“Some of the people here hope there is an attack on the United States so they can blame it on me”

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