The corrupt pussies in the Senate took their bribes and their orders from their puppeteers and passed the Patriot Act, as expected. Shitstain McCain led the charge in shredding the 4th Amendment. He is a traitor and should be treated as one. Only one Senator made a stand.

“Are we going to so blithely give up our freedom? Are we going to so blindly go along and take it? I’m not going to take it anymore. I don’t think the American people are going to take it anymore.” – Rand Paul

“The Patriot Act will expire tonight but they will ultimately get their way… But if you go into the general public you will find that over 80% of people over ago 40 think that the government collecting your phone records is wrong and shouldn’t occur” – Rand Paul

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Rand Speech 1 (before the vote)


Speech 2 (post vote)

“Some of the people here hope there is an attack on the United States so they can blame it on me”

*  *  *

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May 31, 2015 9:56 pm

Are we going to take it…you bet we are . We’re going to return 98% of the douche bags in CONgress back into office when election time comes around. We’re going to allow them to spend trillions more than they take in. We allowed them to create the Homeland Security and use it as an arm of the military .We’re going to allow the NSA to snoop on every electronic form of communication even though the snooping they do hasn’t by their own admission prevented one terrorist act .We’re going to take it when the Federal Reserve creates bubbles that destroy our economy and through inflation destroys our buying power . We’re going to take it when unelected bureaucrats write regulations that regulate every aspect of our lives . We’re going to take it when these same bureaucratic enforcers tell us that we don’t even own the rain that falls on our land. But one day…maybe one we’ll finally say enough is enough and I hope I’m alive to see that day .

May 31, 2015 10:12 pm

There are four elected conservatives in the Congress that I can name. Rand Paul, Justin Amash, Thomas Massie (whom I know personally), and Walter Jones. The rest are corrupt neocon trash.

May 31, 2015 10:29 pm

Am I surprised? No. Am I sad? Yes.

Is there really any doubt that our politicians are bought and paid for… except for a very miniscule few, PERHAPS… and I really believe that if push came to shove… those few would either get on board or get run over.

May 31, 2015 10:46 pm

Rand started out looking kind of weak… it seemed he wasn’t his father’s son…

He’s really stepped up. I am actually impressed.

He might be the one guy who is – temporarily – not corrupted in Mordor. Yet. Or isn’t corrupted as badly as the others…

Either way, I’m thinking the guy would make a damn sight better President than anyone else… especially that fat fuck Christie, Hitlery, etc…

May 31, 2015 10:57 pm

Z, let’s not forget jeff sessions and dave brat. Of note, zero democrats voted against the patriot act renewal. Zero

Bea Leaver
Bea Leaver
May 31, 2015 11:41 pm

No matter how good the intentions of Rand Paul and maybe another two or three decent people on the hill, I say nothing will change not even if Rand were elected president. Nothing stops the owners script, Ron Paul never stopped any of their evil legislation to enslave the citizens of this country in the nearly thirty years he was in government. I see Rand to be pretty much the same guy as his father, honorable but ineffective. No one can save us but ourselves.

June 1, 2015 12:40 am

The (ironically named) Patriot Act did not stop the two scumbags from attempting to stifle free speech in TX. Only a well armed and ready True Patriot did…….I’ll most likely be targeted as an “agitator” for posting this, but I’m well fucked tired of all the PC bullshit in this Kunt-ry. It’s time to stand up and let everybody know that the real enemy is anyone that believes “hate speech” isn’t free speech.

“When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” – Thomas Jefferson – Ironically, I am now branded as a dissident for quoting one of our founding fathers.

You’ll here it here first, they say, “freedom isn’t free.” I say, “Liberty isn’t Safe.”

Safety is being locked up in jail, in isolation where no one can harm you, much like veal, waiting for the slaughter.

Joseph Carroll
Joseph Carroll
June 1, 2015 6:36 am

?????? Patriot Act expired.

Rise Up
Rise Up
June 1, 2015 8:07 am

This is the mentality of people blindly following their leaders, and even acknowledging their own death if necessary!:–SZ6esm61

Rise Up
Rise Up
June 1, 2015 8:13 am

(only meant for the 1st video as an example…not the entire playlist).

June 1, 2015 8:21 am

whenever I hear a politician declare ” let us be very clear”, I instinctively know that a load of bullshit will follow.

June 1, 2015 10:08 pm

It grows ever more apparent every day that a cabal assumed control of the U.S. just before 9/11. The same bunch of neo-cons are running things today. Until they’re removed, they will continue with their fascist plans. And since power is all about control, monitoring us like lab rats is part of their program.