Image created by a Japanese neurologist. It stays still when you are calm. It begins to move when you experience a slight amount of pressure. It moves like a carousel when under a great deal of stress.

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Via Automatic Earth

Are Americans Strong Enough To Take On the World?

Guest Post by Jenny Travens

Last November, American Psychological Association released its report ‘Stress In America’.  In total, 3440 adults over 18, were surveyed which included 1376 men and 2047 women. The sampling size was mixed including Whites, Blacks, Asian and Hispanics.

The findings were as expected but somewhat interesting too.

In almost all its surveys during the last decade or so, APA rated ‘Work’ and ‘Money’ on top of stress factors list.

It would have been interesting to know how people in other countries would have fared in a similar survey but I am still confident that stability in career along with money would have made to the top five.

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