Our Family Covid Recovery Story

Guest Post by Mark

Over Two weeks of sudden hard hitting ambush shedding sickness…how we implemented my plan for Covid home treatment…and a desperate Anti-Body Fusion WILD CARD HAIL MARY…Caught in the End Zone!



My buddy Glock-N-Load (AKA Donkey Balls and a Wondering Wip) asked me to tell this story and Admin agreed…so here it is. I hope it helps someone else deal with Covid and dealing with the Medical Industrial Complex threatening us all through sins of treatment commissions…and treatment omissions.

The Family Covid Risk Factors

I’m a few weeks from 72, my wife is 66, and my father in law is 88. My wife and I have no co-morbidities…zero.  I don’t know another couple our age in the positive weight/shape we both are in. Still…the Covid Bio Weapon (that is what I believe it is) hit us hard and fast.

My father in law fights high blood pressure, glaucoma, occasional skin cancers, has had prostate cancer (successfully treated 5 years ago) serious hearing loss, is about 25 lbs. overweight, and has occasional gout. His heart is strong…he is a tough former Marine Korean War Vet…and his mind is razor sharp.

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