Guest Post by Ben Garrison

Our president is a terrorist. At least, he seems to be allowing it into the country via the import of thousands of Syrian ‘refugees.’ Most of them are young men of military age. Many are radical muslims who are intolerant of any other culture or religion. Many seem to enjoy cutting off heads and blowing stuff up.

We should have listened to Ron Paul and stayed out of Middle East turmoils. Instead Obama has decided to aid and support Syrian rebels, a group that spun off ISIS. So we are supporting a group from which ISIS came from and then we’re battling that same group in Iraq and elsewhere. Obama is also battling ISIS along with Russia because they are supporting Hassad and also battling ISIS while at the same time Obama wants to depose Hassad and risk WWIII with Russia and…well, it gets confusing, doesn’t it?

It may all be intentional. By flooding Europe and the West with radical Muslims, division and conflict are created. We just saw the results in Paris. Now Obama wants to bring that hullabaloo to America. He’s of like-mind with the terrorists. America has neither the need nor obligation to import people from war-torn countries. There’s plenty of room in Saudi Arabia for them to go—but of course the Saudis say ‘No!’ In the Middle East, there is contstant strife. Shiites vs. Sunnis. Hezbollah vs. ISIS and Israel vs. Iraq and Palestinians vs. Israel and Russia and Assad vs. al Qaeda and Iran vs. Saudi Arabia…and then throw in the Kurds…well it goes on and on, doesn’t it? Obama wants to bring it here. Perhaps his masters want that to happen in order to break up countries, thus helping them to usher in globalism and a one-world religion—probably Islam. No thanks, Obama. Obama is most likely a Muslim himself. So, Obama…if you want to ‘welcome’ in people who want to blow us up, why not invite them to your place? Let them camp out on the White House lawn. YOU pay for their well-being.

Oh—and you won’t be confiscating our guns before the end of your term, either.


Make sure you welcome these fun loving Syrian Muslim radicals with open arms. Obama has ISIS contained and there is nothing to worry about. What are a few hundred thousand uneducated, unemployable, worshipers of a religion of hate going to do that’s so bad? Once they are in Section 8 housing, with free cable, subsidized utilities, getting food stamps, SSDI, student loans, and Obama phones, all thoughts of jihad will dissipate.


10,000 Syrians Are Headed For The Following 180 US “Refugee Processing Centers”

Tyler Durden's picture

For the past several weeks it seemed as if Germany had truly become the promised land for Mideast asylum seekers, primarily those seeking to escape the Syrian civil (and global proxy) war, but according to various media reports, also a material number of “ISIS-linked terrorists.” Then it all came crashing down earlier today when Germany’s beloved by all refugees “Mutti” said genug, and with one decision shut down the border with Austria in the process unraveling decades of customs-union progress (following promptly by the Czech Republic doing the same, with Italy expected to follow suit in the hours ahead).

Ironically, just as Europe is shutting its doors to Syrian refugees, the US is opening its own.

On Friday, Obama said that the United States will admit 10,000 Syrian refugees for resettlement over the next 12 months, following criticism that America is not doing enough with Europe’s migrant crisis.

How will this take place logistically? As AFP notes, “this would represent a huge increase in the number of families arriving on US soil. In the more that four years since fighting erupted barely 1,800 Syrians have been welcomed here.” Which is why the French wire service did a brief summary of the various steps involved in admitting a record number of Syrians on US soil.

Here are the key points:

  • How will Obama’s promise be delivered and what hurdles are keeping the refugees from arriving sooner

More than four million people have fled the fighting in Syria since 2011 and most are living in camps in Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt and Iraq, where the UN High Commissioner for Refugees registers them. Some 18,000 of these people — chosen because they are the most vulnerable whether through family circumstances, injury or disability – have been referred to the United States for resettlement. Officers from the Department of Homeland Security fly from Washington to the camps and conduct interviews with candidates, seeking to weed out what a US official called “liars, criminals and terrorists.” Each case file is reviewed by the National Counterterrorism Center, the FBI’s terrorist screening center, the DHS, the Department of Defense and “other agencies” – US intelligence.

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Europe’s Refugee Crisis

Stumped Politicians

Europe’s welfare states are currently flooded with refugees. Many of these refugees are fleeing the chaos of assorted civil wars in the Middle East, primarily in Syria, Libya and Northern Iraq. Naturally, it would be utterly inhumane to simply send such refugees back to where they have come from. How could one possibly look oneself in the mirror after sending people back to territories controlled by ISIS, or bombarded with barrel bombs by Assad’s air force?


nickelsdorfRefugees after crossing the Austro – Hungarian border at Nickelsdorf today.

Photo credit: Leonhard Foeger / Reuters


This has Europe’s political class in a bind. The migration of people would pose no problem in a free society of property owners. Every property owner could decide for himself whether to accept refugees. In a free society communitarian enclaves would surely exist as well, and it is absolutely certain that private charity efforts would be orders of magnitude greater than in a society in which the State has arrogated all social responsibility to itself. It is hardly conceivable that migration would ever become a major bone of contention in such a society. It is quite different in welfare States with a severely hampered market economy.

In such states, migration will always be cause for highly emotional disagreements, because citizens know they will have to pay for it all involuntarily – and the costs are exceedingly large. The political and bureaucratic classes, who themselves are parasitizing society’s wealth creators, are of course not directly affected by the decisions they are taking in this context. The eurocrats employed in Brussels will continue to receive their generous salaries and perks, no matter what. However, a number of politicians are likely to face problems in domestic elections, and as we will discuss further below, the outcomes won’t necessarily be desirable. While the political and bureaucratic classes are unlikely to lose out, for a number of reasons it is absolutely certain that the citizenry at large will.

Continue reading “Europe’s Refugee Crisis”