Guest Post by Ben Garrison

Our president is a terrorist. At least, he seems to be allowing it into the country via the import of thousands of Syrian ‘refugees.’ Most of them are young men of military age. Many are radical muslims who are intolerant of any other culture or religion. Many seem to enjoy cutting off heads and blowing stuff up.

We should have listened to Ron Paul and stayed out of Middle East turmoils. Instead Obama has decided to aid and support Syrian rebels, a group that spun off ISIS. So we are supporting a group from which ISIS came from and then we’re battling that same group in Iraq and elsewhere. Obama is also battling ISIS along with Russia because they are supporting Hassad and also battling ISIS while at the same time Obama wants to depose Hassad and risk WWIII with Russia and…well, it gets confusing, doesn’t it?

It may all be intentional. By flooding Europe and the West with radical Muslims, division and conflict are created. We just saw the results in Paris. Now Obama wants to bring that hullabaloo to America. He’s of like-mind with the terrorists. America has neither the need nor obligation to import people from war-torn countries. There’s plenty of room in Saudi Arabia for them to go—but of course the Saudis say ‘No!’ In the Middle East, there is contstant strife. Shiites vs. Sunnis. Hezbollah vs. ISIS and Israel vs. Iraq and Palestinians vs. Israel and Russia and Assad vs. al Qaeda and Iran vs. Saudi Arabia…and then throw in the Kurds…well it goes on and on, doesn’t it? Obama wants to bring it here. Perhaps his masters want that to happen in order to break up countries, thus helping them to usher in globalism and a one-world religion—probably Islam. No thanks, Obama. Obama is most likely a Muslim himself. So, Obama…if you want to ‘welcome’ in people who want to blow us up, why not invite them to your place? Let them camp out on the White House lawn. YOU pay for their well-being.

Oh—and you won’t be confiscating our guns before the end of your term, either.

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November 23, 2015 7:36 am

The vile bastard knows exactly what he is doing. He is deliberately bringing conflict and strife to America. The worse the ( world ,nation , country , town , city ) the better for the communist . The communist will use Islam to further their goals of destroying us.

Lebanon is a good reminder of what happens when you let Muslims into your country. Lebanon was a 95% Christian country up until Israel was created .It was a first world state like the West in many ways .Then The Muslims entered as immigrants as the fighting spread over land.Wasn’t long until that country was torn apart by civil war between Christians and Muslims.This is the pattern were ever Muslims go.

mike in ga
mike in ga
November 23, 2015 8:16 am

Agree 100% with your sentiments here, Ben, but the White House is OUR house, not Obama’s. His retirement choice of Hawaii will be far enough away that he will not have to worry about muslimes crowding his golf game.

I personally wish there was some way to deprive Obama of every benefit accorded ex-presidents. It would be most fitting for him to live in a community his organizing efforts have destroyed amid the people bereft of values according to liberal orthodoxy.

November 23, 2015 8:34 am

“Oh—and you won’t be confiscating our guns before the end of your term, either.”

Doesn’t mean he won’t try.

Even if it destroys the country in the process, setting it against itself in raging confrontation.

Which would suit his purposes just fine.

A house divided against itself cannot stand.

November 23, 2015 8:49 am

Obama and globalist ilk goal is not to destroy Islamic terrorism , but to exploit it via immigration as a weapon to destroy western civilization i.e. Christendom.
and who are his accomplices? GOPES!

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November 23, 2015 12:11 pm

@ BB….You mentioned Lebanon. I worked with a Lebanese man back in the late 70’s. I’ll never forget him, his name was Rafat Abusada (I’m guessing the spelling) and he was a red-headed Christian with bright green eyes. His hair and eye color shocked me because he was otherwise Semitic looking. I didn’t know my history of the world as well back then, so I was ignorant of the fact that before mohamed started his bloody rampage most of the coastal regions of North Africa were White. Rafat left the fighting in Lebanon by means of some sort of legal immigration to come to America to make enough money to enable him to go home and help his family. His goal at the time was to move his family to Syria and he wanted to go there as a man with some money and not a beggar. He was an engineer and had lived and worked in Beirut as a civil engineer and watched it turn into another Stalingrad.

I was a kid working the assembly line at the same factory he was an engineer, and our paths crossed due to his car breaking down and I lived close enough to him to give him a ride for a month or so, until he had the cash to fix it.

What he told me about went on in Lebanon during the fighting was incredible to me, being new to the real world at the time. Atrocities were the norm and as the Christian militias faced the seeming never-ending hoard of savage musloids who were burning, raping and murdering everything in their control, the Christians started reprisal atrocities, equal in their bestiality.

Rafat was sick of it and needed to get out, but he was determined not to go to a refugee camp, and he was not going to try to stay in America because his remaining family members would not move. He suddenly quit and was gone one day. All he told his co-workers was that something terrible happened to his family and he had to get back. I never knew what happened to him.

That’s what’s coming to your city or town eventually, my friends. Women and children gang raped and murdered, street to street- house to house fighting, no prisoners taken on either side and those people not fighting are starving.

But I’m being unfairly optimistic. There it was Christian vs musloid. Here it will be all against all. It should be much, much worse.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 23, 2015 12:48 pm

Oreo has a lot of helpers……….CONgress. Flash’s photo above of the traitor GOP is sickening enough, now add in the other 530 guilty cockroaches on the hill. The question is, when do we do something about this?

November 23, 2015 5:16 pm

While you’re gunning for Obama (and I personally think he’s a traitor), let’s keep in mind who brought us 9/11.


And Bea’s comment about CONgress is spot on.