“Tanja’s Law” ….. where YOU have LESS rights than a DOG

About a year ago, Georgia copfuk Michael Vickers shot and seriously wounded a 10 year old boy. Copfuk Vickers was in pursuit of a suspect. He did NOT shoot at the suspect … he shot at the boy’s family dog, missed, and almost killed the boy. No charges were filed against the copfuk. The copfuk never even offered an apology …. He was too busy enjoying his paid vacation during the “investigation”. You can read about it here;


Copfuks kill family pets virtually every day in Amerika. In many cases this egregious behavior is further fucked up by charging the human victims!

It doesn’t work the other way around. A person who kills, wounds, or even taunts a K-9 “officer” faces criminal charges ……….. even if the act was committed in demonstrable self-defense!!!

Under a bill approved by the Georgia state senate last week, a peon citizen who “assaults” (you don’t even have to kill the dog) a police dog could face up to ten years in prison and a $10,000 fine. You can read that here;


“Tanja’s Law,” is dedicated to the memory of a police dog that was shot and killed during a SWAT raid in Georgia that took place just a few weeks after copfuk Vickers nearly killed the 10 year old kid. The man who shot Tanja accepted a plea agreement imposing a 20-50 year prison sentence!

But that wasn’t enough for copfuks and polfuks!! The original draft would have treated the killing of a canine “officer” as an act of SECOND DEGREE MURDER.

 Never in the history of Western Civilization has the destruction of an animal been viewed as murder.  

Welcome to the USA!USA!USA! … where copfuks get away with murdering humans …. and humans go to prison for killing a dog, even if in self-defense.

Australia is looking better and better and better …..