Edward Snowden: The Biggest Revelations Are Yet to Come

“Is it really terrorism that we’re stopping? I say no,” Snowden said. “The bottom line is that terrorism […] has always been a cover for actions. Terrorism evokes an emotional response.”

“I don’t want to harm my government” he said. “The fact that they’re willing to ignore due process and declare guilt without a trial […] these are things we need to work against as a society.”

“Rights matter because you never know when you’re going to need them,” Snowden said, adding that people should be able to pick up the phone and call their family, send a text to their loved ones and travel by train without worrying about how these events will look to a government years in the future.

“I am living proof that an individual can go head to head with the most powerful intelligence agencies around the world — and win,” Snowden said.