A Former American President Is Being Hounded Into Oblivion While the Democrats, Dept of Justice, and FBI Prepare a Putsch

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

When Trump left office I wrote that he would be “hounded into oblivion.” It is happening precisely as I said. Not content with framing Trump with Russiagate, impeachgate, January 6 insurrection, his business practices, and other investigations in preparation, Trump is now being framed for withholding presidential documents from the National Archives.

The success that the Democrats and the presstitutes have had in defining as a crime any and every thing that disagrees with them, including thought crimes attributed to their opponents, has permitted the Democrats to lay the foundation for a coup. The Democrats, DOJ, and FBI, with the full support of the Presstitutes, have organized a Nazi-style Putsch. You are watching it daily on CNN. https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/15/politics/lindsey-graham-georgia-investigation/index.html

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