Playing Dumb

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

It must be obvious by now that the biggest complainers about “misinformation” in the USA are biggest spreaders of it. When you hear “baseless” and “conspiracy theory” do you not automatically now scent the rot of propaganda working through the delicate tissues of reality? Eventually the stench of psyop is so sharp that it even wakes up the walking dead.

Would our country be disappointed if Russia actually solves the problem of Ukraine? You have every reason to think so. For one thing, we would be stuck having to face our own problems, especially the ones caused by lying to ourselves, such as the nearly unthinkable obscenity of having possibly poisoned a majority of the US population with mRNA “vaccines” and killed hundreds of thousands of Covid-19 patients by withholding known effective treatments? What would you suppose we might do about that?

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Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Powers of Persuasion | National Archives

A few remarks before I take the day off.  Nonsensical news reports continue to appear in the media. The New York Times reports:  “In less than a week, the United States and NATO have pushed more than 17,000 antitank weapons, including Javelin missiles, over the borders of Poland and Romania,”   

Blinken gives Poland “green light” to send fighter jets to Ukraine reports the Epock Times:

The number 17,000 seems fantastic.  It is substantially larger than the entirety of the Russian tank force, reportedly 12,400, few of which are in Ukraine.  Whereas weapons could enter Ukraine from Poland and Romania which border the western part of Ukraine, how would they get to the surrounded Ukrainian forces?  Moreover, as Poland and Romania are already on Russia’s potential target list because the countries host US missile bases, why would Poland and Romania want to cross a red line by getting involved in the conflict?