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Power is in Tearing Human Minds to Pieces

Guest Post by Dr. Robert Malone

Some of the news and analysis that you probably won’t find on state-sponsored media

One of the most important news stories that broke this week was about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Not because of the contents, as salacious and maybe damaging to the reputation of the President as it may be, but for a more profound and disturbing reason. The 2020 election may have been won on a misinformation campaign orchestrated by elements in the US government.

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Playing Dumb

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

It must be obvious by now that the biggest complainers about “misinformation” in the USA are biggest spreaders of it. When you hear “baseless” and “conspiracy theory” do you not automatically now scent the rot of propaganda working through the delicate tissues of reality? Eventually the stench of psyop is so sharp that it even wakes up the walking dead.

Would our country be disappointed if Russia actually solves the problem of Ukraine? You have every reason to think so. For one thing, we would be stuck having to face our own problems, especially the ones caused by lying to ourselves, such as the nearly unthinkable obscenity of having possibly poisoned a majority of the US population with mRNA “vaccines” and killed hundreds of thousands of Covid-19 patients by withholding known effective treatments? What would you suppose we might do about that?

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