The wealth tax is coming

Guest Post by Simon Black

I arrived home late last night back to Puerto Rico after a wonderful, 2-day event with our Total Access members this weekend.

Luminaries like Ron Paul and Robert Kiyosaki joined me on stage, and as you can imagine, we spent a lot of time talking about the trends in western civilization– inflation, social conflict, supply chain disruptions, etc.

We also spent a fair bit of time talking about taxes, given that lawmakers in the Land of the Free are presently bickering about whose taxes to raise, and by how much.

Some of these tax proposals are downright mystifying.

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Who knew 2 cents could go so far?

Guest Post by Simon Black

About a week and a half ago I had a terrible sinus infection… I’m talking -really- bad. My sneezes were so ferocious that I half-expected the US Geological Survey to register them on the Richter Scale.

In the midst of all that misery, I became acutely interested in the health care plans of leading US Presidential contenders… and stayed up late at night when I couldn’t sleep combing through their solutions.

Most of all I was curious how they intended to pay for everything.

Now, because I graduated from the Third Grade, I apparently have an unfair advantage when looking at the numbers.

2 + 2 = 4 in my world. But with this BS monkey math that passes as legitimate public policy, they make the numbers whatever they want them to be.

And their fantasy arithmetic was on full display in last night’s Presidential debate.

Continue reading “Who knew 2 cents could go so far?”

Warren’s Wealth Tax

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Warren’s Wealth Tax is so destructive to the economy and demonstrates that she listens to Thomas Piketty, the French communist pretend economist. She wants to impose a 6% tax on billionaires per year. That means if you lost 20%, you still have to pay 6% of your assets every year to the government to fund her Medicare for All. This is similar to death taxes or inheritance taxes which destroyed the small farmers. When the founder died, the government claimed the land was worth a pile of money and then demanded 20% to 40% in taxes. To pay the tax, they were forced to sell the land. This is also how small businesses are destroyed.

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