Scientist James Lyons-Weiler Weighs in on Snake Venom Theory

Guest Post by James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D.

Scientist James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D., said at least 10 people asked him about the snake venom proteins in relation to COVID-19. He proposed two possible explanations, one of which he favors over the other.

snake venom watch the water feature

Dr. Meryl Nass said the snake venom stuff is “hooey.” My analysis says yes, let’s move on to more productive pathways.

I share two possible explanations for their presence in COVID-19 patients, one of which I favor over the other.

Snakes were first floated as a potential intermediate host organism by a very early speculative report covered by SciAm in Jan 2020 that found codon usage bias most similar to snakes of all things.

Codon usage bias is determined by the percentage of times specific codons (triplet nucleotides) are used to bring specific amino acids in place in protein sequences.

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What I think of the Bryan Ardis video, “Watch the Water”

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

The video is out. I’ve seen it. A few parts I agree with. For most other parts I’m skeptical. I’ve invited Bryan to meet with my colleagues so we can ask questions.


In this article, I give my overall reaction and then specifically respond to some of the key points in the video.

Some parts I agree with. Other parts I remain unconvinced.

We agree there is evidence that the virus is similar to snake venom.

But as for the other assertions (such as it’s a poison spread through the water), color me “skeptical” for now.

I’m open to having a discussion between Bryan and my experts to drill in on his other claims and see if we can form a consensus. We’ll try to put that video together for you.

I’ll update this article if I learn more, so this is just my initial reaction.

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