1,000 Veterans Sign Letter Warning about the Woke Danger to the Military

Via Gen Z Conservative

committee to support and defend

The American military has been a disgrace over the past few months. It got in a spat with Tucker Carlson, has persecuted conservatives, has alternated between defending teaching CRT and claiming it’s not taught in the military, and has engaged in a wide array of other “woke” policies.

While the brass has largely gone along with such nonsense, many veterans and current enlisted soldiers have not.

One such dissident veterans’ group is The Committee to Support and Defend, headed by Allen West. Here’s its mission statement on the homepage:

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Brandon Smith: There Will Never Be A “Woke” US Military, Here’s Why…

Authored by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market.us,

The social justice cult never sleeps, they are forever “woke”, and they want to own the US military. They want it so bad they are frothing at the mouth over it. Whether or not they actually get what they want is another matter entirely. The induction of Joe Biden into the White House has opened the door to a new propaganda narrative, and it goes a little something like this:

The military is rife with ‘white supremacists’ and extremists, and it needs to be purged to make way for more diversity…”

One of Biden’s first actions upon entering the Oval Office was to use Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin as a foil to preach the critical race theory gospel and attack the current military framework as “racist”. Austin is black and he was a four-star general in the Army, so clearly there is not much racism holding minorities back in the armed forces. But ultimately this situation is not really about racism…

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New M1 Abrams Tanks To Come Equipped With Changing Tables

Via The Babylon Bee

LIMA, OH—As part of an ever-progressing military, a new feature has been added to the next line of M1 Abrams tanks: a diaper changing table.

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The Pentagon’s Fight With Tucker Carlson Proves It Doesn’t Even Exist To Win Wars Anymore

Via Revolver

Tucker Carlson may have never served in the armed forces, but he’s still decisively winning a PR war against the U.S. military. That shouldn’t surprise anyone, of course. The U.S. military loses most of the wars it fights these days.

During America’s long golden age as a country, the military typically abstained from politics and won wars. But in the decaying Globalist American Empire, the military plays a very different role. Protecting America and winning conflicts isn’t the military’s goal at all. Instead, the armed forces have become a skinsuit. This once-great institution has been repurposed into a vehicle for globalist and left-wing domestic political goals.

The clash between Carlson and the DoD began on Monday. In remarks delivered for the Communist holiday of International Women’s Day, Biden boasted of how he and President Obama had worked to make the military a fully gender-neutral body:

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