There he goes again. In between working 18 hours a day on his farm, Hardscrabble Farmer takes the time to clarify the true goal of our keepers. Based on this excellent analysis, our owners will likely be looking to cull the TBP livestock due to our unherdlike behavior and bridling at their control.


One of the most important things I learned regarding the handling of livestock is that you can control a hungry animal far easier than you can one with a full belly. A simple shake of a can with a handful of grain in it will give you the power to lead a 2,300 pound bull wherever you want it to go. Animals in confinement are at a disadvantage because you can control their feed and once you’ve learned that, you’ve eliminated every problem associated with free will.

I believe in the humane handling of livestock right up until the moment of slaughter. Until then the livestock should only associate you with positive experiences- leading them to greener pastures, occasional treats, gentle voice and movement around them that put them at ease.

I know that no one wants to think of human beings in terms of livestock or animal behavior, but the truth of the matter is that no matter how intelligent, how spiritual, how ethereal we may think we are, our basest needs and desires are animal in nature. The thing that sets us most apart from all other creatures is that we are the only animal that possesses a duality of nature- both predator and prey. Most humans are herd-like in their behaviors, they care about what all the others think of them and behave in ways that minimize their standing apart from the herd and in that they seek safety. Some use this genetic predisposition towards herd-like behavior in order to manipulate the mass- they are the predatory members of our society and they use the exact same type of handling techniques on humans as a rancher or farmer uses on his livestock in order to get the results he wants- submission, docility, ease of handling, control.

Anyone who thinks that this kind of information hasn’t been studied, understood, and implemented in order to more effectively control the populations of the various nations on earth is either incapable of this level of thought or deliberately lying to themselves. The purpose of providing trillions of dollars in subsidies, housing, food, etc. hasn’t been to help people become independent and self sufficient, it’s been to make the docile and controllable. This isn’t a failed program, it is a deliberately manipulative one with a completely opposite intention of the one stated. The problem is that because of our duality there are some people who remain “unherdlike” in their behavior. They crave independence and bridle at these base manipulations. When we encounter an animal that exhibits these kinds of traits within a herd- a skittish cow or an unpredictable boar- we cull them.

This culling process is taking place in our society today and the reminder are being conscripted via these programs into a life of domestic complicity.

This isn’t a failure of our government to create a nation of independent producers, it a success in creating a nation of docile consumers.

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April 4, 2014 9:22 am


April 4, 2014 9:24 am

Just finished reading this on the other thread…

So, which option does everyone here prefer? Being culled, or becoming a member of the herd and living a life of domestic complicity?

Most of us took the red pill a long time ago. I’m not sure there’s any going back, but sometimes you have to wonder.

April 4, 2014 10:18 am

I imagine hardscrabble sounding like Tom Bodett from the Motel 6 commercials….’we’ll leave the light on for ‘ya’. Excellent piece Mr. Hard scrabble – really well done, again.

However, I don’t imagine as many people will be as calm and docile once their hungry. If past history is any guide, empty belly’s are a precursor to crowds with rocks and pitchforks. Up until that point, it seems to work in reverse very, very effectively. And I very much agree that the culling process is by design – eerily so actually. I submit that intent alone is what most here want to know about more than anything else.

All of this leads me to believe that the forces constraining that which we all fear are building to unsustainable levels. Like a dam failing, it’ll be quick, violent, and largely unpredictable…there’s just too much energy on the other side of the equation that wants to equalize. That’s just my take. Great interpretation Hardscrabble, I really enjoy your words and thoughts.

April 4, 2014 10:23 am

I wasn’t born to follow by Social Distortion…….

April 4, 2014 10:31 am

Even Powerful Dickhead Tyrants agree with Hardscrabble Farmer;
[imgcomment image[/img]

I’m sure some of you are aware of S. 510, also know as the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act.

Michael Snyder says it will devastate small food producers and organic farmers. “It imposes a bureaucratic nightmare on all food producers that the big corporations will be able to handle easily but that will cripple much smaller operations.”

I wonder how Hardscrabble Farmer feels about that.


April 4, 2014 10:34 am

“So, which option does everyone here prefer? Being culled, or becoming a member of the herd and living a life of domestic complicity?”

I use “A or B” questions with children and strangers when I am OK with either A or B and do not want them to ask for, or even think of, option C.

I will neither be a herd member nor be culled.

April 4, 2014 10:38 am

Not sure the the original intent of social welfare was control. More likely it was to get votes for Dems, which it surely accomplished. The herd control is probably an unintended consequence, but it’s still a valid observation.

Band together. I’ve got doomers from five states convening at my place today to discuss our common issues. Should be an interesting weekend.

April 4, 2014 10:53 am

When the non-productive politicians run out of other peoples money and the SNAP cards don`t work anymore, they won`t control the food. Hungry bull won`t be docile if you don`t feed him. We will be looking at a society WROL and it will not be pretty.

Above all else be armed. When the police aren`t paid at best they will stop working at worst they will become armed and trained predators.

The only thing that will protect us from the ghetto dwellers is the lack of gasoline that will keep them from the suburbs.

April 4, 2014 11:02 am

Nice work. Where I think welfare has done the most damage, other than pissing away $21 trillion, is it’s destroyed families. The basic unit of any human society (and almost every animals society) is the family. Welfare has destroyed that basic unit, rewards women to have children out of wedlock.

This results in crime, dropping out of school, drug and alcohol abuse, and more government dependence (welfare or prison). Once the “great society” was put into law, and divorce laws were taken over by feminazi lawyers, our country was doomed to die a slow death. Now there are 10 states where there are more people on welfare than have jobs, and soon it will be every state until it all collapses. We borrow the same amount every year that we spend on welfare ($1 trillion). The socialists will run out of other people’s money sooner or later.

Democrat-run slave plantations:

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April 4, 2014 11:11 am

Good post, as always, HS Farmer.

April 4, 2014 11:38 am

Welfare is also a government eugenics project, started and run by liberal progressive democrats to stay in office until the country becomes a dictatorship with full communism. The 100 million welfare breeders are populating this country with dull-normal 70 IQ mulattoes that will be uneducated and unemployable, but it won’t matter, because their only goal in life is to hit the lottery and get on welfare themselves. As I’ve presented multiple times, whites will be in the minority within one generation, and the welfare population will explode until it consumes what’s left of the economy and wealth.

[imgcomment image[/img]

April 4, 2014 11:39 am

I see headlines like this and read a few lines in and walk away thinking ‘we must be close now, right?’.


April 4, 2014 5:41 pm

Nice post HS!


April 4, 2014 7:00 pm

@Stuck, you were reading archives, Ob ama signed it into law in January of ’11.

Within the pages of the law there is a non-talked-about section that requires all HOME food growers (and is open ended enough that it also could be construed to home COOKS), to be licensed, inspected and have all food produced tested by the USDA/FDA.

BUT, CONgress and Ob ama said they have “no intention” of enforcing that part of the code.

Don’t you feel better now?

I tried warning folks back then to call CONgress and scream bloody-hell, instead I faced a wall of people wanting to believe that the law would make our food safer, keep jobs here and would NEVER be used to keep a mother from growing the food she needs to feed her family.

Crossed fingers.

My best guess is that the inspection and licensing of home gardens won’t start until the summer after the grocery shelves are empty. You know, right when we’ll need it.

It wouldn’t be fair for a person to plan, work, grow and harvest food when their 500 pound neighbors didn’t do it.

There is a great law case going back to the depression concerning the growing of wheat on your own land. The man ended up losing everything (from his farm, to his family) because he fought the government trying to keep the right to grow his own food/feed crops.

Nobody cared then and there will millions hungry.

Nobody will care now either. Better to destroy your garden and watch your family starve, then to starve alone.

April 5, 2014 8:27 am


Thanks for the update.

Wow, and Holy Shit.

I hate this country.