Human beings have become a form of domestic livestock

Guest Post by Hardscrabble Farmer

Human beings require faith in their lives the same way a fish needs water. We are the only animal species that creates it’s own reality based upon belief rather than the physical limitations of our environment. This system is so powerful that in order to function our ‘soul’- the part of us that is neither body, nor mind, but the sentient passenger that speaks to us when we have done something good or bad-demands that we acknowledge it’s existence.

For almost all of human existence we have relied on one form of God or another to explain this manifest phenomenon. If we were simply animals with needs what could possibly explain the voice inside that says ‘No!’ when we are offered the opportunity to steal something that we need to feed ourselves? Why feel guilty for attempting to procreate with any available partner when we are married? These are the correct choices in the animal kingdom because it promotes survival and to survive is the prime directive. Humans are driven by a more complex set of drives that are frequently at odds with our physical survival and at times threaten it, yet they prevail as a motivating force.


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Guest Post by Hardscrabble Farmer

When I step into the orchard the turkey poults come running. They will follow me around while I do my chores like a litter of puppies. Ditto the piglets, lambs, calves, etc because I always feed them treats like fruit drops, kitchen scraps, etc. This continues with regularity right up until the time we either sell off or slaughter. On the occasion when a hauler comes to pick up a steer or a hog I have them park their trailer and open the door and then I walk over to wherever I have the animal that is going to market, open the gate and without lead or prod walk the animal to the trailer and it loads itself. Every time. Most livestock related injuries occur during times of stress, particularly when animals are being loaded/unloaded for shipment.

Most haulers/ranchers/slaughterhouses use negative compliance tools/techniques like push panels, prods, load vocalization, etc. People like Temple Grandin have done a great deal of research to show that this type of animal handling is not only stressful to the animal and affects the final product due to the release of certain hormones and chemicals into the bloodstream, but increases risk to handlers. It is far safer, expeditious and easier to get the animal to what you want it to because it thinks its doing what IT wants to…

You should hear the comments I hear from guys who do this for a living when they come to get an animal from the farm- “I’ve never seen an animal load easier than that, how’d you get him to do that, that was easy, blah, blah, blah…” Like what we do is magic rather than reinforced behavior.

Even the dogs- the only animals that we don’t eat- are given treats every single morning for dutifully watching over the flocks and herds all night long against predators while we sleep so that the very first sight of me at dawn triggers a Pavlovian response from them for a job well done. BISCUITS!!!

There are two choices for what we are witnessing in the behavior of the Federal Government towards the “consumers” as they like to call us and you can choose to be amazed like the livestock hauler or you can decide for yourself what’s happening.



There he goes again. In between working 18 hours a day on his farm, Hardscrabble Farmer takes the time to clarify the true goal of our keepers. Based on this excellent analysis, our owners will likely be looking to cull the TBP livestock due to our unherdlike behavior and bridling at their control.


One of the most important things I learned regarding the handling of livestock is that you can control a hungry animal far easier than you can one with a full belly. A simple shake of a can with a handful of grain in it will give you the power to lead a 2,300 pound bull wherever you want it to go. Animals in confinement are at a disadvantage because you can control their feed and once you’ve learned that, you’ve eliminated every problem associated with free will.

I believe in the humane handling of livestock right up until the moment of slaughter. Until then the livestock should only associate you with positive experiences- leading them to greener pastures, occasional treats, gentle voice and movement around them that put them at ease.

I know that no one wants to think of human beings in terms of livestock or animal behavior, but the truth of the matter is that no matter how intelligent, how spiritual, how ethereal we may think we are, our basest needs and desires are animal in nature. The thing that sets us most apart from all other creatures is that we are the only animal that possesses a duality of nature- both predator and prey. Most humans are herd-like in their behaviors, they care about what all the others think of them and behave in ways that minimize their standing apart from the herd and in that they seek safety. Some use this genetic predisposition towards herd-like behavior in order to manipulate the mass- they are the predatory members of our society and they use the exact same type of handling techniques on humans as a rancher or farmer uses on his livestock in order to get the results he wants- submission, docility, ease of handling, control.

Anyone who thinks that this kind of information hasn’t been studied, understood, and implemented in order to more effectively control the populations of the various nations on earth is either incapable of this level of thought or deliberately lying to themselves. The purpose of providing trillions of dollars in subsidies, housing, food, etc. hasn’t been to help people become independent and self sufficient, it’s been to make the docile and controllable. This isn’t a failed program, it is a deliberately manipulative one with a completely opposite intention of the one stated. The problem is that because of our duality there are some people who remain “unherdlike” in their behavior. They crave independence and bridle at these base manipulations. When we encounter an animal that exhibits these kinds of traits within a herd- a skittish cow or an unpredictable boar- we cull them.

This culling process is taking place in our society today and the reminder are being conscripted via these programs into a life of domestic complicity.

This isn’t a failure of our government to create a nation of independent producers, it a success in creating a nation of docile consumers.