Humans Getting Wiser - Dilbert by Scott Adams

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This Won’t End Well

Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

“One of the great discoveries of evolutionary biology is that the human species is not special or privileged in the grand scheme of things, and that humans have the same origins as all the other animals. This approach just takes the next step. It says that there is no such thing as “the human species” at all.”

Via The Conversation

What is a species? The most important concept in all of biology is a complete mystery

A koala bear isn’t actually a bear, it’s a marsupial. Whales aren’t fish, they’re mammals. Tomatoes aren’t vegetables, they’re fruit. Almost nothing is actually a nut. Peanuts, Brazil nuts, cashews, walnuts, pecans and almonds: none of them are really nuts (for the record, peanuts are legumes, Brazils and cashews are seeds, and the others are all drupes). Hazelnuts and chestnuts are the exception: they are the elite, the “true” nuts.

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Human beings have become a form of domestic livestock

Guest Post by Hardscrabble Farmer

Human beings require faith in their lives the same way a fish needs water. We are the only animal species that creates it’s own reality based upon belief rather than the physical limitations of our environment. This system is so powerful that in order to function our ‘soul’- the part of us that is neither body, nor mind, but the sentient passenger that speaks to us when we have done something good or bad-demands that we acknowledge it’s existence.

For almost all of human existence we have relied on one form of God or another to explain this manifest phenomenon. If we were simply animals with needs what could possibly explain the voice inside that says ‘No!’ when we are offered the opportunity to steal something that we need to feed ourselves? Why feel guilty for attempting to procreate with any available partner when we are married? These are the correct choices in the animal kingdom because it promotes survival and to survive is the prime directive. Humans are driven by a more complex set of drives that are frequently at odds with our physical survival and at times threaten it, yet they prevail as a motivating force.


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