The pictures below are what Obama and Pope Francis would consider a huge success in the never ending fight against man made global warming. North Korea is doing their part. That Kim Jung Whatever is a real conservationist. No lights on in the country after 8:00 pm except for his palace where he is watching South Korean porn. If the climate nazis have their way, the whole world will look like North Korea.

Via Marketwatch

In 1980, there wasn’t a significant gap in electricity use between the two Koreas with electricity consumption in North Korea hitting 20.2 billion kilowatt hours versus 32.06 billion kilowatt hours in South Korea, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

By 2012, North Korea was using only 15.72 billion kilowatt hours while South Korea’s consumption had surged to 482.38 billion kilowatt hours.

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The Peninsula. the capitol the lone spot of light in an otherwise dark .

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Feel bad for the people of when I see with my own eyes they live without electricity.

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September 30, 2015 2:38 pm

Is there no one in North Korea strong enough to stand up to – – –
and ultimately topple – – that ignorant and fat little impotent freak ?

Is North Korea a nation of frightened children ?


September 30, 2015 2:41 pm

That right there, my friends, is the eventual future of every nation under control of the banksters, if they get their way.
Only the selected rich have electricity, plenty to eat and pleasures. The rest of the unfiltered scum get to experience working like slaves, boot-in-the-face oppression and starvation.

September 30, 2015 3:22 pm

@Snowie: The people of North Korea are actually brain washed. They really believe this shit.

When it does collapse – they won’t know what to do.

Same thing happened with E. Germany. The East Germans had no fucking idea how to live on their own, without the state.

September 30, 2015 3:35 pm


Good points, and well said.

Well, they might likely be free some day ( perhaps not soon ) . Growing up during the Cold War I lazily concluded East Germany would never be free, but here we are now.

North Korea had better grow a few Solzhenitsyn styled leaders, and some hard-knuckled free thinkers, or they will never have a chance.

Even Romania cast off Nicolae Ceaușescu and his wife Elena, and they were quite brutal . ( While looking up the spelling of Ceaușescu just now, I happened upon the fact that his predecessor was named Georgie Georgie. Very interesting ! )

I would like for the North Koreans to become free some day. To be free just like us ‘Muricans . /S

Sigh !


September 30, 2015 5:01 pm

Read the tales of people who have escaped N. Korea. They believed the propaganda hook, line and sinker. They have no way of refuting what the govt tells them because info is so tightly controlled. Not only that but the number of secret police is very high. You can be imprisoned for life for failing to report a crime. Your entire family can be imprisoned for life if you fail to report a crime.

After that, read tales of those who have escaped both the gulag system and N Korea. It will turn your stomach what those people accept as normal.

September 30, 2015 6:03 pm

In their utopian ideology, why wouldn’t Obama, Al Gore, all the liberals, and all the GloBULL Warming fear-mongering, pseudo scientists go live in N. Korea? Seems they would view it as paradise.

September 30, 2015 6:05 pm

If you listen closely to obama or the pope says, they are telling you this is your future. You just have ot pay attention, they aren’t really trying to hide it. Obama said during his first campaign that under his plan, electricity rates would “necessarily skyrocket” and the ignorant mases pesponded by electing him twice. He was true to his word, it is more expensive, although you ain’t seen nothin yet on that front.

Same with the pope. He rails against overconsumption. What exactly does that mean? anyone know? it could mean anything. Hell, Im in complete agreement. Look around at the obesity. You don’t get this fat, as a country, by UNDERconsuming. But in leftist-speak, being guilty of ‘over consumption’ will mean running air conditioning, driving your SUV instead of public transportation, etc. But you will not be given a choice, as the pope makes clear his intention is to use supra national govt force to MAKE the world this way, either through blatant threats of ‘comply or else’ violence, or the softer way of making it so insanely expensive that few people can afford to.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 30, 2015 9:27 pm

Are you saying we’ll still have South Korean porn?

September 30, 2015 9:40 pm

By overconsumption they mean that the US is enjoying a standard of living much higher than the rest of the world. They believe that the reason there are people starving in the world is the result of you in the US live too high a standard of living. I have been saying this again and again when Obama speaks of sharing the wealth he isn’t talking about evening things out within the US; NO he is talking about a more “FAIR’ distribution throughout the world. Why do you think he is in favor of open borders, its part of “Sharing the Wealth” with the rest of the world.

Marxist Ideology is equality among everyone; (worldwide) they believe everyone is equal owners of all resources and should share in all production. Communist refuse to believe their system is a failure despite all the evidence. Point out to them all the countries that have tried communism and failed and their answer should wake you up. They say the reason that communism has failed up to now is that as long as there is America dominating the worlds resources communism can’t function properly. There answer to making communism work is to first destroy America. That’s Obamas job. Their telling you what their intentions are ——- Everyone worldwide living the same standard of living, —–THAT is what Obama means by “SHARE THE WEALTH.”

Now understand what that means to you, I’ve done the math and if you average the Per Capita GDP of the entire population of the earth it works out to be LESS THAN $8,000 per year. That is what Obama and the Pope are talking about when they say The US is overconsuming, you’re enjoying a much higher standard of living then the world average. They believe to be FAIR America should SHARE with the rest of the world and be living at the same level. You should be living on $8,000 a year.

That is what they mean by US overconsumption.

September 30, 2015 9:49 pm

My There,their and they’re are all screwed up– proof read!!!

September 30, 2015 10:00 pm

I agree, ASIG, Ive tried to make the point before to leftists here in the US that don”t seem to understand that. They seem to think that the goal of all this nonsense is to “level the playing field” within the US, but its not exclusive to the US. Everyone here, for the most part, is the “global 5%” or so that enjoys the benefits of the modern world. The ultra rich will still be ultra rich, and still afford to live mostly like they do now. The massive wealth redistribution is going to be taken out of what is left of the middle class and working poor, and going to the rest of the world, with those at he top getting their slice as well. Its truly sickening to watch these morons beg these people to make them poor.

September 30, 2015 10:47 pm

Al Gore should move to North Korea , try it out for a year or so, and then let us know how wonderful thing were, John

October 1, 2015 6:50 am

Google cannibalism in North Korea horror stories. Very sad they have lost their humanity They have Planned Parenthood too