Stucky Question Of The Day: Umpqua College

Same shit, different day.  Same old bullshit from the HNIC about new gun laws. Blah blah blah.  Been there, done that. Maybe that’s the reason not one single comment has been made here about the shooting?

Specifically, the MSM whores keep asking over and over “WHY did this happen??” 

Indeed, why?  There’s your question of the day.

Alternatively, the MSM whores also are asking “WHAT can be done?”. But, that has been beaten to death.  But, feel free to answer that also.

Hey!  Media whores! ……

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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October 2, 2015 9:48 am

Answered on my post below.

October 2, 2015 10:15 am

HNIC BS is expected; MSM and UNI’s and gov’t intervention even in grade schools all controlled by liberals, thus we are subjected to an onslaught of ideology supporting:

Feminization of military (which degrades military)
Gun Control (which doesn’t work)
GloBull Warming Hoax (no empirical proof)
Abortion (where contraception is available)
Illegal Immigration (Dem. voters for benefits and Rep cheap labor)

They have a master plan and it is not to our benefit.

October 2, 2015 10:19 am

The more the merrier. Mine is more of a rant. Yours is a direct question.

October 2, 2015 10:23 am

What SSRI was he on? I highly doubt he wasn’t taking one, since EVERY SINGLE ONE of these people in the last 15 years or so have either been actively taking one, or recently stopped.

October 2, 2015 10:37 am

I live in MClean Virginia. I only say this because, if you look it up, you will find that it is in the top 10 most affluent areas in the country. My daughter goes to a top 50 high school in the country.

She told me, the other day, there is a kid with tourettes

October 2, 2015 10:38 am

…in her class. He screams the word fuck several times in class every day. This is good?

October 2, 2015 10:39 am

Considering that over 2,500 people have been shot in Chicago this year – so far. Extrapolate for 3 more months (800). 3,300 people will be shot in Chicago this year, out of a population of 2,800,000 – your odds of being shot are 0.11 %

Population of US 318,000,000. Let’s say 100 people die / get shot of mass shootings (two or three events per year). The odds of being shot by a mass murder are 0.00003 %

So… 0.11 / 0.00003 = 3,667

You are 3,667 times more likely to get shot in Chicago, than by being shot by a mass murderer.

October 2, 2015 10:45 am

Just listened to the news reporting it and stating “the terrified teachers and students huddled in their rooms as the shooter slaughtered the innocent” (wording may be slightly off since I’m quoting from memory, but not much if any).

What a cute politically correct way to promote fear and a fear based response along with a feeling of personal helplessness on the part of the public.

Can you imagine it having that same fear based response effect if it were more correctly stated as “The unarmed and defenseless students and teachers tried hiding in their rooms as they were killed by the gunman”?

Words have meaning, they have power. Pay attention to how they are used to manipulate your thinking on an almost unrecognizable level.

October 2, 2015 10:53 am

shit like this is also the reason i don’t go fucking ANYWHERE without a gun. Lukcily I live in FL where thats not really an issue. I simply don’t spend any time in gun free zones unless I absolutely have to.

Also, intersting thing about gun free zones, at least here in florida, those signs carry no force of law. Unless it is a government building(which this school obviously was) those signs are pretty much just a request or suggestion. Your local movie theater or mall that says “no guns allowed”, for instance, can only tell you to leave the building if they find out you are carrying. If you refuse to leave, then you are tresspassing, but simply violating that gun free zone sign is not illegal. DYODD for where you live, but here in FL those signs don’t mean shit. No reason anyone should know you are carrying anyway. I carry A G43(the new baby glock 9mm) with a spare mag and you can’t see it on me.

October 2, 2015 10:59 am

Stucky….your ‘diagnosis’ may be correct but I think you are using the wrong descriptor of “Born Bad”.

We can see and believe when some are born co-joined, cleft palate, missing or deformed limbs, etc., but if the inner working of the brain is not formed normally, it is not something we can see.

Born with a Mental Impairment ???; create a better phrase and it will help with the Mrs.

Edmond Dantes
Edmond Dantes
October 2, 2015 11:08 am

It happens because liberal morons can not get it through their brains that someone who is willing to kill will also be willing to violate gun free zones. Instead of going the way of UK and Australia, as Barack the First wants and banning guns, the .simple solution is to ban gun free zones

October 2, 2015 11:26 am

A western culture that glorifies ignorance, narcissism, and a belief that rich people somehow are of value by virtue of their wealth.

The average chump’s world view has been so distorted from bombardment by our BS celebrity worshiping culture that they can barely function in the real world (ex. the ‘old school’ idea of work vs. entitlement).

When people have spent their entire development being told they’re special, some will actually believe it – then when someone else challenges this foundation to their world they crash, experience a mental break.
Combine the above with the over-prescription of psychoactive medications (which are at best poorly understood and barely controlled) and you have a recipe for disaster.

Statistically now: When you up the chance of the ‘average’ person experiencing one of these breaks; over a large population with easy access to weapons (not a shot at the 2nd) and these events will keep happening – it’s just a numbers game (you don’t have to beat the house all the time, just more then they beat you)

Guns aren’t the problem, people believing they’re special is.

October 2, 2015 12:31 pm

Stucky says: Born Bad…like Mallory Knox?

Like most things, this cannot be distilled down to a single root cause. The rise in use of psychotropic drugs seems most significant and clearly there is a correlation, but as we all know this is not causation.

I think mostly this is a symptom of our great cultural sickness. Many of us can sense the sickness and it seems likely that the people on the fringes–the unbalanced, the lonely, the misanthropic feel the sickness to a greater degree. All of this compounded by chemical-laden food, constant sensory overload from endless screens and of course those ubiquitous SSRIs.

I wonder if there was also an (perhaps undocumented, perhaps unnoticed ) increase in psychotic breaks during past Fourth Turnings?

harry p.
harry p.
October 2, 2015 12:37 pm

Fucked up fragile minded pussies are being created everyday
-drugs to cope with reality
-told they are wonderful by parent(s) no matter what
-not enough regular people armed and confident/competeny in their ability to protect themselves and their neighbors
-destruction of the family and most importantly a man raising his boy(s).
An overpowering evil control hungrygovt taking away righrs while fucking up everything they touch only to have the people whose lives they ruin demand they do more.

I could go on and on, i only know 2 things arent to blame for sure, the guns he used are inanimate objects and arent to blame and myself who carries and professes everyone who can should are not responsible in any capacity.

I see that fucking scumbag try to shame and guilt people who dont aggree to govt confiscation as the problem and make us feel like we contributed. Fuck that noise! Those fuckers who institute gun free zones are to blame, blood is on their hands. Fuck him and fuck all of hem that profess otherwise!

October 2, 2015 12:47 pm

Perhaps this is inappropriate but with the ubiquity of cell-phone camera’s and the general age of those in community college – where are the video’s of the aftermath?

Where are the video’s of the students filming themselves being evacuated? Standing around watching the aftermath? Filming ambulances, cop cars, firetrucks emt’s?

The place was filled with people who don’t know life without a cellphone camera.

Were the phones confiscated?

Have all of the survivors acquired good taste and refuse to even post edited versions of the carnage?

I see the candle light vigils – I see the TV reports and interviews – I see stills of the scene – perhaps I’m not looking in the right place.

October 2, 2015 12:55 pm

Stucky, to go one step further, I think it is likely that all of these mass shooters are psychopaths. We know that psychoactive/psychotropic drugs can cause suicidal or rageful thoughts, especially in younger, mentally impared, people. But the majority never act on it. Adding in psychopathic tendencies may be the trigger that sends some of the young people on the psychotropic drugs over the edge in the form of mass killings rather than suicide.

But given that the vast majority of politicians are also psychopaths I don’t think they’ll ever let us have enough of the data to prove a correlation because then we might be wondering why they never suggest instituting controls on psychopaths.

October 2, 2015 12:57 pm

Why did it happen? Forty years of delusional, irrational government that failed to allow entrepreneurs to create jobs, failed to stay small to prevent deficits and failed to understand what it was doing wrong. Also, drugging children with mind controls (SSRIs) is a failure of understanding the limits of pharmacology. The shooting is a SYMPTOM of the failures.

What can be done? Vote out every useless politician in D.C., trim the size of government by 50% at least, shut down the unConstitutional departments, use the money saved to pay down the debt until gone and then to rebuild the infrastructure while voiding excess regulations and laws that stifle innovation and freedom.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
October 2, 2015 1:17 pm

It’s the Mental Illness we used to call Godless Communism which has so metastasized through the American social body that we just call it Liberalism now.

October 2, 2015 1:20 pm


October 2, 2015 1:29 pm


Seeing that governments have killed more people in the history of mankind, I wonder what a person’s chances are of being killed by a government.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
October 2, 2015 1:43 pm

I don’t believe the born bad argument. Nobody looks at a baby and thinks one day they will be a killer. I like what Gerald Celente says, “When people have nothing left to lose, they lose it.” But it doesn’t sum up every reason. The simple truth is everybody in the world is capable of killing. The holocaust turn killing into a mechanically efficient model. With the signature of a high ranking official thousands were sent to their death. Many who were on trail at Nerumberg never physically killed anybody. Charles Manson influence his cut into killing people, but he never killed anybody. There are no straight forward answers regarding murder. However, this sign still is relevant nearly a hundred years later:

[imgcomment image[/img]

October 2, 2015 2:18 pm


We’re all born with an evil nature and are naturally bad if left to our own devices without being taught that we can be good and it is right to be that way and wrong not to.

Good people become that way through outside influences acting on their evil nature and overcoming it, not the other way around.

October 2, 2015 2:18 pm

Stucky, I don’t think people are born bad. I think their parents/guardians fail to instill coping mechanisms in them. Same kind of shit happens to animals that are caged and then neglected or abused. Human babies take 15 years or so to raise to maturity. Many are essentially abandoned as soon as mommy returns to work (not blaming mommies) and only receive negative attention when they inevitably begin to inconvenience the stressed out parents who are working full time to compensate for the ravages inflicted on them by central banks and govt. So……when they’re told that a simple little pill will calm junior down, they go along so that they can get back to the status quo.

October 2, 2015 2:26 pm

Gator, why not just avoid businesses that put up “no guns” signs? Fuck ’em! They don’t care about you so you may as well not spend your money there.

October 2, 2015 2:41 pm

@IS, I was window shopping in the mall and looking over the Jarod’s counters.

Clerk said something about coming and seeing things up close, I smiled big and said, “oh, no thanks, I’m sorry but I refuse to support retailers that support criminals making dead victims of customers.”

Obviously no clue as to why I said it, so I asked her if Jarod’s was still a “no-carry,” she smiled big and said, “yes, we want a safe shopping experience.”

“Oh, so your shoplifters and thieves make sure to not bring their guns into the store when they rob you?”

Dead silence.

Baa-baa dead sheep.

October 2, 2015 2:49 pm

@Stephanie, I actually had the chance to meet and talk with one of the survivors from the Bath school. She and a sibling had been sick and her mom wouldn’t let them go to school even though they both wanted to AND felt better!

She was nearing 100, couldn’t see, but seemed bright as a tack, I was renewing an accident indeminity that she had bought from W Clement Stone, in Detroit when he started his company. The renewal was $4.50 for 6 months. At the time of my visit, the policy had been in effect for over 70 years.

Anyway, that happened in Michigan and led to dynamite being regulated and controlled.

There has ALWAYS been crazy people. Take away guns and they will still find ways to kill us. Life in inherently dangerous and ALWAYS ends in death. Can’t avoid it. This country has gone off the rails trying to pretend like you can change that one basic, non-disputable, fact.

October 2, 2015 2:49 pm

IS and TE I do avoid those places when possible, but sometimes its necessary. Even though they can’t do anything but ask you to leave, I don’t like giving any company that does tht any of my money. If you are helping take my rights away, then fuck you.

October 2, 2015 2:56 pm

Yeah no shit TE.

I always respect the few “no guns” signs I encounter by taking my business elsewhere…..permanently.

Imagine if that school had signs indicating that some students and staff are armed?

October 2, 2015 3:03 pm

Stucky said:
” A baby can be born with a bad heart, bad lungs, bad blood, bad liver …. in fact, not one organ or function of the body is immune to being dysfunctional upon birth …… INCLUDING the brain.”

I agree with that but I think it would be an exception for the most part. Most of these shooters seem to be able to function for a dozen years or more before breaking bad. I think environment plus drugs are the bigger factors. I believe that introducing chemical altering drugs to brains that are not fully formed is the biggest cause. Environment (neglect/abuse) leads to the “need” for the drugs.

Neglect…….drugs…….shooting rampage……it’s the circle of life.

October 2, 2015 3:42 pm

We’re not going to solve the nature vs nurture debate here. Ms Freud can confirm, but I believe that about 10% of the population has psychopathic tendencies (no empathy or ability to love) and a large percentage of them are born that way. We could characterize these people as “born bad”. So there is some data to support the nature argument. There’s lots of data to support the nurture argument as well because, obviously, 10% of the population does not become mass murderers. So both nature and nurture have some role in potential development of a mass murderer. We could spend all day arguing which has the larger role, but even if we had the data we’re likely to find overlapping ranges rather than any clear winner.

The one thing that we’ve got in 100% of the recent cases is psychotropic drugs which could be considered neither nature or nurture or both nature and nurture depending on how you look at it.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
October 2, 2015 3:51 pm

TE: My aunt and uncle survived the Bath Schooling bombing. They were inside the part of the school that didn’t detonate.

October 2, 2015 4:09 pm

I think the “modern life” is pretty much a sham. Humans can’t handle it I guess.

We need to have real purpose, or some just snap.

Some find that purpose in their art. Some find it in raising children. Some find it in farming/crafting/home brewing.

The thing that really is unanimous across the board is that you are creating and producing real things.

People need to have a purpose other than crunching numbers in spreadsheets and arguing over legal minutia in contracts and regulatory paperwork.

October 2, 2015 7:39 pm

Did you guys hear about the looney toons in Banning, CA (just up the road from me). Shot and killed two, just at random, injured 3 more. Just starting shooting at cars in a sleepy little town of 30,000.

Scary shit be comin’ down!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 3, 2015 7:41 am

There is a growing divide in the country and day by day it grows deeper and more irrevocable. All around us we see the signs, if we look for them, of decay and collapse built into the very system itself.

If you reward indolence, it will become the norm, if we practice wholesale slaughter from the womb to a foreign wedding party others will take the cue. If we celebrate slatterns and degenerates and ridicule the wholesome and traditional we will wind up with more of one and less of another.

The further an organism lives from it’s natural state, the more adaptable the organism will become to that which is unnatural.

Yesterday an older farmer came to pick up his cow from my farm. She had been a guest of ours for several days to be bred by my bull and when he arrived I asked him to pull his trailer to the lower trail beside the stream and open the rear door. I explained that I would be opening a gate from one pasture and leading the animals to another, that his animals- the cow and her young heifer- would follow at the rear of the herd and when he saw them approach he would simply close the pasture gate behind them and allow them to load back in his trailer. The cattle dogs watched my every move, excited to work and anxious for their opportunity to show off to my friend. I called out to the cows- mooing to them from the trailhead- and they quickly assembled at the gate, mooing in return. I opened the gate, placing my hands with palms extended behind me and walked them along the trail towards the upper field. The dogs, without instruction, took up places at the right and left of the herd, keeping a close eye on the calves. When the last calves passed through the gates the dogs trotted alongside them without a sound and followed them the length of the passage. My friend stood by his trailer watching for his animals and as my herd moved into the upper pasture they spread out and put their heads down to the grass walking slowly uphill. The calves, younger and full of energy shot ahead past his animals and sprinted through the gate to catch up with their mothers on the green field and like clockwork his two cows passed the edge of his trailer and made a sharp right and climbed into the trailer without a hitch. The dogs came in for a pat and a couple of “good dogs!”, panting happily.

He shut the door behind them and looked at me with a rare smile on his face, genuine and slightly surprised.

An cow in it’s natural state, well fed, not stressed, kept on pasture rather than in confinement and handled with respect are trouble free. They thrive. They get along. They breed easily, deliver strong calves, put on muscle with ease, and are generally a pleasure to be around. Human beings share a very similar set of needs and requirements as most domesticated livestock- domesticated livestock being a creation of humans, adapted to human use and care throughout the centuries and to human habits and behaviors.

In progressive farming- yes, that’s what industrial agriculture calls itself- animals are kept in confinement, fed diets that contain little or no grass in order to fatten them quickly not with protein rich muscle but with tallow. They are pumped full of antibiotics- not to keep sickness at bay but to kill the digestive microbes in their guts so that each pound of feed is more readily converted to a pound of fat. They stand not in fields of grass but in knee deep paddocks filled with manure. They are moved about not by family farmers who have known them since birth, respectfully and with ease, but by hirelings who shout and push them and use taser like devices to shock them into compliance from on overcrowded paddock to another, filled with fear, their bodies flooded by hormones before slaughter.

How do we fail to make the connection? How do we not see that the further we drift from what we were meant to be and to do as human beings the more we become disoriented, obese, dysfunctional, angry, depressed, violent or passive in the extreme. These responses are the natural outcome of unnatural circumstances and we should be in no way surprised that the more we extol and promote such systems the more often we will see such behaviors. It isn’t surprising, it doesn’t require any in depth studies or introspection beyond the obvious. We are a product of our time and place. We live in a dystopian future that makes Brave New World look positively mundane in comparison. Mass shootings are the natural outcome of a society that mentally shackles its population while pumping it full of psychotropic drugs and violent imagery. It tells us to turn away from bullying while it dumps payloads of high explosives on hospitals and schools. It tells us to empathize with women while objectifying them via pornography and then denies young adult males the benefits of a loving wife and family unless he meets an impossible standard or forces him in direct competition with females both academically and in the workplace, putting of family formation until such a time as a woman is near menopause-

I could go on but you get the picture.

What is happening is- in my opinion- is engineered. You couldn’t do more if you personally placed the gun in the young man’s hand and gave him a lawful order to kill everyone in that school- and ironically is that not what we do to our drone pilots, only in different locations?

We are being led, deliberately and inexorably to the abattoir. The only question is, are you willing to submit?

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 3, 2015 11:18 am

Olga says:
Perhaps this is inappropriate but with the ubiquity of cell-phone camera’s and the general age of those in community college – where are the video’s of the aftermath?

Where are the video’s of the students filming themselves being evacuated? Standing around watching the aftermath? Filming ambulances, cop cars, firetrucks emt’s?

The place was filled with people who don’t know life without a cellphone camera.

Were the phones confiscated?

“Sometime after noon, students’ cell phones were confiscated, then students were marched out one building at a time, hands up, patted down and lined up to be evacuated on buses.”

Don’t know if anything was deleted from those phones. Someone will speak out if that happened,
which will lead to some hard questions.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
October 3, 2015 12:49 pm

HS Farmer: I love your comments and totally agree with everything you say but “You couldn’t do more if you personally placed the gun in the young man’s hand and gave him a lawful order to kill everyone”. Were you ever a soldier? No matter how bad the environment, we must not kill others needlessly and we must not excuse those who do (remember Lt Calley). I think Jesus would agree we are responsible for our actions and although I’m an Arch-Conservative and don’t really get it myself, I think we are to prefer death to killing; no one should make light of it from POTUS to patriotic pilots to Planned Parenthood. Remember the killer Saul who deserved to die and go to Hell but a word from God turned him into St Paul? I don’t want to stand before God like Don Juan and lose my soul because I can’t remember the name of the one girl who really loved me or the guy who would have been another St Paul.