This is one of the finest pieces that Gonzalo has ever written. His passion regarding right and wrong, moral and immoral, and punishment fitting the crimes is dead on. Our country is warped and in rapid decline. There is only one way to save it. Prosecute the criminals. Make bankers accept the consequences of their actions. Let failures fail. Let the debt go bad. Enforce the rule of law equally. Throw Dick Cheney into Guantanomo before he reaches his final destination in hell.

Mr. Cheney’s Victory Lap

Dick Cheney is taking a lap around all the talk shows, peddling his memoir while giving his reputation one final spit-shine before he dies and goes straight to hell.



Dick Cheney

Oh—so you actually doubt he’ll go to hell? With the shit he’s pulled? Cabrón, please . . .

It is remarkable that relatively few people seem outraged by Mr. Cheney. Here is the man who, as Vice-President of the United States, violated some of the most important rights, freedoms and liberties that America has defended for over two-hundred years. Not only did he commit what in other times would have been considered war crimes and crimes against humanity—he is proud of having done so!

He boasts about the torture he ordered, he defends the wars of aggression that he fomented, and he is silent about the sweetheart deals he gave his former employer, Halliburton, in the “reconstruction” of countries that he helped destroy.

In short, he violated every rule in the book—yet no one is throwing the book at him. There are no Congressional hearings into his violation of the Constitution. There are no prosecutors sharpening their chops, getting ready to indict him on charges of corruption.

Most of all, there is no public outrage at him.

Sure, some loony Lefties and some old-style hard-ass Conservatives such as myself bitch and moan about him—but no one is seriously arguing for his arrest, indictment and prosecution for the despicable things he did while in office. Or if they are advocating his arrest and prosecution—like me, and perhaps you—then they are on the extreme fringes of the political discourse—like me, and perhaps you: Marginal, and inconsequential.

Read more »

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August 30, 2011 9:27 am

We need to become China. That will solve all problems. Let’s roll!

August 30, 2011 9:38 am

If you locked up Dick Cheney for what he did, you would have to lock up the entire Obama Admin also because they have continued and taken to warp speed the very same policies of Bush/Cheney/Rumsfield.

Of course this trio just built on what was ALREADY in place. After all, The Patriot Act was written by Joe Biden after the Oklahoma bombing, for example.


And you wonder why some call it Mordor on The Potomac.

Don’t be too hard on Cheney or Obama or any of these guys. They are just Nazgul.

“Those who used the Nine Rings became mighty in their day, kings, sorcerers, and warriors of old. They obtained glory and great wealth, yet it turned to their undoing. They had, as it seemed, unending life, yet life became unendurable to them.”

And, like the Nazgul who served the wrong master, these guys will come to no good end.


john coster
john coster
August 30, 2011 10:11 am

If you really want to wake up and smell the sulfur, consider the behavior of Cheney during and after the 9/11 attacks. Interested in facts? Check out the writing of David Ray Griffin or the work of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

August 30, 2011 10:12 am

This is the most brilliant phrase Gonzalo has written thus far:

[imgcomment image[/img]

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
August 30, 2011 10:16 am

I’ll be so glad when the last of the cold war crazies dwindle away.

Gonzalo Lira
Gonzalo Lira
August 30, 2011 10:17 am

Thank you for the kind compliment—glad you liked the phrase.

Only thing: Wish you’d used a picture of Cheney on a morning show, instead of an innocent cat.


Muck About
Muck About
August 30, 2011 10:22 am

No cat is innocent!


August 30, 2011 10:44 am

Gonzalo – is this more to your liking?

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 30, 2011 10:52 am

newsjunkie, those cat pix .. , are ….. GREAT !, even Gonzo will like them.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
August 30, 2011 10:58 am

Modest insight… nothing to write home about.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
August 30, 2011 11:04 am

“Autobiographies are, by definition, self-serving,” said Carl M. Cannon in Politics Daily, “and this one is not likely to break the mold,” especially considering that “his ghost-writer is said to be his eldest daughter Liz Cheney.”


August 30, 2011 11:26 am

I don’t mind writing about him, but for gods sake, did you have to put up pictures? I won’t be able to sleep tonight.

August 30, 2011 12:00 pm

Derivative, unauthenticated specious garbage.

Pitiful, embarrassingly shallow hit piece on a true American statesman.

Please tell me again why waterboarding is torture, and also why it is ineffective.

The transparent agenda of the League of Curs (aka Ron Paulites) is starkly revealed in this embarrassment to journalism.

The fucking tortured logic used by the curs in attempting to discredit waterboarding as being ineffective is laughable.

Let me ask you something.

Would you go way out on a limb and concede that there are people called terrorists who have killed and attempted to kill Americans repeatedly?

Many of you, of course, will deny that. The majority of you will deny that. The same members of your CUR ideology that call black white, and night day.

But the infinitesimally small number of you that have an ounce of integrity would concede that yes, there are terrorists that are out to kill us.

Now, having made this ENORMOUS concession, another question for you.—-Of those that want us dead, (including MANY released from that ghastly torture chamber Guantanamo Bay), do you think that there is any chance that any of them would be more forthcoming than otherwise about their murderous plans, due to USA forced interrogation techniques?

See, that’s where your hypocrisy exposes you every fucking time.

It is absolutely undeniable that those methods extract more information than would be otherwise available from them. I mean, JFC, common fucking sense tells you that they are not going to VOLUNTARILY give away the vital information of their terror network.

Your CUR positions and ideology would carry far more legitimacy if you were to say, “We think forced interrogations are barbaric and uncivilized “, and leave it at that.

But no, you DON’T leave it at that. Instead, you try to make the absurd case, through your tortured logic and defying the common sense of a 3 yr old, that forced interrogation DOES NOT WORK.

You KNOW that your position is an abject crock of the reekingest vilest shit, yet you cling to your fairy tales because the truth contradicts what you WANT to believe. So, you simply invert the truth to coincide with what you want to believe.

BTW, pouring water on a person is NOT torture.

Torture is raping and murdering his wife and daughter with a broken wine bottle, with him watching, then gouging out his eyes and cutting out his tongue, then applying a rusty ice pick to his ear drums, applying alcohol to the wounds, all very slowly so he lingers for weeks or months.
Then rinse and repeat.

Torture is also beheading American soldiers and journalists on Al jazeera television in front of thousands of applauding, fine civilized Islamic citizens.

You LOVE to motherfuck America for pouring some water on a terrorist, but don’t say SHIT about the thousands of innocent Americans incinerated so that Akmed can get his 74 (or however many) virgins.

Please start up some more of your shit about how the USA invaded so that W and Cheney’s Haliburton buddies would make more money.

October 7, 2017 2:50 pm

Ya need to tighten it up there Smokero. Edit. I know you got all them important thoughts circling the drain in that head of yours guy. We only need the abridged version. Or the Cliffnotes even.

Gonzalo Lira
Gonzalo Lira
August 30, 2011 12:21 pm

Re. Smokey’s outburst:

I lived three blocks from the World Trade Center. Three friends of mine—two dog-park acquaintances and a buddy I used to go with for wild Atlantic City weekends—were killed.

I am not making light of the events of September 11. Nor am I siding with the people who carried out those events, or who support people carrying out such terrorist acts.

What I am saying is, in this so-called “War on Terror” (which is as dumb as carrying out a “War on Flanking Maneuvers”), we as a country allowed people such as Cheney to betray the very principles for which the United States is supposed to be a shining beacon.

Compare the current regime of torture, and the lack of due process, to the acts of Americans carried out against Nazis in World War II: No torture, no “enhanced interrogations”, no violation of due process. They didn’t, because they said it “wouldn’t be right”.

Cheney, Bush, and that whole cabal pushed us into betraying what makes America America.

Smokey has issues. He’s angry, and all he wants to do is lash out and kill, kill, kill.

I guess we have met a member of Cheney’s constituency.


August 30, 2011 12:41 pm

“Would you go way out on a limb and concede that there are people called terrorists who have killed and attempted to kill Americans repeatedly? Many of you, of course, will deny that. The majority of you will deny that.” — Smokey

I highly doubt that is true. Quite the opposite. I suspect nearly every single person here on TBP would admit that there are terrorists who have or want to kill Americans. To deny that is to deny facts as plain as the nose on one’s face. It’s a straw-man argument, imho.
“It is absolutely undeniable that those methods extract more information than would be otherwise available from them.”

Says who? Show me the proof. On the other hand there is AMPLE evidence that torture rarely results in valuable data being revealed. Many of these studies are from the government itself. Take time to google it, and you will see. When people are tortured they will say ANYTHING to stop the torture. It’s no more complicated than that. Again, think about it, and you will see the truth of that statement.
Smokey, let me ask you this; would you support us beheading terrorist suspects? If not, why not? THEY do it, why shouldn’t we? In my opinion, we don’t want to become like them. We march to a higher, better standard. Or, don’t we?

The problem with the War On Terrorism is that — try as I might — I simply cannot find a country by the name of “Terror” anywhere on the map. Our POS government has broadened the definition of “terrorism” to basically include ………… ANYONE it doesn’t like!!! For example, people that post on websites like THIS are terrorist suspects!

The DHS has a very long list of people to keep an eye on. You, Smokey, may very well be on that list. There is no way for you to know …. until they come knockin’ on your door. Then it’s too late. And when they waterboard you, then you will indeed know that you are being tortured.

August 30, 2011 12:49 pm

By the way Gonzo, — I have ridden your scrawny ass from time to time —- but I call a spade a spade, and that was a pretty good piece you wrote.

August 30, 2011 12:59 pm

“This is the most brilliant phrase Gonzalo has written thus far”

Open your mouth and insert Gonzo’s 1/2 inch wiggle worm. Gonzo was apparently in summer school, because his writing went from 2nd grade-level to 3rd grade. His missives are all but meaningless. He’s like a blind pandhandler in battery park. He happens to hear conversations from people walking by. He’s a paraphraser, and a poor one at that. It’s the same old shit. The topic du jour is criticizing Chaney. He’ll be parroting something else next week. If an original thought went through his head, he’d have a stroke, it’s never happened before.

There’s no conviction in his writing. Comparing WW2 to the war on terror is a stretch, even for a half-wit. The stupid Chilean cocksucker comes here and criticizes our government. I’d like to return the favor, except I don’t know shit about the Chilean government, and really, who gives two shits about Chile? I’ve been there. It makes the inbred hillbillies in the Ozarks look like the Rockefeller s. Maybe he should stick to something he knows about, like genital warts, and quit trying to be writer. What the fuck does he know about America? He’s not even an American. Somebody call the INS.

August 30, 2011 1:05 pm

“I lived three blocks from the World Trade Center. Three friends of mine—two dog-park acquaintances and a buddy I used to go with for wild Atlantic City weekends—were killed”

If I had a time machine, I’d go back 10 years, to August, 2001, and pay for an apartment for Gonzo 1/2 a block from the world trade center. You weren’t close enough the first time, damn.

Gonzo at one of his “wild Atlantic City weekends”
[imgcomment image[/img]

August 30, 2011 1:28 pm


You expounded eloquently on “judgement ” in this pathetic diatribe.

The problem is, everybody’s judgement does not coincide with yours. Judgement is a subjective word that you use to gin up hate against America.

It’s a word that you use in an attempt to bring the fringe to your blog.

I mean, every fucking thing you wrote, I’ve already read a hundred times elsewhere.

I think Cheney made some mistakes, as did Bush, Clinton, H W Bush , Obama, Reagan, Carter and all those presidents and vice presidents before and since.

But I grow weary of your crowd that ALWAYS and in every instance blames America first in the wars.

The reality is that the US Embassy was seized in Iran in 1979 and the incompetent coward Jimmy Carter didn’t do shit.

In 1983 the US Embassy was bombed in Lebanon and 17 Americans were killed. We did not respond.

In 1984 two more Americans were killed from a truck bomb in Lebanon. No response from us.

In 1993, a bomb exploded in the World Trade Center, killing 6 and injuring over a 1000. Bill Clinton’s response, “We’ll just have to hunt down those responsible and make them pay.” Then he didn’t do a fucking thing.

In 1996, the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia were bombed and 19 Americans killed. Bill Clinton’s response, “We’ll hunt down those responsible and make them pay.” Then he didn’t do shit.

In 1998 truck bombs exploded at the American Embassies at Kenya and Tanzania and Clinton didn’t do shit.

In 2000, the USS Cole was bombed and 17 Americans were killed. Bill Clinton’s response, “We’ll just have to hunt sown those responsible and make them pay.” Then he didn’t do shit.

What does it fucking take for this country to take it’s hands off it’s nuts and engage the fucking enemy?

What you deliberately ignore, Gonzalo, is that every fucking major intelligence agency in the world said in 2001 that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. England, France, Germany, Australia, Russia, all of them. Bill Clinton had stated it publicly.

A member of my family said within hours of the WTC attack, that if Bush didn’t take out Hussein in addition to Bin Laden that he was wasting his time. What was my brother’s motive? To spread democracy? To steal Iraq’s oil?

And of course there were no WMDs. But see, here is where your fiction and lies kick in. All of you claim that Bush and Cheney KNEW that there were no WMD’s. That’s a goddamn lie AND YOU KNOW IT, but it doesn’t fit with your Hate-America ideology.

Another question—If George W Bush and Cheney invaded Iraq for the oil, why haven’t we fucking taken it? We spent trillions of $ and haven’t taken a fucking drop.

And why did George H W Bush and Sec of Defense Cheney walk away from downtown Iraq at the end of Gulf War I, if they wanted the oil? It was there for the taking.

You fucking curs all claim that Bush and Cheney invaded foreign lands to spread their ideology. Really? A small question for you.

The only way Bush would conceivably have cover to invade is because of a terrorist attack. So, you are implying that he would have invaded Iraq even if we hadn’t been hit on 9/11? Or are you claiming Bush KNEW 9/11 was going to happen?

OR—- Was it that when 9/11 happened Bush said, “God damn. This is my golden opportunity. I will use it to invade a sovereign country so that my buddies at Haliburton might get richer. I fucking KNOW there are no weapons of mass destruction, and of course that will be found out, and my legacy as President will be ruined and I will be disgraced, but none of that matters as long as my rich buddies at Haliburton get richer.”

What a crock of shit.

August 30, 2011 1:31 pm


The way we found Bin Laden is by monitoring his courier. That is a fact.

The way we found who his courier was, was through waterboarding. That is a fact.

Google it.

August 30, 2011 1:40 pm

“OR—- Was it that when 9/11 happened Bush said, “God damn. This is my golden opportunity. I will use it to invade a sovereign country …” Smokey

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!

” … so that my buddies at Haliburton might get richer.” Smokey

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!

“I fucking KNOW there are no weapons of mass destruction, …” Smokey

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!

” … and of course that will be found out, …” Smokey

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!

“… and my legacy as President will be ruined and I will be disgraced …” Smokey

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!

” … but none of that matters as long as my rich buddies at Haliburton get richer.” Smokey

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!


You want Door Number 1, Door Number 2, or Door Number 3? ALL have GREAT prizes!
[imgcomment image[/img]

August 30, 2011 1:43 pm

OK … all you folks who like to post pictures ……. SHOW SMOKEY WHAT’S BEHIND THE DOORS!

August 30, 2011 1:44 pm

We found Bin Laden? Are you sure? Really, really, REALLY sure?

I’m not.

August 30, 2011 1:47 pm

Behind door number 2:

It’s Gonzo (in the wig) grabbing some party favors from his pal “Lance” (from Austria).

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 30, 2011 1:57 pm

I never said torture NEVER works. The huge problem torturers have is knowing exactly when the victim is telling the truth. By all indications the available data indicates hardly ever.

“There’s no such thing as “a little bit of torture” such as the “light” tactics that are preferred today.

Detainees are just as likely to tell their interrogators whatever they want to hear under psychological distress as they are under physical distress … a statement backed up by Sen. John McCain, who himself was tortured as an officer during the Vietnam War.

Democracies, rather than dictatorships or oppressive regimes, are more likely to engage in this seemingly stealthy kind of torture because it is easier to hide from journalists and citizens

Torture is a sign that a government either does not enjoy the trust of the people it governs or cannot recruit informers for a surveillance system.

In both cases, torture to obtain information is a sign of institutional decay and desperation, and torture accelerates this process, destroying the bonds of loyalty, respect and trust that keep information flowing. As any remaining sources of intelligence dry up, governments have to torture even more.”

August 30, 2011 2:05 pm

“If I had a time machine, I’d go back 10 years, to August, 2001, and pay for an apartment for Gonzo 1/2 a block from the world trade center. You weren’t close enough the first time, damn.”

Okay, in incredibly bad taste. My apologizes. If I had a time machine I’d go to Logan International airport with a machete and wait out front security. BTW, this is gonzo post. Just a reminder.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
August 30, 2011 2:19 pm

This has turned out to be a great Tinfoil Tuesday post…

Thanks Gonzalo. Your contribution with whacky conspiracy theories is appreciated.

August 30, 2011 2:41 pm

“…so our military industrial complex can keep pumping out weapons to sell to the world.”

When that dries up, what else do we have of value to export besides grains and fruit? What do we really produce in America that adds to our GDP (besides the best f’g laser-guided munitions money can buy)?

And don’t tell me iPhones or all the other “innovations” that we create but have assembled elsewhere. The only local company of any significance that I’m aware of that designs, manufacturers and exports it’s own shit here in So Cal is Oakley. And probably (just guessing) 50% of their revenue comes from the military these days. Standard GI issue these days in Iraq/Afghanistan.

August 30, 2011 3:35 pm

Behind DOOR NUMBER 3 ….

Your VERY OWN WATERBOARD !!!!! [crowd claps and cheers]
[imgcomment image?w=470[/img]

August 30, 2011 3:37 pm

The larger issue has not even been addressed by the media, much less given the time and attention that it deserves.

And that is the fact that this nation has been inexcusably derelict in it’s duties.

Arguably the largest tragedy and miscarriage of justice in the history of mankind and in fact all of the human species is the fact that our civilization has not COMPELLED the Roman Catholic Church to invoke immediately the canonization proceedings for conferring sainthood status upon Richard Cheney while he is still alive.

Everyone is aware of Dick’s precarious heart condition and that he could leave us at any time. And for this nation not to fast track his inevitable sainthood speaks volumes as to why this country is in the shape it is in.

August 30, 2011 3:38 pm

Behind DOOR NUMBER 2 ….

Your VERY OWN NEOCON TRASHCAN !!! [crowd goes wild]

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 30, 2011 3:40 pm

BTW, if Mohammed had been on LIVE television revealing the courier name, and seen by BILLIONS of people, the story would still be widely discredited and called a lie.

It comes down to who you believe.

August 30, 2011 3:45 pm

Behind DOOR NUMBER 1 ….

Dick Cheney’s SIGNATURE on a wooden plaque (or on YOUR woody … if the Viagra is working)!!!
—– [crowd goes into an orgasmic frenzy … Take Door #1!!!, Take Door #1!!! ]

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August 30, 2011 4:00 pm

Dick Cheney once told the truth.

It was caught on camera.
[imgcomment image[/img]

August 30, 2011 4:01 pm


I am hereby appointing you the final arbiter of this engaging discussion (brutal smackdown).

You are judge, jury, and executioner of all action on this thread. Of course, there are those who will try to usurp your authority, and decree that THEY are the deciders.

Heed them not, although you may pity them if you choose. There complaints carry no weight here.

Regardless of their feeble protestations, and impotent contentions to the contrary, in the immediate absence of LLPOH, YOU decide who the victors are and who the beaten curs are.

August 30, 2011 4:01 pm


August 30, 2011 4:03 pm

“Their ” complaints. Sorry, mindfart.

August 30, 2011 4:18 pm

Smokey, you obviously have been away from this board too long. Or maybe you are forgetting to take your Omega-3 fish oil pills … it helps with memory loss.

You are in no position to “appoint” anybody to anything. Admin himself has ruled that you MUST work yourself back up to Big Dog status. Judging from your love affair with Dick (Cheney) you still have a long, long way to go.

Even if you were a Big Dog, your judgment is severely impaired. Colma??? You appoint Colma as judge???? llpoh would make a good alternate. But, Colma??? He can’t tell the difference between his manberry and a blueberry. (Of course, they are roughly the same size so one can understand his confusion.)

I, and I alone, am The Judge. I will wait until the end of the day to make my ruling. But it ain’t looking to good for you.

August 30, 2011 4:30 pm

Cheney is a piece of shit, plain and simple.

The fundamental problem i have with water boarding, it a very short step from torturing “enemy combatants” to ” ron paul supporting terrorists”

August 30, 2011 5:19 pm

Now that I have ferociously and without mercy smacked down all of you misguided curs, I do have a question for you.

What in the fuck are we doing in Libya?

I mean, I have no problem with getting it on with, say, Iran, because that will happen eventually anyway. They are by far the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. They have actively undermined the USA war efforts overseas and they fund Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Quaeda and all the extremist terrorist groups.

I mean, shit, the leader of Iran genuinely and sincerely believes that the Twelfth Imam is this very instant sitting hidden in the bottom of a fucking well in the desert in the Middle East, waiting to emerge and lead Islam into the role of worldwide worldwide power and dominance.

But Libya? Those cocksuckers are a threat to this country about as much as Moby, my 11 1/2 ” package..

August 30, 2011 5:27 pm

Funny you ask Smokey. I was just reading this long ass article on the subject on GW’s blog:


Lies, War, and Empire: NATO’s “Humanitarian Imperialism” in Libya

Shit’s too long to post on a comment. Actually fuck it, I’ll drop it on a full post…

August 30, 2011 5:31 pm

I am here late. But I second the Libya comment. The “UN” is bombing ins upport of …….. fucked if I know. And they do not know either. A hint seems to be them saying they wouldn’t turn over the Lockerbie Bomber (Scottish justice at work there really impressed). For all we know they will put in an evil version of Omar. .

Delaware Valley Sally
Delaware Valley Sally
August 30, 2011 5:32 pm

I bet smokey’s wife is on top in bed.

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