This is one of the finest pieces that Gonzalo has ever written. His passion regarding right and wrong, moral and immoral, and punishment fitting the crimes is dead on. Our country is warped and in rapid decline. There is only one way to save it. Prosecute the criminals. Make bankers accept the consequences of their actions. Let failures fail. Let the debt go bad. Enforce the rule of law equally. Throw Dick Cheney into Guantanomo before he reaches his final destination in hell.

Mr. Cheney’s Victory Lap

Dick Cheney is taking a lap around all the talk shows, peddling his memoir while giving his reputation one final spit-shine before he dies and goes straight to hell.



Dick Cheney

Oh—so you actually doubt he’ll go to hell? With the shit he’s pulled? Cabrón, please . . .

It is remarkable that relatively few people seem outraged by Mr. Cheney. Here is the man who, as Vice-President of the United States, violated some of the most important rights, freedoms and liberties that America has defended for over two-hundred years. Not only did he commit what in other times would have been considered war crimes and crimes against humanity—he is proud of having done so!

He boasts about the torture he ordered, he defends the wars of aggression that he fomented, and he is silent about the sweetheart deals he gave his former employer, Halliburton, in the “reconstruction” of countries that he helped destroy.

In short, he violated every rule in the book—yet no one is throwing the book at him. There are no Congressional hearings into his violation of the Constitution. There are no prosecutors sharpening their chops, getting ready to indict him on charges of corruption.

Most of all, there is no public outrage at him.

Sure, some loony Lefties and some old-style hard-ass Conservatives such as myself bitch and moan about him—but no one is seriously arguing for his arrest, indictment and prosecution for the despicable things he did while in office. Or if they are advocating his arrest and prosecution—like me, and perhaps you—then they are on the extreme fringes of the political discourse—like me, and perhaps you: Marginal, and inconsequential.

Read more »

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Colma Rising
Colma Rising
August 30, 2011 5:46 pm

Obama is bombing the Libyans because, in his wisdom, he realizes that France’s Texas Tea is our Texas Tea in a global economy. Furthermore, it certainly is not Libya’s Texas Tea… it was a divine joke to plant those nomads on our igneous goo and they’d be better off to concede that fact.

As for Saint Dick of the Cheney:

What is this, a Political Science class circa 2004? Waaaah waaah waaaah Cheney bad, waaaah waaah waaah giving haji a bath is torture…. Boo hoo for Saddam.

Get over it. If anyone here received an intel brief that he probably did, they’d drop a stanky load. At least Cheney put the efficiency of capitalism to work while giving those Baathist scum something to really cry about…

August 30, 2011 5:59 pm

Good question.

1) Obama said we’re there for humanitarian reasons.

But is is most clear than our “humanity” (and those of several other countries) has destroyed major civilian infrastructure, airports, roads, seaports, communication centers as well as military targets. This “coalition” has also driven out scores of multi-national corporations resulting in the exodus of hundreds of thousands of African, Middle Eastern and North African immigrant workers and technicians.

This has devastated the economy. Just wait and see … it will result in mass long-term unemployment.

There is no doubt whatsoever that many civilians have died as a direct result of thousands upon thousands of sorties …… the very lives the Coalition purports to be saving.

Thank God for our humanity! With friends like us, who needs enemies?

2) Some people say we are there for oil.

That seems unlikely. The multi-national oil companies of Europe, Asia, the US and elsewhere have ALREADY “taken over” millions of acres of Libyan oil fields.

One source says that the list of foreign oil majors engaged in Libya exceeds that of most oil producing countries in the ENTIRE world. For example …

British Petroleum (one oil field is the size of Kuwait), five Japanese firms, Italy’s Eni Gas, British Gas, Exxon Mobil, Occidental Petroleum. Royal Dutch Shell, Total (France), Oil India, China (lots of contracts), Indonesia’s Pertamina and Norway’s Norsk Hydro … among others.

You can’t steal what you already fuckin’ own.

3) Some people say because Gadaffi is a terrorist.

Oh, puh-lease!! Gimme a fuckin break!

—– It was Cheney, Bush and Rice who took Libya off the list of terrorist regimes!!

—– Gaddafi was welcomed in all European capitals when he dismantled his nuclear and chemical weapons programs!

—- And lest we forget … OBAMA himself went to Libya and gave him a hug!!

4) Some people say because of Al Qaeda.

That’s actually hilarious. For over a decade Gaddafi has been in the forefront of the fight against Al Qaeda. Exactly and just like there were NO Al Qaeda in Iraq during Saddam’s reign. You want to know where Al Qaeda is now? Take a look at the rebels. That’s documented and truth. Don’t forget, we supported the Taliban before they turned against us.

5) Some people say it’s because we want to support Democracy in Libya .

Once again, please give me a motherfucking break.

Why aren’t we supporting the masses in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Jordan, Qatar, or Oman? They’re all ruled by assholes …. who arrest and murder peaceful protestors with impunity.

Clearly, we have a hypocritical double standard. We WILL defend regimes that possess air force and naval bases, run intelligence operations and logistic platforms to pursue ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and to threaten Iran, or serve whatever other selfish needs the Coalition has. One thing is certain … it’s NEVER about the people.

I haven’t answered your question. I don’t know the real reason. But I do know the fake reasons. I can only GUESS at two possible reasons we’re in Libya.

1) Libya refused to collaborate with Western military operations in Africa and the Middle East.

2) Gadaffi was attempting to supplant payment of oil in dollars with his own gold backed currency. If successful, this could have led to the demise of the US Dollar and perhaps the US itself.

August 30, 2011 6:03 pm

Smokey … just curious … now that you know what’s behind the three doors, which one do you want? I have all three in my possession and can overnight it to you. Just publish your home address in this thread.

August 30, 2011 6:10 pm

Colma – just what have you promised Smokey? Personal favors, girls, fine cigars? So far he has attempted to get you named both Big Dog and Judge.

Now, I know Smokey. Smokey aint cheap. It must be something really special that you have promised. Now he wouldn’t try to promote you if you didn’t have promise, but these jobs are beyond your abilities at the moment (plus they are fucking filled!). So time to come clean. Just what have you offered? I will check your credit card statement and if you are buying lots of 11.5″ pocket rocket polish, the gig will be up.

August 30, 2011 6:19 pm

Jim…good bitch slap on Smokey and the courier being revealed.

Smokey watch this and see what the experts feel about torture and the reliability of the information that is gathered. Besides torture goes against the treaties that we have signed with other nations.


Smokey…refute the experts.


August 30, 2011 6:19 pm


Colma promised to send Smokey some of his baby-batter muffin-tops.

Colma, a Judge? bwahahahahaha!!! That’s OUR job!! (And I don’t plan on getting fired from it.)

August 30, 2011 6:22 pm


ABOUT TIME you jumped in. I’m getting pretty tired of carrying this debate … one-sided as it is.

August 30, 2011 7:09 pm

I understand Colma has sent this van to Smokey’s every day for the last trhee months in preparation for Smokey’s return:


August 30, 2011 7:09 pm


Damn wordpress.

August 30, 2011 7:11 pm

That is unbelievable – pasted two different photo links and nothing happened at all – not even the normal gibberish that comes up. What the fuck is going on with wordpress?

August 30, 2011 7:11 pm

You guys are forgetting about the JURY.

Stuck vs. Colma:
The Liberation of Lybia and Such Shit -et all

So just sitting here in the jury box, trying to look down juror #3’s blouse when, Counsel Stuck made a 5 point press with an additional 2 point synopsis/conclusion. It was astounding.

But on refelection (having taken on a more serious demeanor) I brought Counsel Colma’s spiel back into focus. “If anyone here received an intel brief that he probably did, they’d drop a stanky load”

Score tied. Back to looking for some curvature on #3.

August 30, 2011 7:12 pm

So I will try a different photo:

[imgcomment image[/img]

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 30, 2011 7:14 pm

The above are Colma’s bribes to Smokey.

I am a stubborn bastard. I never give in to a fucking computer program. No matter how stupid I look.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
August 30, 2011 7:33 pm

So you want to fuck with Colma?

Read my post again, bozos… especially you, Stuchenberger. The reasoning is solid.

I hear that Moveon.org is looking for some turncoat poster-boys… shoot them an email with your posts as a resume.

I’ll deal with you bastards after class if you’re not sipping tea over the Huffington Post before night night.

August 30, 2011 7:39 pm

Smokey…I’m waiting on you to refute the experts ?

August 30, 2011 7:45 pm

Colma – don’t let Smokey’s attempted promotion of you go to your head. He has some evil plan in mind that requires you to be sacrificed, of that I am sure. But buy into the accolades at your peril – you are coming along, but the step from AA ball to the majors is a long one. You gotta learn how to hit the slider first.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
August 30, 2011 7:45 pm

Good to have you back, Smokey. Nice beat down even if though you strayed off into loony toon land bringing up the war for oil. Or as you know it, Operation Get ’em. You are right on the money regarding the use of enhanced interrogation techniques, they absolutely work. You just have to do it right.
[imgcomment image[/img]

Colma, you might think you are flying high on Smokey’s Big Dog award but you may find it is a long way down when someone, not saying who, bitchslaps you back into reality. His clear and blatant disregard for established positions and status should tell you something. He is fucking with you. So long as you continue to grovel at his feet like a nutless cur, you will not be either big dog or judge, your objectivity and ferocity will remain in question.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
August 30, 2011 7:54 pm

What in the fuck are we doing in Libya? -Smokey

The neo-cons call it benevolent hegemony

Muck About
Muck About
August 30, 2011 8:00 pm

I love this thread. It has all the logic of a rabid poodle. Smokie is tired and already gone to bed (not without some smelly verbiage – his speciality!) and everyone else is running around screaming and shouting as if it really matters.

Dick Cheney should long ago have been locked up under the nearest Federal pen and fed through a hole in the floor with a long tube. He has no morals at all and is a true psychopath in the best definition of the word.

The world would have been better off if he had never been born (a lot of people now dead would still be alive). But then that applies to a lot of elite political or banking motherfuckers.


August 30, 2011 8:02 pm

Punk – where did you get that photo of Colma? I am sure he wanted all of those destroyed!

Colma- Punk knows what he is talking about. Your experience with Smokey is limited. You are what is known as “expendable”. He will use you as cannon fodder as suits his needs. Hell, he will even use you to draw sniper fire. You need to survive long enough to be brought onto the team – right now you are just on the practice squad.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
August 30, 2011 8:15 pm

That’s me, LLPOH, not Colma.

And before you say it. Yes, I have nice legs.

August 30, 2011 8:29 pm

Here is Colma deliverying as promised:

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 30, 2011 8:31 pm


LOL.—-You say “Refute the experts”, than post a link to Washington’s blog.

I have spent the last four months on Zero Hedge torching Washington’s ass and exposing him for the fool that he is.

He cherry picks statements that support his biased beliefs, then fucking idiots like you point to those statements as PROOF.

If you want information to support what you wish to believe, you would be far better served by going to any inner city public men’s room and copying graffiti from the stall walls. Any of that would be far more accurate and reliable than the ignorant refuse that Washington proudly posts on his blog in his never-ending efforts to motherfuck and slander America.

You cite shit that you think proves torture is not effective.

I will now NUKE your pathetic lame ass beliefs.

“Former CIA operative John Kiriakou in 2007 told CNN’s ‘American Morning’ that the torture of Al Qaeda’s Abu Zubayda indirectly led to the arrest of Khalid Sheik Mohammed.”

“The former agent, who said he participated in the Abu Zubayda interrogation but not his waterboarding, said the CIA decided to waterboard the Al Qaeda operative only after he was ‘wholly uncooperative’ for weeks and refused to answer questions. All that changed–and Zubayda had a divine revelation–after 30 to 35 seconds of waterboarding, Kiriakou said he learned from the CIA agents who performed the technique.”

“The terror suspect, who is being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, reportedly gave up the information that indirectly led to the 2003 raid in Pakistan yielding the arrest of Khalid Sheik Mohammed, a planner of the September 11, 2001 attacks, Kiriakou said.”

NOW READ THIS NEXT PARAGRAPH AND COMPREHEND IT. The entire piece is a direct quote.

(Keep in mind he is the former head of the CIA).

Former CIA Director Michael Hayden said:

So the point I would make to folks who say, “I don’t want you doing this, and it doesn’t work anyway “, I would point out, Whoa. Stop. The front half of that sentence, you can say, that’s yours, you own that, “I don’t want you doing it.”—-The back half of that sentence is not yours. That’s mine. And the fact is it DID WORK. –So here is the sentence you have to give–“Even though it may have worked, I still don’t want you doing it.” That requires courage. That requires you going out to the American people and saying, “We’re looking at a tradeoff here folks, and I want you to understand that tradeoff.”—I can live with that tradeoff. I can live with the person who makes that tradeoff. Either way. That’s an honorable position. But I felt duty bound to be true to the facts.

Washington and his blog EAT SHIT, as I have already told him.

August 30, 2011 8:47 pm

The debate is now over.

It seems you shit-throwing monkeys just want to jab insults at each other (something I abhor) rather than discussing the merits of the case.

I’m not even sure what we’re “debating”. It certainly isn’t about Dick C. It appears to be about whether or not torture is effective in gathering good data. I think.

Smokey really hasn’t provided any evidence whatsoever. Colma, in a desperate ploy to make at least one friend here is sucking on Smokey’s lollipop like there’s no tomorrow. I’m sorry but the highest grade I, the Judge, can award to these two is a D-minus. The only reason I don’t fail them is because they at least tried to hang with us Big Dogs. I am just showing some kindness to the little puppies.

FINAL VERDICT: Stucky, Jimmeh, llpoh, Hope, John Costner, newsjunkie, matt, bigargon, centerfield, Kill Bill, Punk, and buckhed WIN by virtue of IMPECIBLE LOGIC, and SUPERIOR INTELLECT.

[Judge’s Note: The Judge is neutral about MuckAbout who said, “everyone else is running around screaming and shouting as if it really matters”. The court is not sure if this is an insult, or not, upon us. Until clarification is made we shall remain silent on the matter.]

August 30, 2011 8:55 pm

I rendered my verdict while Smokey was posting a response to Buckhed.

I have reconsidered the additional evidence.

OK, I’m done.

Smokey’s appeal is to a FORMER HEAD OF THE CIA. Former heads of the CIA have zero concept of what “truth” even means. We find no credibility with this witness.

The Final Verdict stands. No appeal is possible.

August 30, 2011 8:56 pm


Try it about twelve more times and you might spell it correctly.

You’re that far off.

August 30, 2011 8:59 pm


Are you sure you want to go down the road you’re headed?

Are you fucking suicidal?

Do you have any idea who you are fucking with?

I urge you to seriously reconsider.

August 30, 2011 9:00 pm


One spelling error …. without having the use of a spell-checker. That all you got?

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
August 30, 2011 9:03 pm

Stuchenspieler: Giving a thumb whore the judge job is like handing SCOTUS a commerce clause case…

Who said I was defending Smokey, who by the fucking way is the last person who needs backup, anyway?

Punk: You better get back to that Yahoo group before your mushrooms wear off, hippy.

Llpoh: Though you are an avid cock-blocker, you need not worry. I will NOT be participating in your swordfight fantasies. You’re one of those assholes who goes below the speed limit on a two-lane highway but speeds up when the passing lane appears, I know. You have money and I have good looks and attitude. Tough shit, the world equalises on it’s own.

9:30 Pacific Time: Right here… I’ll take you all. I ain’t no fool… what? You think a fighter steps in a ring if he can’t take a punch?

August 30, 2011 9:18 pm

hea comes da judge

hea comes da judge,

Whoooaa judge.

Notwithstanding your correct call on the efficacy of an ex-cia head’s testimoney, your arrogance is duly noted by the jury.

August 30, 2011 9:18 pm

Colma taking a punch:

[imgcomment image?1310574833[/img]

Colma is a puppy that thinks he is a big dog:


August 30, 2011 9:20 pm

Colma taking on the TBP big dogs:


August 30, 2011 9:26 pm

Colma after his first attemt at the tag team:

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 30, 2011 9:27 pm

Anyone notice how the Administrator went slinking into hiding, a whipped cur with his tail between his legs?


I’m not finished with you yet.

August 30, 2011 9:35 pm

By 9:30 Pacific Time, the geritol/prune juice shooters will have caught up to Smokey and he will be sound asleep, wearing his Dick Cheney jammies. Stuckey will be halfway through a quart of hagen daz and Admin will be checking college boys debit card receipts.

It will be mano y mano with you and llpoh, bring your helmet.

August 30, 2011 9:41 pm

Matt – nice comment re Colma needing a helmet. I would invest in a groin protector first, tho, if I were him. I fight dirty – Injun style. No Marquis of Queensbury for me. Rules are for pussies. Something like this in an XXXXXXX-Small would probably be a good start for him:

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 30, 2011 9:57 pm


My opinion is that even if you are right about being aggressive against terrorism, our fiscal situation tells us we must rethink the strategy. It seems like the rest of the country is not willing to give up free shit or other benefits at home, so the foreign stuff becomes the most easiest politically to cut. I am kind in the middle because I think we need to protect trade routes, but that is certainly a far cry from 10 year long theaters of war.

I find it troubling that such a supposedly sophisticated military has taken such a long time to squelch the enemy. Maybe you could enlighten me on the reason why. I don’t think it is because we have to be soft and avoid “civilians” when we hear of collateral damage regularly. In other words, I don’t think our military gives a shit about collateral damage.

I know you like to chew up Ron Paul’s dove tendencies, but he did vote to go into Afghanistan. And to me his recent assessments on Libya are correct as well.

Also, I think Iraq is for oil, but maybe not in the way you imply. I think we are their to control it and not necessarily use it. Similar to our setup with the Saudis. We use very little of their oil (only 10% of our imports are from Saudi Arabia), but the rest of the world has to buy Saudi crude with dollars. Thus, Iraq is another bedrock for the petrodollar.

August 30, 2011 10:07 pm


LOL—-The Administrator will nut on that.

August 30, 2011 10:14 pm

Colma – you pussy – you threw down the (tiny, mouse-sized) guantlet and then disappeared like a rat down a drainpipe. I guess you – rightfully – saw that an asswhipping was coming your way, and decided to skeddaddle while the skeddaddling was good. I don’t know if you are more smart than scared or scared than smart – either way it is a poor look – laying a challenge and then running like a little sissy boy. Here is Colma suddenly realizing he made a mistake with his challenge:

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 30, 2011 10:37 pm

all you people are just stroking yourselves—-fuck dick cheney.fuck dick cheney-fuck dick cheney ……….forever….and ever

August 30, 2011 10:53 pm


If you do, come into a position of power in the future, please do no nuke Ireland.

August 30, 2011 10:59 pm

Smokey – France should tear down every one of their De Gaulee monuments and replace them with ones of that great American soldier – Patton. His line about greasing the tracks of his tanks with the entrails of his enemies is one of my favorites. The man understood war, and it isn’t for pussies.

August 30, 2011 11:05 pm

Nuke Germany too as a preventative act. They started TWO fuckin world wars.

Nuke Austria. They’re just German-wannabe’s.

And for the love of God … PLEASE nuke New Jersey!

August 30, 2011 11:06 pm


Since that is your request, that country will be the fucking FIRST ONE that I eviscerate when I come into power.

And you can probably tell from my posts, I am one unstable mother fucker. I could just fucking snap at any time.

Ireland now has a rendezvous with doom.

August 30, 2011 11:10 pm

Stuck – aren’t you under constant surveillance? Advocating anything like that could get you imprisoned:

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 30, 2011 11:11 pm


Yes, he was a giant. The likes of him have been few and far between.

August 30, 2011 11:48 pm

Smokey – France should tear down every one of their De Gaulee monuments and replace them with ones of that great American soldier – Patton. His line about greasing the tracks of his tanks with the entrails of his enemies is one of my favorites. The man understood war, and it isn’t for pussies.

It isn’t a war- a real war- until the citizens get involved.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
August 30, 2011 11:54 pm

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LLPOH: I told you I had a class to go to… Lucky me I’m out early and some Big Dogs are still feasting (Whats that smell, pooch pooch?)

If you want to see Smokey go Joe Pesci on me, be patient. It’s a matter of time and while I may be a dullard, I know it must be. So, AGAIN I will state: Harping on Cheney is sooo last decade.

Fuck yeah we’re in the sandbox for one thing and one thing only: Lite-sweet. We took Libya so the French could liberate the cocoa plantations under the radar from the Ivory Coast. Fair deal. Without cocoa we’d be scratching our heads wondering what the fuck to feed our women every month when Aunt Flo visits. Without inexpensive Texas Tea, soccer moms across the country would frown at the pump and further make life miserable by wanting to “talk about it” and all that shit.

China is a wasteland filled with peasants, reds and worthless treasuries. If they don’t quit staring suspiciously from under their wide-brim hats and get to work on making inexpensive novelties and rubber vomit with all that hard-won oil we pump their ungrateful asses, they’re FINISHED.

Furthermore, if the Republicans nominate that Texas T-shirt Perry or any one of their menopause-bombs with annoying accents, I’m voting Obama. At least he has the balls to order Osama’s brains removed from under his soiled turban.

So you see, Smokey and I have major differences in opinion. I simply appreciate his delivery. It cracks me up…

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“Crack you up, huh? You tink I’m funny? You tink I’m FUNNY?”