Does the entitlement/welfare/ warfare state benefit the Boomers or the Millenials? Has the massive consumer and government debt accumulated over the last 30 years benefitted the Boomers or the Millenials? Who will vote in massive numbers to keep the status quo? Who didn’t save enough for their retirement so they are not leaving the workforce, keeping young people out of the workforce? Who gets sent to die in wars started and managed by Boomers? During Fourth Turnings the Prophet Generation is supposed to lead and the Hero generation is supposed to follow and do the heavy lifting. Not too much leadership coming from the Prophet generation, just finger pointing, greed and blaming the youth for their own sins. Yes, Boomers have earned their reputation as the Shallowest Generation.

Older generations to the young: Drop dead

The acronym NEET first gained wide exposure last August, when riots blamed on young people “Not in Employment, Education or Training” broke out in London’s Tottenham district. It’s a useful term, particularly with youth unemployment fueling the angst over the European debt crisis.

The NEET rate among those 15 to 24 years of age is 19 percent in Italy, 18 percent in Greece and 17 percent in Spain and Ireland. In the United States, it’s almost 15 percent, according to figures compiled by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Urban development expert Joel Kotkin has another term for this group of young people: “The Screwed Generation.” Writing at his website, Mr. Kotkin calls these young people “the victims of expansive welfare states and the massive structural debt charged by their parents.”

Mr. Kotkin has a knack for a blunt phrase. In 2004, when he was at Pepperdine University in California, he was hired by the Greater St. Louis Economic Development Council to study how St. Louis could attract young professionals and entrepreneurs. Mr. Kotkin had some useful recommendations, few of which were remembered after he told a Post-Dispatch editorial board meeting, “Your downtown sucks.”

His view of the dim prospects facing today’s young people is rooted not just in NEET numbers, but in studies that show many college graduates are struggling to find full-time employment at a living wage. One study of 444 recent graduates by the Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers University showed that only 51 percent of graduates of four-year colleges between 2006 and 2011 had found full-time employment. Twenty percent had gone back to graduate or professional school, but the rest were working part-time or not at all.

Data from the 2010 census show the number of unemployed young people, age 16 to 29, declined 18 percent between 2000 and 2010 to its lowest point since World War II. Nearly 6 million Americans aged 25 to 34 are living with their parents, up 25 percent since 2007. Among families with heads of household younger than 30, the the poverty rate was 37 percent.

Ninety-four percent of them came out of college carrying at least some debt; the median debt load for graduates of public universities was $18,690. It was $24,460 for private university graduates.

It’s not just that companies have been slow to expand, it’s that older workers are staying on the job longer, working at least until full Social Security and Medicaid benefits become available. These are benefits that young people will be taxed for (assuming they get work) but, given long-term budget outlooks, may not be available in 40 years.

And not only are older Americans hogging the jobs and the benefits, they’re voting in large numbers against changing the calculus. Having enjoyed the benefits of post-war prosperity, many older Americans don’t want to pay the debts they’ve incurred, much less preserve benefits, repair the infrastructure or fix global warming.

Screwed is right.

In the 2008 presidential election, record numbers of 18- to 24-year-old voters turned out at the polls. They may not match that 49 percent turnout this year. Their elders vote at rates of up to 70 percent.

It’s easy to understand why America’s NEETs and debt-burdened college graduates would be disenchanted with politics. But they really can’t afford to take the year off.

Read more:

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June 11, 2012 12:50 pm

Hypocrites indeed.

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Post SS/Medicare ponzi collapse:

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June 11, 2012 1:42 pm

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June 11, 2012 1:51 pm

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“In America, but one thing is clear: There is a young America and there is an old America, and they don’t form a community of interest. One takes from the other. The federal government spends $480 billion on Medicare and $68 billion on education. Prescription drugs: $62 billion. Head Start: $8 billion. Across the board, the money flows not to helping the young grow up, but helping the old die comfortably. According to a 2009 Brookings Institution study, “The United States spends 2.4 times as much on the elderly as on children, measured on a per capita basis, with the ratio rising to 7 to 1 if looking just at the federal budget.”

The biggest boondoggle of all is Social Security. The management of entitlement programs, already weighted heavily in favor of the older population, has a very specific terminal point that coincides neatly with the Boomers’ deaths. The 2011 report by the Social Security trustees estimates that, under its current administration, the fund will run out in 2036, so there’s just enough to get the oldest Boomers to age ninety.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 11, 2012 2:12 pm

Keep them coming.

Baby boomers, and their mini-me Xers like Sensetti need to pull their heads out of their ass.


A few pics of some emos and hipsters won’t change that.

June 11, 2012 2:28 pm

AWD and Colma; riding to the rescue….

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June 11, 2012 2:31 pm

If I were in the pickle these kids are: the massive debt, piss-poor jobs, no income and no net worth, living with my parents, I’d take to the streets and do something about it.

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June 11, 2012 2:34 pm

Boomers aborted 1 out of every 3 Gen X babies they conceived. Then they left the other 2/3 to raise themselves as latch key kids. Since Boomers decided they would only care for ‘wanted’ children, even those of us who made it out of the womb (about 46 million) were subject to having our Boomer parents change their minds. When they didn’t ‘want’ to be married, they divorced. When they didn’t ‘want’ to parent, they didn’t. The whole supposed reason for aborting 23 million of our Gen X brothers, sisters, and cousins was for financial prosperity. By committing a holocaust against our generation, they should have saved lots for retirement, right? Wrong. Now they lament that there are 80 million Boomers relying on 46 million Gen X to pay for their Social Security. Hmmm…. If you selfish mini-Hitlers hadn’t committed genocide against us there would be about 79 million of us. Boomers are the definition of evil. Everyone knows Hitler was evil for a genocide of 6 million Jews. How do Boomers not know that they are evil for murdering 23 million of their own kids… For greed?! There was no excuse. The pill was legal before Gen X started being born. The 23 million of us who weren’t born were a blood sacrifice to the Money Gods… Love of money is the root of all evil… And there is NOTHING Boomers love more than money – least of all their children. Oh, and now that they are decrepit and wrinkled, they Botox and Viagra so they can try to sexually molest the remaining 2/3 of us that they didn’t kill in utero. Newsflash – ‘cougars’ are gross, and so are dirty old men. You are the worst generation in the History of the World. No other group has ever murdered 1/3 of their kids and then tried to have geriatric sex with the rest. You are sick freaks. Just die already.

June 11, 2012 2:48 pm


Great rant. We don’t often take into account how many babies the boomers murdered. If only their parents had used coat hangers on 1 in 3 boomers.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 11, 2012 2:53 pm

SAH leaves little more to be said.


Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 11, 2012 3:00 pm

“…’cougars are. Gross and so are dirty old men…” -NAH

LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!

Holy shit. A comment that keeps on giving!

June 11, 2012 3:17 pm

SAH: Epic.

June 11, 2012 3:26 pm

I wonder if I could get SAH’s comment to fit on a T’shirt?!

June 11, 2012 3:33 pm

Oh. look it
a Gen whatever boomer bashing circle jerk

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[img]36% – Tattooed Gen Nexters Gen Nexters, Americans in the 18-25 age bracket, are not afraid to express themselves through their appearance and tattoos are the most popular form of self-expression — more than one-in-three (36%) now has one. Tattoos, however, are at least as prevalent among the preceding generation of Gen Xers — 40% of them have a tattoo. Other nontraditional appearance-altering practices are also prevalent among Gen Nexters: About half (54%) have done one or more of the following: gotten a tattoo, dyed their hair an untraditional color, or had a body piercing in a place other than their ear lobe. Roughly a quarter of both Gen Nexters and Gen Xers have dyed their hair an untraditional color. Gender is not a factor in either tatooing or untraditional hair-dyeing — men and women are about equally likely to have done either — but body piercing is more common among young women than among their male counterparts and slightly more prevalent among Gen Next than among Gen X: three-in-ten Nexters have had a piercing somewhere other than their ear, compared with 22% of Xers. The generational divide on these measures is between those under age 40 and those over age 40. Among the over 40 crowd, just 21% have engaged in any of these. Read more[/img]

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June 11, 2012 3:41 pm

The drag queen of cut & paste does a drive-by but fails to even be relevant.

Go take your 20 overpriced pills that the rest of us are all slaving to pay for, idiot.

Muck About
Muck About
June 11, 2012 3:52 pm

@DaveL: This is one of the most Burning Threads ever cranked up on this site. You don’t need to just throw it in and die, instead, pour a cool one and watch the napalm fly.

There’s always an entertainment factor in one of these flame threads. They wander all over the place and just when things start to calm down, Admin steps in and throws a grenade to keep it going.

Never fear, it ill scroll off into post-hell pretty quick but in the main time, sit back and enjoy the toasted balls and cold bitter beer that’s flowing…

I think @flash sucks cock most of the time – he cuts and pastes huge segment of internet porn so he feels he’s contributing since he can’t put together a lucid argument about anything. AWD’s another whiz-bang but where he gets the hilarious graphics that seem to just fit, I’ll never know.


June 11, 2012 3:54 pm

I hope you’re not the Republican that crawled up this woman’s uterus.

If she was a lard ass hairy man with a big asshole the size of a coffee can ,it’d be AWD.

AWD wants to see boomers burned in the gas ovens and sez’ I’m the one who needs help.

LMAO! AWD guy has an empty scar in place of a ball sack.

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June 11, 2012 3:56 pm

Muck About -I think @flash sucks cock most of the time

Thanks muck. I hope AWD and gang burn your grungy old militant atheist ass first.

June 11, 2012 4:06 pm

Even Muck can’t stand flash.

Let’s take a vote,

to get flash off the island forever.

Let your voices be heard!

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 11, 2012 4:39 pm

Yeah, Muck. It’s just warm-up time after a slow weekend.

Summertime and the napalm’s greasy.

Come out you boomer curs!

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 11, 2012 4:41 pm

Flash will soon awaken the dragon…

He’s itchin’ for the hammer I gave him and DPZ on memorial day.

June 11, 2012 4:42 pm

A few of my favorite excerpts from Steve Martin’s book “Cruel Shoes”:


You are walking down a country road. It is a quiet afternoon. You look up and far, far down the road you see someone walking toward you. You are surprised to have noticed someone so far away. But you keep walking, expecting nothing more than a friendly nod as you pass. He gets closer. You see he has bright orange hair. He is closer – a white satin suit spotted with colored dots. Closer – a painted white face and red lips. You and he are fifty yards apart. You, and a full-fledged clown holding a bicycle horn are twenty yards apart. You approach on the lonely country road. You nod. He honks and passes.


Mr. Rivers was raised in the city of New York, had become involved in construction and slowly advanced himself to the level of crane operator for a demolition company. The firm had grown enormously, and he was shipped off to France for a special job. He started work early on Friday and, due to a poorly drawn map, at six-thirty one morning in February began the demolition of the Cathedral at Chartres.

The first swing of the ball knifed an arc so deadly that it tore down nearly a third of a wall and the glass shattered almost in tones, and it seemed to scream over the noise of the engine as the fuel was pumped in the long neck of the crane that threw the ball through a window of the Cathedral at Chartres.

The aftermath was complex and chaotic, and Rivers was allowed to go home to New York, and he opened up books on the Cathedral and read about it and thought to himself how lucky he was to have seen it before it was destroyed.


I was sitting at home, peeking through the blinds at my neighbor’s wife, minding my own business, when my doorbell rang. “Who’s there?” I shouted. “We don’t know,” came the reply. I immediately knew the dopes had come over. I opened the door and invited them in. I was happy to have company even if they were a bunch of dopes.

‘Well, what brings you over this way?” I queried.
“Yup.” they said.

“Would you like some coffee?” I asked.
“Gol,” said one dope, “how long have we been here?”
“About two minutes.”
“Gol, we should have left hours ago!” And they packed up some of my things and lumbered out.
“Goodbye Dopes!” I shouted.
They turned to me and shouted back, “Goodbye, you big fuckin’ idiot!”


I, for one, am going to know what to say when the ducks show up. I’ve made a list of phrases, and although I don’t know which one to use yet, they are all good enough in case they showed up tomorrow. Many people won’t know what to say when the ducks show up, but I will. Maybe I’ll say, “oh ducks, oh ducks, oh ducks”, or just “ducks wonderful ducks!” I practice these sayings every day, and even though the ducks haven’t come yet, when they do, I’ll know what to say.


Little Billy Jackson had to go to the store for his mother to pick up some postage stamps. When he got there, he found the stamp machine out of order, and decided to walk the extra three blocks to the post office. On the way there, he passed a hardware store, a variety store, and a lamp shop. The line was short at the post office and he got his stamps quickly and returned home. His dog, “Spider,” bounded out to greet him as his mom waved from the porch. Billy’s mother was pleased at the job he did and congratulated him on having enough sense to go to the post office when he found the stamp machine was broken. Billy had a nice dessert that night and went to bed.

June 11, 2012 5:58 pm

Tattoos and body piercing has become a growing trend in today’s young people. Although body modification has been around for centuries, today’s youth are taking it to extremes. More and more teenagers are getting body piercing and tattooing regardless of parental consent. They are finding ways to get tattoos and piercings and many schools have been trying to ban this practice, but have been unsuccessful.
Years ago, an individual with tattoo’s was considered a rebel, or an outcast. Today, tattoo’s and body piercing are more acceptable in society. People with tattoo’s and piercings are no longer associated with drug use as they were in the past. However, this is not directed at a few innocent tattoo’s or a simple nose or belly ring. Body modification has been taken to dangerous extremes.

Maybe this body modification and tattooing is a regional thing but what we are seeing in the ER the Doctors are calling an epidemic. Many of the young come in with infections as a result of body modifications
There is a tattoo shop on every corner now that was not there ten years ago, it’s the youth getting this work done and fueling this new fad.
Admin call me what you will I still respect your work and enjoy your blog and will continue to read. I don’t have to post if you wish, the observations I have laid out are a fact. My opinion is this excessive tattooing and body modification is not smart and show’s a lack of good judgment and will be something the young men and women will come to regret as time goes on. I am not talking about all young people just the ones I deal with day in and day out. I will save the bath salt snorting fad that is also going on.

June 11, 2012 6:00 pm

Last post was me

June 11, 2012 6:14 pm

AWD – flash ain’t listening. Nice try,tho. I wonder how much memory his cut and pastestakeup inthe site? And what percentage has ever been read? At least RE posted original work.

June 11, 2012 6:45 pm

What the hell I might as well throw it down before I get banned with flash

Another alarming trend we are seeing among the youth.

Bath Salts”, the newest fad to hit the shelves (virtual and real), is the latest addition to a growing list of items that young people can obtain to get high.

Unfortunately, “bath salts” have already been linked to an alarming number of ER visits across the country. Doctors and clinicians at U.S. poison centers have indicated that ingesting or snorting “bath salts” containing synthetic stimulants can cause chest pains, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, agitation, hallucinations, extreme paranoia, and delusions.

June 11, 2012 6:55 pm

1. I’m not a Republican
2. For anyone brainwashed by Boomers into thinking Roe v Wade was about making abortion legal for rape victims, victims of incest, or women who might die from carrying pregnancy – that isn’t true. Abortion for those reasons was safe and legal BEFORE Roe. If you were just horny and irresponsible, you had the pre-Roe right to NOT be a parent by adopting out your baby. What Baby Boomers wanted wasn’t reproductive rights…. They wanted to NOT have to take reproductive responsibility. The people who had to risk back- alley abortions pre-Roe were those who had no good/legal reason to kill their unborn child. Roe made it possible for all those free-love Boomers to legally Abort for reasons such as ‘I don’t want stretch marks’ or ‘ I don’t want to pay child support’ . Boomers put their own convenience and selfishness above the rights of a human being to live. The bitch lawyeresses who pushed Roe and Doe through the Supreme Court… What generation were they?
3. Warfare is killing your enemy. Aborting 1/3 of your conceived children… You Boomers got a jump start on generational warfare.
4. Much of the new, post-Roe justification for abortion was the cost of children. As others have pointed out, old people cost a lot more…. So why no
‘death panels’ to kill off Boomers? You killed those of Gen X that you didn’t ‘choose’ to pay for. I, for one, choose not to pay for you. So why can’t we Gen Xers kill you off now?
5. I’m not anti- choice. I’m just pro-responsibility. If someone has their ‘reproductive rights’ violated through sexual abuse and becomes pregnant – abort, I’m all for it. If someone’s right to life is threatened by a dangerous medical condition during pregnancy – abort, with no argument from me. I also think anyone under age 18 who becomes pregnant through irresponsibility should have abortion access. If you are an adult, keep a DICK out of your womb- you have that choice. If you want a dick up in your womb, and get pregnant and don’t want to parent – adopt out your baby, you have that choice. As they say though – if you play, you pay. The abortion/birth ratios peaked in the early 1980s and have been dropping ever since Boomers started going through menopause.
6. Boomers are directly responsible for the paradigm shift of viewing OTHER HUMANS as not worthy of ANY sacrifice… Not even innocent babies. 9 months, adopt the kid out and be done with it. Nope, 9 months of a Boomer woman’s life is not worth the child’s life. And it isn’t worth keeping your legs closed either. And it’s hard to remember to take the pill when you are high as a kite and fucking like rabbits pre-AIDS. All of that justified in the Boomers minds the wholesale slaughter of 23 million children.
7. The same Boomers who support on-demand abortion OPPOSE kill-Animal Shelters. Irony.
8. Roe will be overturned. People will look back on Boomers as the Pol Pot killing fields and Hitler.
9. The only life worth anything to a Boomer is their own, and dogs in animal shelters. Babies? Kill ’em. Children? Neglect them. Middle age Gen Xers? Screw them – literally, have geriatric sex with them because your delusional that lipo and viagra makes you attractive (it doesnt, you old sick freaks) Millennials? Send them to war to fuel those SUVs and provide energy for that 3rd vacation house.
10. I stand by what I said: Boomers are evil. And they make a lot of assumptions that aren’t true. Liberal Boomers assume only Republican Xers hate them, and Conservative boomers assume only ‘Occupy Wall St’ Xers hate them. Nope – we all hate all of you. Xers are old enough to remember the WWII generation, once you started showing your colors, they hated you too Boomers.

June 11, 2012 7:12 pm

SAH – nice rant. Too bad you are a dumbfuck. hold your breath waiting to see Roe v Wade overturned. Your statements are so general as to be nonsense.

Of course you are anti-choice. Nice attempt at hiding it, though.

Comparing abortion to warfare…… Nicely done. But you aren’t anti choice.

Comparing abortion to death panels – again nicely done. But you aren’t anti-choice.

Stating that boomers think dogs lives are more valuable than humans is just plain asinine. But you aren’t anti-choice, are you. You just pull that statement out of your ass because it supports your anti-choice position.

Hell, I personally find the number of abortions appalling. Truly. And at times I think abortion should be outlawed. But then I also tend to think I should keep my nose out of it, as it is more for women to decide.

But I sure as hell do not hide behind a steaming pile of shit claiming I am not anti-choice, unlike you.

But nice rant.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 11, 2012 7:13 pm

Sensetti: Nobody banned flash. Nobody’ll ban you….

Now give you shit?

Of course!

Remember the guy who got his face chewed off? Boomer on batthsalts.

I’ll post a link to the stats on boomer deaths from od on prescriptions too, later.

June 11, 2012 7:43 pm

Old folks come in drunk I guess the old hard dopers have died off, this bath salt outbreak in our area is almost exclusively young folks, and it’s some bad shit, scary stuff, nothing like what I have ever seen. And no I don’t think every young person snorts bath salt.

llpoh In general do you think the work ethic of the young is as strong as older generations or have you seen deterioration over time?

June 11, 2012 8:09 pm

From the Urban Dictionary:

1. Baby Boomer

An American who was born between 1941 and 1955. This generation is collectively known as “the baby boomers” or “the boomers” and was given everything it ever wanted through the hard work of its parents. Many of these boomers grew up to be self-righteous individuals who today are attempting to destroy every well-meaning public service program in existence.

In response to the 1970’s oil crisis, the boomers passed legislation to expand the fuel efficiency of motorized vehicles. After the crisis subsided however, the boomers decided to forgo their efforts instead of learning from the experience, causing America to pay dearly today as a result. Their ridiculous spending in the housing market only combined with this folly to produce the economic meltdown that the country knows all-too-well today.

Favorite pass-times include bullying 20-somethings over perceived irresponsibility, overeating, not exercising, spending large sums of money, and introducing corrupt maladaptive political legislation. Unfortunately specific examples would not serve to prove these concepts well, as no set of examples could sufficiently express the sheer stupidity and foolishness that the boomers have exhibited time and time again in The United States of America.

Overall, their generation will go down in the history books as being the most selfish and maladaptive the world has ever known.

College Student: “Wait, so you’re telling me that just because I’m not over the age of 24 the federal government refuses to acknowledge the fact that I am financially independent and thus will not give me any more financial aid than I can already acquire?”
Financial Aid Adviser: “That’s right. I’m sorry to say it, but the Baby Boomers just don’t care about your generation that much… I’m sorry.”

2. baby boomer

The generation that destroyed the West.
This fucking baby boomer fought no wars, underfunded the welfare state, failed to have any kids, bought the White Album and was a generally self-righteous hippy cunt while Rome burned. Now he wants MY taxes to pay his pension and medical costs for 40 years of mounting senility? Fuck that.

3. Baby Boomer

Baby Boomer- (n) 1. An incompetent, fat, grey, lazy product of the “greatest generation,” born between 1941 and 1955. 2. The nemesis of Gen X. 3. Former “Hippie” currently holding tenured academic professorship in disciplines requiring intelligence beyond their predetermined genetic capacity for advanced abstract reasoning. 4. Member of the largest demographic bubble in America that also refuses to retire. See “Viagrant”

4. baby boomer

An elderly person who should not be allowed to purchase an electronic device without first consulting with a ten-year-old regarding its proper use and maintenance.

5. baby boomer

The people who are destroying social security.

6. baby boomer

The people who say our generation is the dumbest generation, yet their generation caused a global economic meltdown. It wasn’t the Millennials buying up houses they couldn’t afford and giving those loans out. It wasn’t the Millennials racking up enormous credit card debt and creating a society based on material goods. (Despite their former Hippie days where they spurned materialism, these baby boomers have become the most materialistic generation).

They will suck us dry with exorbitant Medicare and Social Security costs, leaving no social safety net for those who are under the age of 40 as of 2010 officially screwed.

They will talk ten kinds of shit about how our generation is entitled, but recent research suggests we may be the most frugal generation since the 1930s due to the financial crisis that baby boomers started.

The people who make up the vast majority of Teabaggers and rail against the obscene spending they spurred on and even engage in on a regular basis. Thus, it is reasonable to assume these former far-left wingers and idealists are trying to reform society into their dystopian vision still held over from their Hippie days.

You can thank the baby boomers for destroying the society the Greatest Generation create

June 11, 2012 8:16 pm

Sensetti – the work ethic of the young is not good in my opinion. Given an option, I hire older workers in preference to the young. Absenteeism is a major issue in under-25 employees. In my experience, anyway. However, that doesn’t mean to say all older workers are good – I just have fewer problems. I have relatively few successes with younger employees.

Admin I am sure knows this. He is just stirring shit. I admire that in an Admin. He knows full well that the younger generation is spoiled (probably the Boomer parents fault, but they are spoiled nonetheless).

For instance, hours of study have dropped so low at college that study now appears to be an option rather than a requirement. I think the average study time for a college student is now in the 11-13 hour per week range. That is a joke. Just where are these kids supposed to get a work ethic? Certainly they are not getting one at college. For reference, my college hours of study, not including classes, would have been around 40 per week as an undergrad. At grad school, all up I was putting in around 100 – 110 hours per week. When I graduated, I was used to very long hours of work. But it seems those days and that type of “apprenticeship” are long gone.

June 11, 2012 8:22 pm

Admin – when is the 9/11 thread going up. We have some newbie posters around here that are posing as reasonable sorts, and it is time to flush out their innermost beliefs. No matter how hard they try, 9/11 nutjobs cannot hide when a 9/11 thread is put up. They then show their true colors.

I have been stirring away recently, but have largely not generated much of a firefight. Very disappointing.

June 11, 2012 8:24 pm

Admin – if that is Sensetti, as you well know I wouldn’t even talk to him much less hire him. A pinkie ring and a thumb ring – just fucking great.

June 11, 2012 8:24 pm

Lipoh is not alone

Are Baby Boomers Stealing Jobs from the Young?

An analysis of recent jobs figures at reveals a disturbing development: the biggest beneficiaries from the economic recovery are Boomers, while everyone else is getting the shaft.

Since the Obama administration took office, there has been an epochal shift. Young workers have continued to lose jobs and incomes, while older workers have actually gained ground.

In fact, the Obama administration has seen a boom in the prospects of the 55+ crowd; their (I should say ‘our’) employment stands at a 42 year high. Net, there are 3.9 new jobs for people over 55 since the recession began in December 2007, but there are 8.1 million fewer jobs for the young folks since that time.

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I’m sure they deserve it.

June 11, 2012 8:26 pm

And whatever dickwad gave my post above an immediate thumbs down, that really hurts my feelings. Actually, I just assume it is from some shithead that doesn’t employ anyone. Employers know what is up, and I doubt many of them would dispute my position on hiring young folks.

June 11, 2012 8:30 pm

Admin I did not ask llpoh for an assessment of Millenials. I asked him an honest question. In general do you think the work ethic of the young is as strong as older generations or have you seen deterioration over time?

June 11, 2012 8:33 pm

With respect to hiring young people, here is what they need to do to get hired by me. If they do these things I will hire them on the spot and give them a chance:

1) come appropriately dressed to the interview. No pinkie rings. No thumb rings. Clean clothes and tidy presentation. No fucking tongue or eyebrow studs or ear holes you can drive a car through. No facial tats. No dreadlocks or pony tails (except for women).

2) Clearly tell me that they will work hard, come to work every day, and will learn fast.

That is it. Easy. Hired. And that applies to everyone, not just the young.

How often does it happen? Almost never.

Do I discriminate against folks that refuse to try to make a good impression at an interview? Abso-fucking-lutely. If they are too fucking stubborn to bend a little and conform just a little, they can take their shit on down the road.

June 11, 2012 8:35 pm

Thank you llpoh.

June 11, 2012 8:37 pm

Does he still claim you and Smokey are one and the same? I love that shit!

But seriously, we have a couple of folks that are pretending to be sane, and they need to be fully pushed out of the closet.