Does the entitlement/welfare/ warfare state benefit the Boomers or the Millenials? Has the massive consumer and government debt accumulated over the last 30 years benefitted the Boomers or the Millenials? Who will vote in massive numbers to keep the status quo? Who didn’t save enough for their retirement so they are not leaving the workforce, keeping young people out of the workforce? Who gets sent to die in wars started and managed by Boomers? During Fourth Turnings the Prophet Generation is supposed to lead and the Hero generation is supposed to follow and do the heavy lifting. Not too much leadership coming from the Prophet generation, just finger pointing, greed and blaming the youth for their own sins. Yes, Boomers have earned their reputation as the Shallowest Generation.

Older generations to the young: Drop dead

The acronym NEET first gained wide exposure last August, when riots blamed on young people “Not in Employment, Education or Training” broke out in London’s Tottenham district. It’s a useful term, particularly with youth unemployment fueling the angst over the European debt crisis.

The NEET rate among those 15 to 24 years of age is 19 percent in Italy, 18 percent in Greece and 17 percent in Spain and Ireland. In the United States, it’s almost 15 percent, according to figures compiled by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Urban development expert Joel Kotkin has another term for this group of young people: “The Screwed Generation.” Writing at his website, Mr. Kotkin calls these young people “the victims of expansive welfare states and the massive structural debt charged by their parents.”

Mr. Kotkin has a knack for a blunt phrase. In 2004, when he was at Pepperdine University in California, he was hired by the Greater St. Louis Economic Development Council to study how St. Louis could attract young professionals and entrepreneurs. Mr. Kotkin had some useful recommendations, few of which were remembered after he told a Post-Dispatch editorial board meeting, “Your downtown sucks.”

His view of the dim prospects facing today’s young people is rooted not just in NEET numbers, but in studies that show many college graduates are struggling to find full-time employment at a living wage. One study of 444 recent graduates by the Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers University showed that only 51 percent of graduates of four-year colleges between 2006 and 2011 had found full-time employment. Twenty percent had gone back to graduate or professional school, but the rest were working part-time or not at all.

Data from the 2010 census show the number of unemployed young people, age 16 to 29, declined 18 percent between 2000 and 2010 to its lowest point since World War II. Nearly 6 million Americans aged 25 to 34 are living with their parents, up 25 percent since 2007. Among families with heads of household younger than 30, the the poverty rate was 37 percent.

Ninety-four percent of them came out of college carrying at least some debt; the median debt load for graduates of public universities was $18,690. It was $24,460 for private university graduates.

It’s not just that companies have been slow to expand, it’s that older workers are staying on the job longer, working at least until full Social Security and Medicaid benefits become available. These are benefits that young people will be taxed for (assuming they get work) but, given long-term budget outlooks, may not be available in 40 years.

And not only are older Americans hogging the jobs and the benefits, they’re voting in large numbers against changing the calculus. Having enjoyed the benefits of post-war prosperity, many older Americans don’t want to pay the debts they’ve incurred, much less preserve benefits, repair the infrastructure or fix global warming.

Screwed is right.

In the 2008 presidential election, record numbers of 18- to 24-year-old voters turned out at the polls. They may not match that 49 percent turnout this year. Their elders vote at rates of up to 70 percent.

It’s easy to understand why America’s NEETs and debt-burdened college graduates would be disenchanted with politics. But they really can’t afford to take the year off.

Read more:

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Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 9, 2012 11:54 am

I’ve noticed, at least around here, that it’s not that the Boomers aren’t quite wealthy…. it’s that they’re not AS wealthy as they thought…

So one minute, they were “worth a million” and the next “Only 600K”…. so they literally take it out of the younger folks.

Why? Because of pecuniary behavior. They root their self-worth in the chrome on their pickups, the granite countertops, the number of day-laborers mowing their lawn (adorned with Romney or Obama signs).

Having NO concept of economics besides what the television tells them, they talk haughtily down to people endlessly. I see it everywhere every day. I’m lucky to have a job that gets me really close to the pulse of middle-class living.

Get used to it, old fellas. Your grandkids have nowhere to go and nothing to do. Your last hope is that this generational war remains concealed and the Children of the Corn moment is pushed into the future long enough for you to drum up a war.

Such splendid human beings.

June 9, 2012 12:12 pm

The problem is they have no road map. The boomers wiped all concepts of right or wrong, just or unjust, moral or immoral, ethical or unethical, now it’s all moral relativity, which is an excuse boomers made up to get away with their obesity, debt, lying, conning, grabbing for every freebee they can get, and running everything into the ground. Kids have nothing but debt and SS/FICA contributions to look forward to the rest of their lives.

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Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 9, 2012 1:01 pm

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Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 9, 2012 1:04 pm

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Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 9, 2012 1:08 pm

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June 9, 2012 3:23 pm

If you post boomer generations think that it is the boomers fault for this mess you are in, than do something about it besides whine.

In fact it was the preboomers that gave up their land that was replaced with titles (registered their land in the country court house) for social security benefits which they used abundantly at the expense of the boomers contributions. In Fact it was the preboomer generation that after WW2 ended and the taxes on wages should have ended, that instead allowed their taxation to build up the military industrial complex that makes offensive wars internationally. Look at all those old farts (preboomers) that were war mongers and played a role in the congress for years before they died.

When are you people going to realize this country is not run by the people but a group of secret men who have control through the banks; all connected together by the computer through the medium of the internet. The governments of the nations of Europe and North America are going broke fighting foreign wars for these secret group of men so they can exploit the resources of foreign nations for their own whims and benefit. Afghanistan, the next failure, after the failure of Libya and Iraq can no longer be sustained by the governments they use for this fighting because the governments are broke, and now people in Europe are refusing to pay taxes to these manipulated entities. These men are by no means broke. They use governments staffed with their own moles in public office to set policy. They use democracy to vote these people in while they control the media presentations to indoctrinate the people.

Ever notice how empty editorials now are of useful information? The Title has the information; the content has nothing. What happened to the journalists? What happened to the investigative reporter? What happened to the syllogism; an argument the conclusion of which is supported by two premises? Instead we are fed word fog; nothing to support the title. How can we be informed citizens and voters when we are constantly being fed nothing of substance; only propaganda. I am talking to you post boomer generations that can’t read; only complain about why you are unemployed. The poor me generation.

Take the Introduction of this BS article: “SCREWED GENERATION” The Introduction is all worthless questions ending with “Yes, Boomers have earned their reputation as the Shallowest Generation” What is that supposed to mean and to who? Surely not the boomers who put the present modern infrastructure in place? Perhaps it is aimed at the losers who won’t move out of their parents house or can’t find a job?

And Then: The article written by a dimwit that can only use useless statistics to make his point “Older generations to the young: Drop Dead.” After rambling on a bit he he uses the excuse of why young graduates cannot find a job. Listen to this BS. “It’s not just that companies have been slow to expand; it is that older workers are staying on the job longer.” Ha! Mr. Kotkin, do you know why older people are staying on the job longer? It is because their is a lack of skilled workers to replace them. Check out the LA times article on June 9, 2012 talking about just this subject. There is a lack of skilled labor all over the country. Sure the older people are working for their full social security benefits which they paid for all their working lives. What is your problem with that?

What really gets me is the ending: “Many older Americans don’t want to pay the debts they’ve incurred, much less preserve benefits, repair the infrastructure or fix GLOBAL WARMING.” What a crock of shit coming from a lefty trying to blame his mess on the older people. Blame God for the global warming; not me, the SUN is doing it.

The only gripe I have with many of my fellow boomers is they did not kick their babies out of the house when they were 18 years so they could learn to make it on their own; like we had to do. Now the backlash of all this is generations that did not work their way through college; but rather those taking the easy way of student loans for dumbed down college courses that they obviously can’t use. They have become lazy and envious; perfect slaves for the elite who are willing to fill their minds with the notion of fascism. Hitler had a solution for you college grads. He had the same problem. He put everyone to work in hard labor jobs; which by the way still exist for cheap labor.

There are plenty of good jobs out there. But it takes years of acquiring experience and constant study to obtain these jobs. We of the older generations had to go through this process. Why should it be any different for the post boomer generations? Learn how to stand on your own feet. Whining is a turn off AWL. All us boomers that have something had to pull ourselves up. Don’t blame us for your not having; yet, what we have, you have to earn it. Quit whining and get to work.

And stop listening to BS crap from Mr. Kotkin; an obvious lefty wingnut trying to stir up trouble where it isn’t.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 9, 2012 4:54 pm


That was a steaming pile of shit.

Specious garbage, rife with ignorance, based on esoteric formulation, reeds in the mud.

On one hand, you propose personal responsibility, on the other, you cheer benefits…. You blame those who strangled Nazis, sank the Rising Sun and kicked the Commies up the Korean Peninsula for using well-earned benefits which you feel entitled to for playing bongos in the dirt and visualizing unicorns… top that off with finger pointing and theorizing that the current generations of young adults need to stand on their own feet.

Your entire premise stands on something built for you by your predecessors. Every institution you mock provided a sound foundation to stand on. Be it inexpensive education, infrastructure and technology. These institutions have been abandoned, neglected and ignored by a generation. Even if philosophically un-desirable, using them to the point of collapse and patting oneself on the back is the epitomy of irresponsibility.

You rail against the hidden overlords, but adopt the storyline of unskilled labor which is false. There is plenty of skilled labor, it just commands a higher wage than foreign counterparts… Commanding this wage to service massive debt required to acquire an education, pay for housing, food and yes, the entitlements your generation is syphoning the last drops of life from.

You blame older generations for registering their title? Perhaps you should ponder the existence of the frontier. Hint: Look into the etymology of the term “Outlaw”. Further, ponder further what that meant.

AWD is a physician who sees the pure effect of overconsumption and the mentality of the juvenile you assign to children every day, their fat, wheezing and sweaty asses plopped in front of him all the while demanding more more more. You say he’s whining out of jealousy?

Snap out of it, Thunderbird. There is no frontier. Go cry in your pillow. (My new favorite saying). When you’ve washed away the fantasy with the tears of existential realization you will have two choices:

Get in, or get out of the way.

June 9, 2012 6:42 pm

@T-bird –

I am doing something about it. In fact, me and my wife have almost completely given over our lives to bettering our situation.

Sure, its at the cost of having a personal life or hobby to speak of, but we’ll come out ahead. We LIKE having to sock away large chunks of our money because we know that SS or Medicare will not be around when we are of age to receive it (even though I’m going to pay into it my entire life).

The whole situation is disgusting. Previously I would have told my fellow generationals to go out and become an entrepreneur, except thats damned difficult these days. As soon as the large scale companies smell competition of any kind, they sink your ass but fast, and thats IF you can even get funding or a loan from the bank. Good luck with that.

I’ll just keep kissing boomer ass and stealing food from the table when they aren’t looking. It shouldn’t be difficult, the size of the love handles alone block a 45 degree view on each side.

June 9, 2012 9:17 pm

T-bird is great window into the mind of a classic baby boomer. Delusional, talk a good story for a minute or two, while grabbing every handout they can grab or steal, and proud the set up a system to spend and suck from. Morally, ethically, and spiritually bankrupt while believing they are God’s gift. They’re all so fun of shit. Man, are they gonna be fucked before long, when it all catches up with them. Fat fucking parasites feeding off the corpus delecti.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 9, 2012 9:39 pm

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Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 9, 2012 9:47 pm

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Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 9, 2012 9:50 pm

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Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 9, 2012 9:55 pm

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June 9, 2012 9:55 pm

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Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 9, 2012 10:05 pm

Hey! Fuck those Hot-Link-Hitlers!

June 10, 2012 7:26 am

As Boomer I was lucky enough to be raised by Libertarian parents. My father was a lover of history and a WW2 vet (navy South Pacific). He taught me some great lessons. One was SS would not be there for me. Another, we really did not own our land, we rented it from the government (property taxes). Even though the bank said we owned the land free and clear the government would take it away from us if we did not pay the rent. When I was 12 I asked for a new bike. The one I had since I was 7 was too small…his response, “Get a job.” Back then a kid could get a job and I did for 50 cents an hour at the local grocery store.

I remember the day he bought a new car for $1900…we started talking about his father and what he paid for a car $600…he then went on to tell me by the time I reached middle age a house would cost $200k (ours was 18K) and cars would cost 30K…

I thought for years I was weird…now I know I was damn lucky to not be raised like the typical Boomer and have the typical Boomer mindset.

On a slightly different note…I scratch my head when I hear other Boomers say SS in not an entitlement. If you look at your form ssa-7005-sm-si ( the summary of your lifetime SS payments) it is not hard to see what you paid in and what you will get out. In my case (average) I will get out everything in SIX years…after that it is pure entitlement. If I live that long, after six years it is all going to local animal rescue charities.

June 10, 2012 8:19 am

Many boomers will continue to work a least part time after they are on social security for:

1. They will have to keep moving because they wore their body out from hard work and it will lock up.
2. The workplace is not replacing their work skills and work ethic.
3. Their social security checks are not large enough to sustain them alone.

Tator is right. A lifetime of SS payments yields about 6 years of payments. Most of the hard working boomers won’t last longer than that on full retirement doing nothing but sitting at home. Many will die far sooner than that.

Hats off to the boomers who are keeping the infrastructure of this nation going.

June 10, 2012 8:23 am

Tator: It’ll take me 10yrs to get my “contribution” back. I certainly hope Admin, AWD and Colma stay healthy and working so they can support us in our Golden Years.

June 10, 2012 8:27 am

Sure can’t wait to see the heroes to step up to the plate and get the mettle tested…This ought to be loads of fun for doctor stinkfinger

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June 10, 2012 8:27 am

To be honest I do believe the “Great Reset” will occur before I start collecting (I am 58 now) so I am not holding my breath I will get anything.

June 10, 2012 8:30 am

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June 10, 2012 8:42 am

the greatest….

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June 10, 2012 8:45 am

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June 10, 2012 8:51 am

admin-Are those your grandsons?

They’re examples of the typical hero.I’m told by my teenage nephew that no on blinks an eye at parties they enjoy getting all l the girls to make out with each other while they watch…yeah, these cats are some real alpha heroes..


Could you recommend some more books you haven’t read?

Sure War and Peace.

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June 10, 2012 8:58 am

all those fat boomer….45-54
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June 10, 2012 9:01 am

Maybe the Gen whatever ought to have their parenting license revoked.

Obesity Threatens a Generation
‘Catastrophe’ of Shorter Spans, Higher Health Costs
Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
By Susan Levine and Rob Stein
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, May 17, 2008; 12:05 PM

An epidemic of obesity is compromising the lives of millions of American children, with burgeoning problems that reveal how much more vulnerable young bodies are to the toxic effects of fat.
Doctors are seeing confirmation of this daily: boys and girls in elementary school suffering from high blood pressure, high cholesterol and painful joint conditions; a soaring incidence of type 2 diabetes, once a rarity in pediatricians’ offices; even a spike in child gallstones, also once a singularly adult affliction. Minority youth are most severely affected, because so many are pushing the scales into the most dangerous territory.

With one in three children in this country overweight or worse, the future health and productivity of an entire generation — and a nation — could be in jeopardy.

“There’s a huge burden of disease that we can anticipate from the growing obesity in kids,” said William H. Dietz, director of the Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “This is a wave that is just moving through the population.”

The trouble is a quarter-century of unprecedented growth in girth. Although the rest of the nation is much heavier, too, among those ages 6 to 19 the rate of obesity has not just doubled, as with their parents and grandparents, but has more than tripled.

Because studies indicate that many will never overcome their overweight — up to 80 percent of obese teens become obese adults — experts fear an exponential increase in heart disease, strokes, cancer and other health problems as the children move into their 20s and beyond. The evidence suggests that these conditions could occur decades sooner and could greatly diminish the quality of their lives. Many could find themselves disabled in what otherwise would be their most productive years.

Doctors are seeing confirmation of this daily: boys and girls in elementary school suffering from high blood pressure, high cholesterol and painful joint conditions; a soaring incidence of type 2 diabetes, once a rarity in pediatricians’ offices; even a spike in child gallstones, also once a singularly adult affliction. Minority youth are most severely affected, because so many are pushing the scales into the most dangerous territory.

With one in three children in this country overweight or worse, the future health and productivity of an entire generation — and a nation — could be in jeopardy.

“There’s a huge burden of disease that we can anticipate from the growing obesity in kids,” said William H. Dietz, director of the Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “This is a wave that is just moving through the population.”

The trouble is a quarter-century of unprecedented growth in girth. Although the rest of the nation is much heavier, too, among those ages 6 to 19 the rate of obesity has not just doubled, as with their parents and grandparents, but has more than tripled.

Because studies indicate that many will never overcome their overweight — up to 80 percent of obese teens become obese adults — experts fear an exponential increase in heart disease, strokes, cancer and other health problems as the children move into their 20s and beyond. The evidence suggests that these conditions could occur decades sooner and could greatly diminish the quality of their lives. Many could find themselves disabled in what otherwise would be their most productive years.

June 10, 2012 9:04 am

I’ve decided to come out of the closet. I’m gay and proud of it. I just want to sing, sing, sing.

I’m so joyful, I just want to post pictures of my gay friends kissing and fondling.

My generation Y lover completes me.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 10, 2012 12:42 pm


We’re going to need cranes and forklifts to lift yo into the FEMA train and a frontloader to pack you in.

I was figuring it a waste of precious resources to pen you up in a camp, but I figure the asian tourists will pay a pretty sum to come to the new zoo to point and laugh.

I know I would….

June 10, 2012 1:40 pm

I worked for several months in a very prestigious heart doctors office and every young lady in that office had an out -of-weed lock mixed race baby.
The pictures of the kids were all over their desks. but no pictures of the baby daddy.
And every week the local fish wrap puts all the newborns pics and their father and mothers names in the paper.It is rare indeed for the babies father and mother to be married.

I feel inspired with hope and change every time I see these gang of Gen Y heroines hanging around the free clinic getting da babies shotz up ta date.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 10, 2012 1:57 pm


Answer: As many as it takes for him to finally pass out from the bathtub gin.

June 10, 2012 1:59 pm

Shit mofo -heroes be a breedin’

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Tonto’s top picks…

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Not Tonto’s heroine ho.

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June 10, 2012 2:00 pm

Tonto steppin’ out wid da boyz

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Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 10, 2012 2:04 pm

I always love the critique of modern attire from the frumpiest-dressed shit-bags in recent history.

IF I had a time-machine I would go back to the sixties with a fire-hose and a drum of disinfectant and give the boomers a sorely-needed high-pressure scrub and haircut.

June 10, 2012 2:16 pm

Jesus never taught that one should ignore reality or place theri faith in anyhting but him.
If scorning is pointing put the obvious , then guilty as charged

I can’t wait till these mofo heroes are running the show.

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June 10, 2012 2:19 pm

Yeah, I’m really beginning to get the faith in the yutes now.

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June 10, 2012 4:36 pm

I more of a sheepdog than a sheep.

June 10, 2012 8:46 pm

Admin: one more time. How many useless boomers names are on the wall in Washington? How ’bout 58,000. You’re totally outta line with the flag draped coffins. My classmates and friends came home in a fucking pine box. I know because before I went to Pensa-fucking-cola to become a Navy Ensign and pilot, I loaded these guys on airplanes at MIA. You should be ashamed of yourself!

June 10, 2012 9:09 pm

I wish we had social media back during the hippie years. It would be fun to link the most disgusting pictures possible from the boomer years and cite them as “proof” that their generation was morally bankrupt.

Such a useless tool flash. Enjoy your WikiPhD flash, when the shit hits the fan and your internet cuts out you’ll still be an ignorant fuck and those of us with real knowledge will be quite comfortably making our way in the world.

flash threads are like pokemon, gotta catch ’em all! Lets see what we have so far?

Ad hominem attacks
conspiracy theories
neocon christian values

Go on flash, give us some more of your pure, unfiltered brilliance.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 10, 2012 11:05 pm

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June 10, 2012 11:08 pm

I don’t have a solution. What I have is nausea. I’m ill from all this crap. Wherever the blame may or may not lie, it’s a fact that Boomers are one of the generational groups that has received the most benefit from the post-gold-window orgy of debt and spending. Maybe they are just accidental beneficiaries, who knows.

Regardless, people under 45 have had their future stolen from them by older generations. They should steal it back with a big FUCK YOU to all the debt incurred for someone else’s benefit and all the “entitlements” that simply aren’t payable. Whatever age you are, I hope you save, have saved, and have made ample plans to take care of yourself, because relying on our insolvent government is thuggery and buggery of the highest order.

June 10, 2012 11:11 pm


Since the days of the Civil War the US has yet to lose a soldier on foreign soil in a worthwhile engagement.

All of them are to be remembered equally, and never forgotten.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
June 10, 2012 11:26 pm


No solution indeed.

Just misery…. just keep in mind that some are born in the briar patch.

Those who had it good and didn’t even know it will feel the calculus.

(It’s the breaking of expectation that hurts the most)

June 10, 2012 11:46 pm

Admin- a bit hard on Ragman in my opinion. Unless I missed something. He said you should be ashamed of yourself. Pretty mild for these parts. Go fuck yourself for that, to a long-time poster and ally? Damn, that’s touchy.

But please do kick shit out of cut and paste flash. Also, please to included that DP wannabe zarathrustra in your prayers.

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