I’m loving this open thread concept. Since it’s Friday, I figured I’d pick a non-controversial subject matter. This should be good. I predict 354 comments.

9/11/2001 Devil in Smoke of Twin Towers

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David Pierre
David Pierre
August 31, 2012 9:16 am

Of course it was an inside job. Admin is a 9/11 denier. Alex Jones provides the proof.


Jesus Son of God
Jesus Son of God
August 31, 2012 9:36 am

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August 31, 2012 9:41 am

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August 31, 2012 10:06 am

Watch building seven fall.

August 31, 2012 10:13 am

Three buildings fall onto their footprint from 2 plane hits.
No debris field at Pentagram.
Undamaged passport of one of the “terrists” found on the ground near the twin towers.
Eye witness police and firemen hear explosions just prior to buildings falling.

Yep, I believe the story conjured up by the US government of 19 box cutter-wielding arabs hating us for our freedom.

Yes I do.

August 31, 2012 10:58 am
August 31, 2012 11:00 am

DP is back! Dude get your lurking ass on the boards Smokey. I’ll be on later…

August 31, 2012 11:03 am

What a bunch of nonsense.

People like Alex Jones actually had some good things to say over the years, and then he goes off the deep end with all his conspiracy crap.

You people that believe this tripe need to take off your tinfoil hats.

You give government way too much credit. They consist mostly of people who were too stupid and inept to make it in the private sector.

August 31, 2012 11:11 am

Sufficiently sophisticated incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.

August 31, 2012 11:13 am


I have been doppleganged!

That post with the license plate is not mine, altho me likey.

August 31, 2012 11:16 am

How can we have a “real” investigation into 9/11 when the organizers of the (mass murder, heist, coverup, fund-raiser, crackdown) “do not exist”? This was obviously done from the eye at the top of the pyramid. As every plumber knows: “Shit don’t flow uphill!”

The idea that a disgruntled ex-CIA asset living in a cave could have pulled this off is hilarious.

A few points not usually mentioned:

Many billion in interesting bonds “disappeared” that day. Alot of “missing gold” no longer had to be accounted for. 9/11 shut down several embarassing investigations underway at WTC-7. The target of the Pentagon “plane” was the offices of the naval investigators into a “missing” DOD $2 trillion; that investigation was also not resumed, and had just been made public the day before.

Anyone in the “investigation community” with the credentials to be believed is aware that publically looking into 9/11 is likely suicide, so who gets the job? It is quite understandable that a person with family at risk would chose to pass on this one, unless planning to endorse the fairy tale.

August 31, 2012 11:23 am

I know how much Admin loves flaming 9/11 conspiracy nutjobs,

but all I gotta say is

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August 31, 2012 11:24 am

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August 31, 2012 11:27 am

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August 31, 2012 11:32 am

It was me.

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Charlie Sheen
Charlie Sheen
August 31, 2012 11:33 am

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August 31, 2012 11:35 am

It was me. Caught red handed by CNN.

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August 31, 2012 11:47 am

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August 31, 2012 11:50 am

IMO, there are too many contradictions to believe the “official” story.

• Building Seven’s free fall
• Insider trading and financial irregularities in the days before and after
• The flight path/speed/trajectory of whatever hit the pentagon
• Cheney versus Minetta timeline in the war room
• Inability to scramble jets fast enough
• Crazy flight paths of eventual scrambled jets
• Initial unwillingness to have a commission to address some horrific security lapses
• Damage to Pentagon and lack of debris
• Speed that the towers fell

August 31, 2012 11:55 am

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(last one, promise)

Muck About
Muck About
August 31, 2012 11:55 am

Such horseshit. If you were watching TV on 9/11, which my sister in law was doing, she saw the initial coverage and called me in to watch. I saw the second aircraft go it and the followup pictures of the first aircraft hitting when that found the video from a pedestrian later.

Unless the US sponsored the event (i.e. paid 18 out 19 Saudi Arabian suicide bombers some fat per diem, taught 6 of them to fly airplanes (but NOT land them! Ding! Ding! FBI ignored the tip about that) and purchased them a large economy size container of box cutters and kept it all under lock and key while and after it happened, the U.S. Government is much more efficient, purposeful and coordinated that anyone has ever imagined.

Why it took so long to shoot Osama is simple.. That years long time delay, fighting two wars and running around in circles shitting their britches and wasting money is THE NORMAL WAY the government works.

They would never have managed that operation like Osama’s and the Saudis did.. If the US Government had been involved, one of the planes would have become disoriented and crashed at sea, two would have defected to Canada and the fourth aircraft would have driven into the Air Traffic Control Tower at Newark..

Islam sponsored 9/11, Islam paid for 9/11, every suicide bomber was an Islamic shit bird and I take very small comfort in knowing they all got what they deserved a microsecond before any of their victims did.

If there was a “hell” (and sadly there isn’t), they’d all be there, each one cared for by 17 virgin sadists each with at least one new idea a day on which inch of skin should go and where it should be flayed.


Colma Rising
Colma Rising
August 31, 2012 11:58 am

I firmly believe in a 9/11 conspiracy:

Aconspiracy to associate thinking people with outlandish, complex gibberish spouted by Truthers who attach themselves to any disaster as knowledgeable about some inner working power behind everything.

Watch the obsessive tendency of the purveyors of the “Inside” theory. They will degenerate into a screaming and gibbering proverbial snake-handler intensity and faith in phantasms.

All to distract us like throwing a steak to a guard dog.


PhD in Structural Engineering
PhD in Structural Engineering
August 31, 2012 12:03 pm

For all you Building 7 NUTJOBS. Try thinking. Try examing the facts. Try to not drool.

Read my analysis and learn something.


PhD in Structural Engineering
PhD in Structural Engineering
August 31, 2012 12:09 pm

Building 7 fully engulfed before collapsing.

Do you asswipes ever actually examine facts, or do you just spew what you hear from Alex Jones and the rest of the conspiracy nutjobs?

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August 31, 2012 12:10 pm

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August 31, 2012 1:10 pm

I just want to say, in twitter talk, doppleganging is trending up. This is good. None of it is me.

I did not dopple HZK.
Jesus Son of God was missing the comma after Jesus. Wasn’t me.
PhD in Structural Engineering — VERY nice. Got any websites to visit? Not me.
I was truly excited seeing the title. I have a pretty large folder on my PC with 9-11 stuff, both pro and con. I was hoping to see some NEW stuff. Sadly, none is here. Same predicitable arguments from both sides. If I see one more mention of “Building 7” or “free fall speed” I’m going to go fuckin’ postal at a supermarket, somewhere. (fuckoff Chatham Police).

Goddamn. I didn’t add anthing new either!! Oh well … what’s left to say anyway ….

August 31, 2012 1:21 pm

Some serious 9/11 Research WTC 1&2, Pentagon, PA – FLT 11, 157, 77, 93


August 31, 2012 1:46 pm


I’m not so sure that website does “serious” research. From their website FAQ ….


Q: How could the Twin Towers, with so many tenants, and so many columns (240 perimeter columns, and 47 core columns) be wired for a controlled demolition without the operation being noticed?

A: This question assumes that the demolition of the Twin Towers would have to be set up like a conventional commercial one, with fuses and large numbers of cutting charges. First, note that the demolitions could have been controlled using wireless detonators, which have been commercially available for decades. Attack Scenario 404 describes how the charges could have been activated via radio signals in a precise fashion controlled by a computer.

Second, the demolitions may have been achieved without accessing the perimeter columns. The fact that the Twin Towers exploded into vast clouds of pulverized concrete, hurling steel assemblies up to 500 feet in all directions shows that they were destroyed with much more energy than a conventional demolition — perhaps two orders of magnitude more. That gave the planners much more leeway in the placement of charges required to totally destroy the buildings. The core structures contained the building services such as elevators, and plumbing and cabling shafts. It would have been easy for people who controlled building security to surreptitiously install devices in hidden portions of the cores. Any such job would have been far simpler than the structural retrofit of the CitiCorp Tower in New York, carried out unbeknownst to the building’s very tenants.

Third, explosive devices could have been disguised as or concealed within legitimate equipment, such as smoke alarms or ceiling tiles, and installed by workers oblivious to their surreptitious function. Numerous such possibilities are afforded by the properties of energetic materials.


“could have”, “might have” ….. that’s not serious research. They tackle a very serious question with pure speculation. And the answers are quite laughable.

For the record, I do NOT believe the official government stories tell us the whole truth. There IS more to the story. But not the way 9-11 truthers tell it. I am not exchanging one set of bullshit for another set.

August 31, 2012 2:02 pm

I have always found it interesting that it’s the believers in the official version that resort to ad hominem attacks and name calling – as if honest skepticism and legitimate questioning of perceived contradictions is not patriotic.

I have no illusions of changing anyone’s mind on 9/11 – but I think we can all agree that the reaction to the crime has moved us in a direction that I doubt can be walked back – we have given up enormous liberties to achieve presumed security.

Conspiracies have always taken place, powerful people have always used their positions to move their agenda’s forward and gain additional power, and our government has lied to us countless times.

The “truther” and “conspiracy nut” labels would make Edward Bernays proud – he knew just how desperate people are not to be seen as foolish.

The mind games and programming will continue after a word from our sponsor.

August 31, 2012 2:31 pm

“I have always found it interesting that it’s the believers in the official version that resort to ad hominem attacks and name calling ”

Oh, please! Give me a break! As if Truthers don’t engage in the same kind of crap. In fact, people with “religion”, figuratively speaking, are almost always the most passionate, and that passion very very often results in the most aweful name-calling attacks imagineable. In other words, pot meet kettle.

August 31, 2012 2:38 pm

Some of us are attempting to remove the emotions and return to logic – you are welcome to join in if writing without the exclamation point is possible.

For every issue and contradiction within the 9/11 crime there are SMEs that can speak to and defend any and all sides, versions, outcomes, conclusions etc., to the point of one’s head spinning off.

I have to imagine that the criminals behind 9/11 knew how this issue would tear apart America psychologically much like the televised activities of the 1960’s did. Back then an entire generation was subjected almost nightly to street riots, demonstrations, assassinations, shootings and chaos filmed in all its glory and repeated night after night after night until the backlash set in.

What was seen on TV back then influenced the path this Nation took – people saw the nightly programing and voted their emotions.

People saw the horrific violence of 9/11 for months and years on end – and then demanded responses based on their emotions.

We had our patriotic skepticism of government insiders and powerful elites emotionally removed by the visual viciousness of the crime and the psychological fear of looking foolish.

I don’t have the answers – i.e., Colonel Mustard in the drawing room – but I do know I am being lied to.

August 31, 2012 3:10 pm

I think most everything happened like it looked.
But I think that the stunt was enabled.

The islamic nerds are out there, and you just have to give them ideas and money.
And look the other way here and there…

August 31, 2012 3:16 pm

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August 31, 2012 3:21 pm


You have not presented even one new concept/idea. Each and every one of your deep thinking “anomalies” have been addressed to infinity and beyond. To deny that would be absurd, so please don’t do it.

Your problem is that you simply do not like the answers. So you will continue to search for answers until you find the answer you like, the one that fits your view, “it’s all a consipracy”. So when you see a person who is not logical or rational it’s probably your reflection in the mirror.

Feel free to continue to insult in your oh-so-self-righteous manner, and free of exclamation points no less. As is always the case, these discussion lead nowhere. I’m done with you.

August 31, 2012 3:27 pm

Your problem is that you simply do not like the answers

That goes both ways – (see above)

I’m done too!

August 31, 2012 3:30 pm

“I’m done too!”

Please note the exclamation mark, clearly we are not dealing with a logical, rational person.

August 31, 2012 3:37 pm

Indeed. I am aware of that.

The difference might be that I am willing to chage my mind. You’ll probably say the same, but I would be skeptical because it is extremely rare for people with “religion” to do so.

I will tell you I was a Truther before I wasn’t. When Loose Change first came out I was all over that like stink on shit. Nothing I would like better than to see this shit government brought to its knees and replaced with a hopefully better one.

Nice touch on your part with the exclamation point. Funny.

Have a good day.

August 31, 2012 3:54 pm

I came to 9/11 truth after investigating the 2008 financial crisis.

If we both agree we’re being lied to then what exactly do I need to change my mind about?

August 31, 2012 4:05 pm

Well, certainly not the major premise …. “we are being lied to”. At least we have that as a common starting point.

But the devil is in the details. That’s where we change our minds, or not.

For example … (I can’t believe I’m being sucked into this) …. the major Truther theory of “controlled demolition”. Now I can (but, won’t) point you to sources such as one of the largest professional demolition companies in America, and they wrote a paper describing exactly how demolitions work, and that the falling of the towers and Building 7 met exanctly none of the criteria. It is at this point that minds can be changed, or not.

August 31, 2012 4:14 pm

Don’t waste your breath on Stucky INTJ_4_Truth….He says he is critical thinking and open minded like many of the “old dogs” on this site…but FOR SOME REASON…cannot entertain the notion that 9/11 was a “fundraiser” for the Federal govt to expand its reach and enforcement powers. NO BUSH was not smart enough to come up with this shit….his handlers did!

The FBI has been caught countless times “aiding” idiots who want to act violently. They have been caught inflitratiing Mosques, militias, I’m sure the Ron Paul Movement, and many many more yet to come….Usually the “threat” is averted and the public can be told that they have been saved yet again. 9/11 was a bit different… The hijackers were Saudi citizens and yet we invaded Afghanistan???

Cognitive Dissonance seems to be working overtime for some of this old fuddy duddies! Old dogs that can’t learn new tricks!

August 31, 2012 4:18 pm

Several large national recognized demolition companies were awarded handsome contracts for the very efficient – yet legally negligent – crime scene cleanup. Would that paper have been written by one of those large demolition companies that got contracts to clean up the NY crime site?

And while demolition is certainly their forte – how many architects and engineers do they have on staff to write papers about how to construct steel frame buildings that don’t collapse due to (relatively) minor fires and (relatively) minor damage?

And I am talking about a symmetrical collapse versus asymmetrical toppling from asymmetrical damage.

Do you feel that the money was adequately followed?

What are your thoughts about who benefited from the crime?

Have a great weekend.

August 31, 2012 4:25 pm

@ platoplubius

Thanks for the heads-up.

August 31, 2012 4:31 pm

“Several large national recognized demolition companies were awarded handsome contracts for the very efficient ”

So, now that demolition company is also part of the conspiracy?

You see, this is the horror of Conspiracy theories. It inevitably leads from one conspiracy into another into another. Pretty soon every damn person who doesn’t agree with the conspiracy is himself/herself part of the consiracy. Once you get sucked into that viscious vortex there’s simply no escaping it.

For the record, no, that company had zero to do with the cleanup. So, we go to the next conspiracy Perhaps they were paid lots of money by the Bilderbergs, Masons, Trilateral Commission, NWO, Jim Quinn, or others controlling the entire friggin world.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
August 31, 2012 4:51 pm

I dont think it was an inside job but it was allowed to happen as congwhores, many of them, will use a crisis to advance the agenda of their pimps. The office of special plans was a particularly nasty propaganda mill.

August 31, 2012 5:03 pm

Like many “debates” this one seems to often become name calling between polar opposites without any real examination.

There are two different issues:
1) Do you believe that the official explanation is 100% entirely accurate and truthful, leaving no questions unanswered?
2) Do you have a specific alternative explanation that you can support with evidence?

As for me, I find the official version seriously lacking in completeness and plausibility. However, I do not have any particular alternative explanation. Some part of me is curious whether the WTC had a seriously negligent design flaw which caused it to collapse in conditions where most other skyscrapers do not (in fact, no others ever have, even from seemingly much worse fires).

This is entirely removed from saying that aliens from planet X provided W’s cousin with nano-nuke directed energy ShamWOW! technology causing the collapse, which would be the opposite extreme of views.

A lot of the proffered alternative explanations are dubious, but the official version is hard to believe, as even several members of the OFFICIAL 9/11 panel will tell you. The truth probably lies somewhere in between. And it won’t surprise me if it’s still controversial 50 or 100 years from now.

August 31, 2012 5:34 pm

Persnickety says —- “Like many “debates” this one seems to often become name calling between polar opposites without any real examination.”

And just like clockwork along comes platoplubius who says —— “Don’t waste your breath on Stucky ….but FOR SOME REASON…cannot entertain the notion that 9/11 was a “fundraiser” for the Federal govt ….. Cognitive Dissonance seems to be working overtime for some of this old fuddy duddies! Old dogs that can’t learn new tricks!”

A fundraiser. hahahahahahaha There you have it folks, 9-11 was a fundraiser. Stop what you’re doing for a moment and just think about that. OK, stop peeing in your pants.

Plato, I hope you checked the “organ donor” box on your drivers license. I’m sure scientists would love to discover how it was possible to survive with shit-for-brains.

Admin. Nice job stirring shit. Maybe tomorrow you could post something about evolution being true.

Muck About
Muck About
August 31, 2012 5:52 pm

Hey Stucky…….. Welcome back! Seriously. I hope things are coming together for you and you will continue to be back with us!

Great hearing from you…


August 31, 2012 5:54 pm

I teach chemistry classes to help supplement my classes.

In walks a student with a shirt that says “Darwin was wrong, God is All” and some creationist website listed on the back.

I got to talking to him later on, he’s a 26 year old die-hard neo-con who belongs to some die-hard church and has already had 6 kids.

He lost his job doing construction so he went back to college. Through a combination of factors, his little family unit makes almost as much as I do, despite the fact they have a combined zero personal income, and a combined zero personal education (this is his first semester).

Laugh or cry? It doesn’t matter, they’ll still siphon the cash directly from my wallet into their Disneyworld Vacation (oh yeah, he’s missing next week because he’s taking an 8 day vacation to Dworld.)


Colma Rising
Colma Rising
August 31, 2012 6:22 pm

Int J cries and whines about adhominem attacks.

That’s a coincidence, Intj:

When I let a jet of baby batter go in your stanky bitche’s maw she made a sound like:

“Addd….hommmm…. enem….! Adddd hoooommmm en mmmmmmmMMMM!!!”

Take a hike you fucking grimey puke

August 31, 2012 7:20 pm

@Colma – hahahaha!!!! You brought me out of the woodwork with that one. SO funny, bro!

Here is a hint for you too – its INTJ, as in “introverted/intuitive/thinking/judging”, as in Myers-Briggs personality typing (loosely based on Jungian psychology), and I would put a bet on it that he is into enneagram typing, and probably astrology as well.

Anyway, putting my RayBans back on and going incognito again.

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