I’m loving this open thread concept. Since it’s Friday, I figured I’d pick a non-controversial subject matter. This should be good. I predict 354 comments.

9/11/2001 Devil in Smoke of Twin Towers

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August 31, 2012 7:26 pm

@Colma, oh I forgot to add… All of that is just *slightly* less ridiculous than majoring in Religious Studies, Music and Philosophy in college… What kind of a nut job does that?! 😉

Albury Smith
Albury Smith
August 31, 2012 8:16 pm

As you’d know if you ever bothered reading the 9/11 Commission Report or even glanced at its index page, conducting interviews with eyewitnesses who heard explosions in the burning WTC buildings was not in the scope of the 9/11 Commission’s investigation, but many of these eyewitnesses have made statements for the record:
It’s significant to note that none of the eyewitnesses quote mined by the 9/11 “truth movement” for use of the word “explosion” claimed to have heard demolition charges or connected the sounds they heard to any WTC hi-rise collapse, and since most were FDNY, you might be interested in counting the number of signatories to the “firefighters” for 9/11 “truth” petition who even CLAIM to be past or present FDNY:
There is also no “fdnyfor911truth” or other organization of NYC firefighters claiming that explosives caused the deaths of 300+ of their colleagues, so please feel free to enlighten all of them with some personal visits to their firehouses the next time you’re in NYC.
Just as you’ve apparently failed to read the 9/11 Commission Report, your comments on the exterior damage to WTC 7 and the symmetry of its collapse indicate a clear lack of knowledge of the findings in NCSTAR 1A, 1-9, and the other industry- and academically-accepted forensic structural engineering reports on the topic. Despite initial speculation by many SEs and other qualified experts, the North Tower debris impact, which severed ~7 columns near the SW corner of WTC 7, was not found by the NIST engineers to have been a factor in the ~5:21 PM collapse, and even a quick look at the WTC 7 framing plan should make it clear to you why the collapse was contained and symmetrical. The perimeter W14 X 500 columns on <10' centers were all moment-connected to spandrel beams, and very predictably failed simultaneously ~7 seconds after the much longer-span interior began collapsing, as indicated by the time between the collapse of the east penthouse and the first downward movement of the main parapet walls.
If you truly believe that the 24 W14 X 730 interior columns and the 57 W14 X 500 exterior columns in WTC 7 were all secretly cut multiple times with explosives in a second or 2 on 9/11, please join me in urging Richard Gage and his "800 engineers" to get even one sample column that size and demonstrate their theory on video. Up until now, it's taken ~7-1/2 minutes with a band saw and loads of water to cut the larger ones:

so steel fabricators everywhere have apparently been doing it wrong for years.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
August 31, 2012 8:50 pm


You have heard of doppelgangers on TBP, no? Do you know of The Legendary Smokey?

How long have you lurked on TBP before posting those ass-kicking comments on the Screwed Generation thread?

Was FBD being Stucky a surprise?…. further, did you ask yourself “Who the fuck is Stucky?”

I think a good weekend post will have to be made in addition to Bad Religion II…

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
August 31, 2012 8:52 pm

Putting on my Oakley Blades and heading to the Bell on the beach….


Colma Rising
Colma Rising
August 31, 2012 9:08 pm

Wait wait wait….

[imgcomment image[/img]

It’s all clear now.

August 31, 2012 9:55 pm

Possible explanation of WTC explosions


One of the Truther points of the UK broadcast talking head saying the towers have collapsed ‘proves’ “there was a coverup” or something … because a monitor behind showed towers still standing. I’ve explained that more than once … *crickets* … but the simple explanation is that the monitor was fed from an earlier recorded tape, and not showing a live feed. Sigh. Experience trumps theory.

Truthers v. Deniers, though, is just another religion, with assumptions on both sides.

F’rinstance, trotting out the commission report as the final deciding factor ignores what Kean and Hamilton said and wrote afterward. To me, the government lies are more interesting than all the ‘how many angels can dance on the head of a pin’ arguments.

Oh, yeah … Muck!

How come the government kept telling us before and after the demise of ‘whoever bin Laden’ that KSM was the mastermind of 911?

September 1, 2012 2:11 am

My best Flash cut and paste:

“Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D, University of Michigan) is a ten-year US Marine Corps veteran and a graduate of the US Army War College. He writes:

Phil asked me to consider writing something about how I came to the Middle East conundrum we face, and I’ve thrashed around a bit doing that. Having only one Jewish grandparent makes me pretty much an outsider, at least for the Orthodox, although guaranteed of an early ride to Bergen-Belsen had I lived “there and then.” But an outside identity, Jewish or other, has never meant much at all to me. I’m an American, and ancestry is something I reserve for odd tastes in cuisine (I do love overstuffed dumplings) and the like. I find it both surprising (a little) and disturbing (a lot) when I look at the Middle East to realize that an awful lot of American Jews do not think of themselves as Americans who happen to be Jewish, but as Jews who happen to be living in America, and that as de facto unregistered agents of a foreign government they have caused enormous damage to America at home and abroad, and brought an enormous amount of death and suffering to a lot of people across the region who simply happened to be in Israel’s way.

What has struck me even more forcefully is the contrast between what I see as mainstream Jewish attitudes and ethics in America – politically liberal, progressive, ambitious but egalitarian, philanthropic, and strong commitments to both civil liberties and civil rights – and those that increasingly come to the fore among Zionists, in Israel and elsewhere. Several events in the past six months or so have sharpened that sense of the good Dr. Frankenstein wanting to make his world and that of others a better place, seeing it go wrong, but largely being unwilling to acknowledge that the creation so dear to his heart – Israel – has in fact emerged as a monster.

Two of those events occurred during the recent onslaught in Gaza. The first was the decision to initiate the attack with air strikes on the graduation ceremonies of two separate groups of police cadets – a pure exercise in Schrecklichkeit against young people, and their families and friends, who by no stretch of the imagination were part of a terrorist apparatus. The second was the killing at close range of a young Palestinian mother and her two children by an IDF sniper (another “most moral” chord, please!), who was, after all, only obeying his orders (and haven’t I heard that before?). A third was the election that returned Netanyahu as prime minister, and brought in the ever-gracious Avigdor Lieberman as foreign minister. People matter so much, and those brought to power speak so loudly about those who elect them. Hitler and the scum around him would have had no place of consequence in a German Empire. Netanyahu – a Gauleiter in spirit if ever I saw one – and Lieberman, a thug cut from the mold of Feliks Dzerzhinsky, without Israel would be impotent fringe fanatics, which is where they belong.

And the last event was an offhand comment on this website after my piece on “The Two-State Delusion” was posted here – a comment that was trashed soundly by others, but which meshed perfectly with the outpourings in Max Blumenthal’s video from Jerusalem, and bothered me greatly. I had mentioned the Rachel Corrie incident, and the commenter made a sarcastic reference to “squashed red-heads” that really captured the sense, as one poster elsewhere put it, that to many Zionists they are REALLY chosen, and everyone else is disposable. Most Jews I know (and that includes some of my cousins) don’t feel that way, but it is pretty clear that a sizable percentage of Zionists generally and Israelis in particular do – and to translate rhetoric into reality, here’s an image of Rachel Corrie as she lay dying that poster was mocking.

Now tell me what you would think of someone who dismissed this so flippantly. I’d call them barbarians, and I wouldn’t care if the flag they followed sported a swastika or a Star of David. Evil is evil, whatever the creed.

The bad news is that excising this ultra-Zionist/neo-con cancer is not going to be easy. The good news is that a growing number of American Jews are speaking out about this issue, albeit in different ways, but that in itself is significant. That they are doing so is guaranteed to send the AIPAC, ADL and hasbara crowd scrambling. My only fear is that it might be too little done too late to stop this particular train. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try, just that we shouldn’t have any illusions.”

Sabrosky can be contacted at [email protected]


September 1, 2012 4:19 am

David Pierre – I’m with you, platoplubius, INTJ and others. Too many unanswered questions. platoplubius, cognitive dissonance is indeed alive and well.

Charles Hugh Smith talked about “evil”:

“What do we call a power center that enables and enforces neofeudal exploitation and predation? We call it evil. The Federal Reserve is a force of evil that should be abolished at once. Its purpose–enabling and enforcing a neofeudal transfer of wealth from the productive many to the unproductive, parasitic few–is evil. Those within it are serving evil. Those who defend it are serving evil. Those who worship its power are serving evil. Those who mask its true nature are also serving evil.

In a society and culture that has lost its moral compass, a culture of greed, self-serving lies and corrupt vested interests, the word “evil” has lost its power. It has been reduced to a cartoonish label, a cynic’s smarmy joke.”

Sometimes things ARE deliberate, done to serve a purpose. The only way to find that out is by having a PROPER investigation of the circumstances surrounding 9/11. What is everybody so afraid of?

September 1, 2012 4:35 am

“Real Pilots Speak Out on September 11th Lies”:


Six minutes. Give it a watch.

September 1, 2012 4:58 am

This is also a great site to read – a collection of aviation professional opinions re 9/11. Just read the first five or six and see if they don’t get you thinking.

“Regarding Flight 77, which allegedly hit the Pentagon. “The airplane could not have flown at those speeds which they said it did without going into what they call a high speed stall. The airplane won’t go that fast if you start pulling those high G maneuvers at those bank angles. … To expect this alleged airplane to run these maneuvers with a total amateur at the controls is simply ludicrous…

It’s roughly a 100 ton airplane. And an airplane that weighs 100 tons all assembled is still going to have 100 tons of disassembled trash and parts after it hits a building. There was no wreckage from a 757 at the Pentagon. … The vehicle that hit the Pentagon was not Flight 77. We think, as you may have heard before, it was a cruise missile.”


Albury Smith
Albury Smith
September 1, 2012 6:55 am

All of the eyewitnesses to the Pentagon crash, and to the wreckage of AA 77 inside were apparently not “professional” enough for you, backwards ev:



I hope you’ll enlighten American Airlines to the fact that their 757 didn’t “really” crash there.

September 1, 2012 11:24 am

The official story doesn’t make sense, as this 5 minute vid from James Corbett makes clear:


Don’t know what did happen.

Cui bono?

Albury Smith
Albury Smith
September 1, 2012 1:44 pm

Your 5-minute video is nothing more than a very slick presentation of 9/11 “truth movement” sophistry, innuendo, straw men, half-truths, and outright lies.

September 1, 2012 2:07 pm

“It’s roughly a 100 ton airplane. And an airplane that weighs 100 tons all assembled is still going to have 100 tons of disassembled trash and parts after it hits a building.” — backwardsevolution

Are you really THAT stupid? Or, are you just jerking our chains?

Here, lemme spell it out for you. A little thought experiment. Or, you can actually try it.

Step 1: Buy the Sunday newspaper tomorrow.
Step 2: Weight it. (let’s assume it weighs 5 pounds)
Step 3: Burn it.
Step 4: Weigh it again. (Note: It will turn to ashes. Weigh the ashes.)
Step 5: Record the weight.
Step 6: Does it still weigh 5 pounds?
Step 7: If not, go to a mirror and say, “You, sir, are a fuckin’ maroon.”. 100 times.

September 1, 2012 3:35 pm

The 757 actually weighs 125 tons with fuel 35 tons and passengers 25 tons. The fuel and passengers along with 5 tons of flammable material would have been vaporized. That should leave only 65 tons of
melted aluminum and metal scrap left within the Pentagon. How much was ever recovered? Maybe the FBI has the answer to that question.

September 1, 2012 4:07 pm

GJH – that James Corbett video —


— is priceless.

Open up the investigation. Let’s have the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

What are you so afraid of?

September 1, 2012 4:22 pm

Albury – you’re running on empty. Everything follows from two emotions – love and fear.

Love embraces truth and is not afraid to let it surface. It might not like what it sees, but it allows the process. It lives in reality.

Fear wants to “bury” and cover up truth, it doesn’t want to look or even allow the process. Fight or flight. It doesn’t want to see.

Which of the two worlds do you live in?

September 1, 2012 4:50 pm

Scrap from the cruise missile that hit the Pentagon, cleverly painted to look like a scrap metal part of an American Airlines 757.

[imgcomment image[/img]

September 1, 2012 4:55 pm


I, Stucky, aka Da Judge, as knighted unto me by Admin, do hereby rule SSS to be winner of this debate.

No further posts will be considered. The matter is final and resolved. SSS wins.

September 1, 2012 4:56 pm

Leading edge flap actuator from a Boeing 757 found near the Pentagon impact site, cleverly dropped by a cruise missile just prior to hitting the building.

[imgcomment image[/img]

September 1, 2012 5:02 pm

You already won.

No extra wins will be awarded by posting more pictures.

You got to know when to fold ’em, know when to hold ’em, know when to walk away.

Maybe that leading edge flap actuator was planted there after the fact. hmmm? Don’t make me reverse my decision.

September 1, 2012 5:17 pm


Look at the time my second photo was posted (4:56), precisely one minute after you judged me the winner (4:55). So, we were literally posting nearly simultaneously, and I couldn’t have been reading your comment at the same time. Sheesh.

But I’ll take your advice and stop posting pictures, even though I was just getting warmed up.

September 1, 2012 5:28 pm

You need to post just one more pic.

How does it feel to be declared WINNER? (Seeing how it’s a first.)

A pic of you and Selma celebrating, if possible, would be nice. Otherwise, perhaps a Selma pic with 1/10 of a nipple appearance.

September 1, 2012 6:00 pm

backwardsevolution: GJH – that James Corbett video — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuC_4mGTs98 – is priceless.

Open up the investigation. Let’s have the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. What are you so afraid of?

Only GW Bush and Cheny know the truth and they aint a talking – Classified Informatin

September 1, 2012 6:05 pm

Albury – Care to explain some of the outright lies in the vid? I didn’t catch them. Sophistry? Maybe. Again, care to spell it out for those of us less in the know?

September 1, 2012 6:14 pm

SSS says:

Leading edge flap actuator from a Boeing 757 found near the Pentagon impact site, cleverly dropped by a cruise missile just prior to hitting the building.

How can a flap actuator be found near the crash site when the aircraft was traveling 500mph with the flaps up according to whitneses on the ground close to inpact?

September 1, 2012 6:18 pm

You are piloting a 757 towards the Pentagon with the intention of crashing into it at full throttle. You have very little flight experience. You have two approach vectors.

1) You can fly into the side of this four story building, which requires skimming the ground and trying to avoid crashing in to the ground before you even hit the target.

2) You can approach it in a shallow dive hitting the roofs, which is a far easier approach and would cause far more damage to the structure.

Which would you choose?

September 1, 2012 6:23 pm

That is not a flap acuator SSS. Its the rollers in which the leading edge slat, extends and retracts. The trailing edge flaps use a hydraulic motor that with screw like threads which run thru a gimbal to raise and lower the trailing edge flaps.

September 1, 2012 6:32 pm

Thats not a leading edge flap (Kreuger Flap) acuator. Its a leading edge slat roller that guides the slats track.

September 1, 2012 6:43 pm

Looks more like leading edge slat, not a Kreuger flap, roller bearing for the slats track.

The actuator isnt shown.

I also dont know where that picture was taken, there is no background showing the pentagon. If it were a slat component I would expect it to be inside the pentagon and not outside unless the plane struck the ground before impact with the pentagon

September 1, 2012 6:45 pm


You half answered your own question by stating, “You have very little flight experience.”

The second half of the answer is, “You are about to die.”

INTJ _4_Truth
INTJ _4_Truth
September 1, 2012 8:20 pm

Our shared reality is just that – shared.

The machinations of the very small group desiring to control the much larger group using force, fraud or coercion is thousands of years old.

Call it crowd control, mind control, or programming – fraud (deception) done well is far more efficient and effective than either of the other two.

I said I did not expect to change minds – and I meant the minds of those that post. The lurkers are who I’m after.

Until people realize how we have changed, for the worse, since 9/11, and why these changes were made, we will continue our decline into serfdom.

A group of powerful individuals decided to off-shore our industrial and manufacturing base knowing full well the impact it would have.

A group of powerful individuals decided that a population dependant on handouts were far less likely to revolt so everything from food-stamps to the mortgage interest deduction were put in place. (The Fabian Socialists’ – kill them with kindness approach)

We all have our own reality – but we have to choose what we base our reality on – the MSM or our own research. Our wants as individuals or our needs as citizens of a precariously free country.

The predators are real and their control is greater by the day – offered 24\7 through the MSM – the same media that gave you JFK and a magic bullet.

Pee Air
Pee Air
September 1, 2012 8:45 pm

from the image on the lead article

[IMGcomment image[/IMG]

September 1, 2012 8:50 pm

comment image

[imgcomment image[/img]

September 1, 2012 9:01 pm

Actual picture of INT_4_TRUTH, Zara and backwardsevolution at their weekly 9/11 Truther documentary viewing party:

[imgcomment image?w=550&h=373[/img]

September 1, 2012 9:01 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

INTJ _4_Truth
INTJ _4_Truth
September 1, 2012 9:19 pm

Interesting, but not surprising. MSM used to debunk the power of MSM.

September 1, 2012 11:40 pm

Albury Smith is a demonstrable gormless shill who fails big time, every time

a quick internet search for albury smith 9/11 will turn up countless results of his past trolling failures, and subsequent ass kickings..like the one below.. funny at first, but tiresome after a short while.


WTC7 suddenly dropped AT FREE FALL for 2.25 seconds. 81 vertical columns in the plan area entirely and suddenly removed for the OBSERVABLE building behaviour to occur. That is, Lower 8 of the 47 stories of WTC7 high-rise completely gone in an instant; for that building to do what we saw it do.
CreatioNIST computer graphic engineers invented an hypothesis to explain the only 3 events of type ever recorded in building history, [1.2.7] producing Pinnochio Sunders “Thermal Expansion:Fire induced sequential building collapse due to ‘normal office furnishings fire”, the infamous ‘new phenomenon’ agnotology .
NIST did discuss ‘hypothetical blast events’ explaining how ‘noise’ would have alerted the general public to explosive events’. But they recorded none of the 118 FDNY testimonies recording secondary explosions, nor Barry JENNINGS explicit eyewitness of WTC7 blast events. Nor equate the pulverization of all concrete into nanothermate riddled DUST clouds, Nor did they document the molten steel resulting from the use of complex incendiary material in the demolition sequences and later burns in the PILES. Nor did they disclose the depth of interaction between NIST and nanothermate R&D. Clearly a conflict of interest. http://911review.com/articles/ryan/nist_thermite_connection.html



September 1, 2012 11:41 pm

Whuut? and Jet

Who fucking cares, leading edge slat or trailing edge flap. So the story misidentified the part. BFD. It’s off the 757 that hit the Pentagon and was found to the left of the impact site, possibly because the jet hit a lamp post in the parking lot prior to impact.

Got an explanation for the other pic I posted? Got an explanation for the dozens of eyewitnesses who SAW the jet fly into the building?

According to Stucky, I’ve already won the battle on this thread. I’m sharing the award with PhD in Engineering, who wrote an absolutely smoking (heh) analysis of the WTC Building 7 collapse. Another embarrassing smackdown of Truthers.

September 2, 2012 12:38 am

Stucky aka Da Judge and ATTENTION ALBURY SMITH

I’ve got bad news. I shared the “I Win” award you gave me with PhD in Engineering, as I posted above. I am now forfeiting the other half of the award to Albury Smith, who posted links (groan) which contain both of the photos I posted, and much, much more, well before I posted my pics.

Congrats, Albury. I’m sure that Pete joins me in sending his best wishes.

September 2, 2012 1:27 am

“Albury Smith is a demonstrable gormless shill who fails big time, every time.

A quick internet search for albury smith 9/11 will turn up countless results of his past trolling failures, and subsequent ass kickings..like the one below.. funny at first, but tiresome after a short while.”



Pete, you are a fucking asshole. I’m calling YOU out as a gutless, lowlife worm.

I went to your link and read the thread column, and I can tell everyone on this site that Albury Smith absolutely BURIED everyone of his Truther detractors on that thread with his enormous grasp of facts about the 9/11 events. I don’t know whether he’s a structual engineer or not, but he sure knows what he’s talking about. And Pete turns around and calls Smith a shill and declares Smith got his ass kicked when it was exactly the opposite.

You’re a World Class Prick, Pete. Bet you thought no one would go to that link you posted, much less read the comments thread, did you? Here’s just a snippet of Albury Smith addressing the comments of some douchebag with the handle of Lippy the Lion (now, isn’t that special). I like Albury’s style, research, and tenacity. He belongs on TBP.


Aren’t you bright enough to draw your own conclusions instead of relying on a retired theology professor and peace activist from Canada to do it for you? Anyone within a block or 2 of the burning buildings heard explosions, and few to none of them claimed that they were demolition explosives, or reported hearing them immediately prior to or during any of the 3 hi-rise collapses. Unless embellished by “researchers” in your 9/11 “truth movement,” no collapse videos recorded the sounds of explosives, and no seismic equipment picked up any indication of them. Not one piece of steel was found in the debris with an end that was explosively cut.”

September 2, 2012 2:24 am

SSS writes, “Not one piece of steel was found in the debris with an end that was explosively cut.”

Now how would you know that? None of them were even examined, just loaded on to trucks bound for Staten Island. Please explain the molten steel that was pulled up from the wreckage…

September 2, 2012 2:58 am

SSS – I think your slip — err — actuator is showing.

Stucky (aka Da Judge) – sorry, dude, you’re still stuck on empty.

Whuut? and Jet – thanks for your expertise.

INTJ – great post.

Pete – thanks for the fantastic information.

September 2, 2012 3:05 am

“Please explain the molten steel that was pulled up from the wreckage…”


September 2, 2012 6:18 am

SSS – “I went to your link and read the thread column, and I can tell everyone on this site that Albury Smith absolutely BURIED everyone of his Truther detractors on that thread with his enormous grasp of facts about the 9/11 events. I don’t know whether he’s a structual engineer or not, but he sure knows what he’s talking about. And Pete turns around and calls Smith a shill and declares Smith got his ass kicked when it was exactly the opposite.

You’re a World Class Prick, Pete. Bet you thought no one would go to that link you posted, much less read the comments thread, did you? Here’s just a snippet of Albury Smith addressing the comments of some douchebag with the handle of Lippy the Lion (now, isn’t that special). I like Albury’s style, research, and tenacity. He belongs on TBP.”

SSS, are you a structural engineer?

You like “Albury’s style, research, and tenacity. He belongs on TBP.” Ah, the old “he belongs, he must be right.” Almost like, “We have another prize winner.” I think everybody should go to the link that was posted and read it well.

Psychologically speaking, this has been very interesting.

September 2, 2012 7:11 am

“Pete, you are a fucking asshole. I’m calling YOU out as a gutless, lowlife worm. You’re a World Class Prick, Pete” —- SSS

For the use of colorful metaphors, and for doing his best imitation of Smokey, I do hereby announce one more time that SSS IS THE WINNER of this debate. The prize may not be shared with anyone else.
backwardsevolution —- don’t forget to do the newspaper experiment today. Please come back and post your findings.

INTJ _4_Truth
INTJ _4_Truth
September 2, 2012 9:58 am

I came to 9/11 truth while trying to understand the 2008 financial crisis – I had thought I was a well informed individual but was quickly disabused of that idea. I was surprised to find so many fiancial blogs at odds with the MSM’s interpretation of events – of causes and consequences – of reasons and responses – it was as if there were two worlds out there, one that spewed all the answers 24/7 if I would only listen (and try not to – its everywhere) and another that expected me to educate myself so I could better understand their perspectives and positions and then draw my own conclusions.

Having my reality handed to me by the MSM has not worked out so well so I decided to follow the money, to understand who benifits, and to read what the blog-o-sphere’s SMEs – real and imagined – have to say and after some pondering I may draw a conclusion, a conclusion that is subject to change if different data comes my way.

It didn’t take long to understand the official 9/11 story is a lie – the who or how or what may never be understood but the official version IMO, does not hold up well under scrutiny.

The ridicule and name-calling heaped on the Truth movement is telling – why is it so important to some that it not be an inside job?

The strip-mining of our industrial and manufacturing base was an inside job.

The Financial crisis was an inside job.

The deliberate dumbing down of the educational system was an inside job.

The creation of the admin’s FSA was an inside job.

The interventionist military created from a isolationist population is an inside job.

It’s pretty obvious that powerful individuals – insiders – have an agenda that doesn’t include the wealth and prosperiety of the citizenry- so arranging the deaths of 3K of our people in a graphic disaster porn flick is just another step in reducing us to serfs.

Albury Smith
Albury Smith
September 2, 2012 10:21 am

Since you asked, GJH, here are some of the outright lies in the video:
-OBL “lived in a cave fortress,” was on dialysis on 9/11, and “directed” the 9/11 attacks using a cell phone and laptop, or that the mainstream account makes those claims. (He reportedly used the caves in Tora Bora for shelter while fleeing US air strikes after 9/11, but given his role in the attacks, what’s the significance of his health or location that day?)
-Military drills against suicide attacks using hijacked airliners were being conducted on 9/11, or were ever conducted by US air defenses prior to 9/11.
-The lies about NORAD’s response time are very evident from this timeline:
“Most heavily defended airspace in the world.” ( From airliners? Reagan National is <1 mile from the Pentagon, and one of its runways is pointed directly at the NE corner of the building.)
-The Pentagon attack materially affected any "budget analysts" working on the accounting issues mentioned earlier by Rumsfeld.
-The SEC destroyed records of possible options trading anomalies connected to 9/11.
-The investigation of these alleged anomalies was the "largest in SEC history."
-Information in the 9/11 Commission Report was "extracted through torture."
A "couple of dozen" SEALs who were involved in the May, 2011 Abbottabad raid were later killed in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan. (17 SEALs were killed in that crash, and he has no way of knowing what any of them was doing on May 1.)
-Barry Jennings "never existed," or that anyone said he didn't. (In all fairness, his claim of demolition explosives at ~10:30 AM relative to a ~5:21 PM building collapse is not "worthy of [anyone's] consideration.)
-NIST's data was "classified," simply because there was no PUBLIC release of its complete ANSYS and LS-DYNA input and results FILES. (If you've ever bothered to read NCSTAR 1A, 1-9, and the other NIST releases on WTC 7, you'd know why that claim is absurd.)

The phony implications in the video are usually delivered in the form of sophistry, straw men, and innuendo, as in the Hanjour/Cessna yarn. He probably couldn't tap dance or ice skate too well either, but he spent enough time in Boeing cockpit simulators to learn how to navigate and steer an already-airborne Boeing wide-bodied twin into a huge target in perfect weather conditions. He and the 3 other hijacker/pilots all had commercial pilot certificates from the FAA, something the video also failed to mention. Another good example is pointing out that the 9/11 Commission Report didn't mention the collapse of WTC 7. It didn't mention any collateral building damage in NYC, nor did it report on Mets' or Yankees' scores or the striper fishing in the Hudson; those topics simply weren't in the scope of the investigation.
"No-planers" are the bottom of the barrel, and the video is the slickest concentration of rapid-fire bullshit yet to come out of the 9/11 "truth movement."

September 2, 2012 10:28 am

There is VERIFIABLE evidence that —– “strip-mining of our industrial and manufacturing base, the Financial crisis, dumbing down of the educational system, Admin’s FSA” —– were all inside jobs.

Verifiable Truther evidence? Not so much.

September 2, 2012 11:52 am


I have enjoyed reading all of your posts, and have thumbed you up for all of them. Your eloquent writing style and syntax are a rarity to encounter here. All of the points you’ve made have been quite logical and you’ve laid them out systematically. What a joy to encounter your comments.

Personally, I’m of the philosophy that it doesn’t much matter who’s behind it, the results ate the same. I’m far more concerned with understanding the results than the reasons. Trying to understand who and why will only make your head spin. We live in dark and dangerous times, and instead trying to follow the breadcrumb trail backward, trying to see where it leads to, I’d rather keep moving forward, maybe get the hell off the trail altogether.

I’ve said before on previous threads – doesn’t matter if it was a false flag attack or not, 9/11 is clearly our own government’s fault even if we accept the mainstream version of what happened. Here is some agreed upon fact:

1. We trained, armed and funded the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan and taught them to be terrorists.
2. Saddam was our dude, we trained him too back in the day.
3. We have our noses so far up the Saudi’s asses, we could check for colon polyps.
4. We made Israel happen after WWII, and have been supporting the largest terrorist network in the world – the Israeli government.
5. Clinton had every opportunity to send in Special Ops and cap bin Laden after his initial terrorist attacks when it would have been clean and easy – Clinton was a pussy.
6. The Bush administration received daily warnings and intel on the growing terrorist threat; but he, Condi, Rummy, and Dick thought it was all laughable.

Ok, so all of the above is according to the *mainstream* known “facts”. What does it add up to? It’s our fucking government’s own fault. They’ve admitted it in THEIR version of events. Alternately, it is possible that Dick Cheney used RC to fly the planes into the WTC. Wouldn’t be out of character. Possible the Mossad did it, after all their motto is “by deception, thou shall do war”.

Either way it’s our own government’s fault for years of meddling and pulling puppet strings.