State Sends Illegal Immigrants Packing. And Nobody Wants the Jobs [Law of Unintended Consequences]

In yet another case of the law of unintended consequences (which virtually anyone could have predicted), Alabama’s HB56 law was meant to drive illegals out of the state to purportedly “free up jobs” for native Alabamians.  Well, guess how that worked out?  They don’t want the damn jobs.  See, it’s too easy to live off Uncle Sam.  If it’s a choice between 99 weeks of working a real job or 99 weeks of free checks from the government, what do you think people are going to choose more often than not?

According to this recent BusinessWeek article, employers simply can’t find enough workers to fill the roles traditionally employed by illegal immigrants, so the next best option is to import legal immigrants.  Refugees from Africa…

Continue Reading What Happens When You Fire all the Illegal Immigrants

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Bad Taste
Bad Taste
October 9, 2012 10:48 am

Coals to Newcastle!

October 9, 2012 11:30 am

To bad we never came up with a decent worker visa program for migrant farm workers.Presidents talk about doing this just like they all say we should be energy independent. Yes the same government that has a postal service going broke.And Obama supporters who beleave the govment can run healthcare better than the private sector.

October 9, 2012 11:56 am

Cry me a fucking river. Labor is a commodity just like any other. If the shitty ass job doesn’t pay enough, raise the fucking wage. Physical labor is by far more hazardous than sitting at a desk and adding fat cells by the minute . And then at retirement get a free shit army hovaround. RAISE THE FUCKING WAGE already. Americans are being undercut every day. What do you two ass clowns do for a living? Will you have that same attitude when we import people to take your jobs for peanuts?

October 9, 2012 12:44 pm

” …. the next best option is to import legal immigrants. Refugees from Africa.” — Darwin

Oh, god, not again!! Didn’t we try that 400 years ago? Talk about “unintended consequences” … we’re still paying for that mistake. So, yeah … let’s try it again. What could go wrong?

BTW, the author of this thread (Darwin) has a terrific article — “Both Sides of the Illegal Immigration Argument – Where are YOU?” … here;

Both Sides of the Illegal Immigration Argument – Where are YOU?

October 9, 2012 12:51 pm

Hey Admin, I live right outside Reading and here’s an article from our newspaper today. It seems the FSA also has a tax scam going. I was wondering where all the GMC Denalis and Escalades were coming from..

October 9, 2012 1:09 pm

We had a decent farm worker program. It was called The Bracero Program. US farmers would contract with Mexican labor contractors for farm labor. The Mexican businessman would bring the crew to the farm and take them back home when the work was done. Simple, effective. Good for both countries. Caesar Chavez didn’t like it though because farmers didn’t have to hire his United
Farm Workers union employees, though Chavez never had but a tiny percentage of farm workers in his union and the ones he had didn’t work in the fields but picketed supermarkets in urban areas.

October 9, 2012 1:30 pm

We imported workers from Africa. They worked out pretty well, until the civil rights movement. Now, well, lets just use the word “burden”.

We imported Portuguese workers. The second generation became educated and middle/upper middle class.

We imported Chinese workers. The second generation became educated and moved on. Now, we have to fight to keep them down.

There used to be work requirements for Welfare, but Obama has rescinded what remained of those. Welfare should be linked to work. No work, no welfare. If they don’t like manual labor, they can get their own job.

Throughout history, Communists made people work. Socialists made people work. The United welfare states of America do not. We will collapse. The end is always the same.

October 9, 2012 2:05 pm

First, there is NO job in American being done 100% by illegals, so the statement “jobs that Americans won’t do” is bogus at its start (and was also a rallying cry of the globalists back in the ’90s).

Second, the REASON the farmers can’t get employees is the SAME reason McD’s is still hiring: the wages are insufficient to support yourself and your family in THIS country. The illegals are able to because they are not paying taxes, SS, health insurance, or even full rent, plus they are gifted food, pills, clothes, etc by the government.

In our present welfare system, if you try to “do something” to better yourself, or feel productive, you have your perks taken away. Farm work is seasonal, and part time, and (relatively) low-paid with NO benefits. How could ANYONE voluntarily sign up to work their asses off AND end up with no home, no food, no money and in a month, no job at all?

Those on unemployment could work these seasonal jobs, then after the work ends return right back to the unemployment roles, but come on! Who would walk away from $300 a week for doing NOTHING, and sign up for 12 hour days in the hot sun for $8 an hour? I’m guessing nearly no one.

This country has NO SHAME. It shows in our waistlines, our tv programs, our movies, our politicians and now in our work ethic.

Most still think we are the “richest nation on earth,” even though math shows us we are not.

Very, very, very, few will sign up to work for something that has been already gifted to them with no strings.

Don’t worry too much Darwin, now we are using prisoners to do the work the welfare families are “too good for.” Good thing the one thing we seem to grow are citizens being incarcerated. We are damn good at that.

Maybe if the farm industry had to price their products to reflect the actual costs of production (including the adherence to all our wage & labor laws that ALL others must follow) this shit could stop.

As it is we will just continue pushing the notion that we “need” cheap food and that it has to be subsidized by the government, even as we are squashed under the very real costs that the notion of “cheap” food has created. What farking insanity.

We do not “need” cheap food in massive quantities – that paradigm is literally killing us, and half the rest of the world.

How sad that if Romney wins the coming shitstorm will allow TPTB to say it was “capitalism” that destroyed us.

The reality is we haven’t been truly “capitalist” in decades, if ever. This only highlights the truth.

October 9, 2012 5:15 pm

“Bad Taste says:

Coals to Newcastle!”

Coals? Coal is black. Your comment is racist!

Muck About
Muck About
October 9, 2012 8:34 pm

@TE: Right on, sweet lips! ‘Nuf said..


October 9, 2012 11:59 pm


While I can agree with much of your post, what about the illegal criminals? You know, “The Few, the Proud, the Illegal Thugs.”

Murderers, kidnappers, rapists, armed robbers, car jackers, and home invaders running wild here in Arizona and elsewhere. What about them?

We HAVE guest worker programs for Mexican citizens here. Go to the Yuma sector and watch the buses cross the border every day, filled with Mexicans who work here legally and go home at night.

Then go to the Tucson sector and watch the fucking stampede of criminal gangs smuggling drugs and illegals into the country. Sign up for the Border Patrol and have the adventure of a lifetime. Go to Phoenix and get involved with the city’s kidnapping squad. Never a dull moment.

This fucking shit has hit a tipping point. Our benevolence towards illegals is way past what it’s worth having them here. As in ……….. WAY PAST.

You really seriously need to research the other side of the equation when you discuss illegals present in the country. It will infuriate you.