It has begun to rain where I live. This shows how large this storm is. It won’t make landfall at the Jersey shore until Monday night and it is still 400 miles away and it is already raining here. I did my normal 7:00 am Sunday trek to Wal-Mart and Giant for our normal weekly needs. There is usually no one shopping at this time. Today, there were hundreds of people milling about. Situations like this give me a glimpse into the future. The flashlight, battery and bread aisles were bare. I would guess that 98% of Americans don’t have enough supplies to survive for one week before riots start. What will 60 million East Coast morons do when the charge on their iPhones and IPads runs out? How will they tweet? How will they know if their BFF Melissa is sad on Facebook. I think a few people are going to get a slap in the face over the next few days and get a dose of reality about the future.

In the meantime, I will blog on this thread during the course of the storm. I will have power because I bought a generator over a year ago. It feels good not being panicked like the masses. Philadelphia has already declared a state of emergency, so I expect to have a day off tomorrow. If not, I’ll work from home. I wouldn’t want to run into the rats that will be coming out of the sewer drains in West Philly.

Awaiting Sandy


The effects of Sandy have arrived as the outer bands of rain are affecting parts of the region.  There is a band of moderate rain stretching from eastern PA southward to Delaware as of 7:30am.  The rain will increase in coverage throughout the day.  It will mainly be light to moderate, as the heavier rainfall won’t arrive until later tonight and during the overnight hours.

Winds will be on the increase throughout the day from the Northeast.  They will range from 10-15 mph, but there will be occasional gusts over 20 mph.  The winds will be stronger at the beaches, gusting over 30 mph.  With the rain, the winds will continue to increase as we head into the evening hours.

Hurricane Sandy continues to move Northeast off the east coast.  Throughout the day, she will begin to turn north and eventually make that turn west towards the mid-Atlantic coast.  Landfall continues to be in NJ late tomorrow night somewhere along the NJ coast between Ocean City and Seaside Heights.

While the weather will be going downhill, there is still time to make final preparations for Hurricane Sandy before the brunt of the storm arrives tomorrow.  I can’t stress enough how dangerous of a situation this is and the effects it will have for everyone in the region over the next few days.  Make sure you have several days worth of food, water and other essentials in the event you lose power for an extended period.  This is going to be a truly unprecedented event and one that many people have never experienced.

Posted by msannutti at 10/28/2012 08:07:00 AM
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October 28, 2012 9:35 am

Stay safe, Admin. Hoping for the best for everything and everybody at Wildwood and along the Jersey shore too. Godspeed!

October 28, 2012 9:44 am


God Bless !

October 28, 2012 9:48 am

Power may not be restored in many locations in the northeast. The northeast is virtually solid blue. These people must be allowed to vote!! Obama issues an EO to postpone the elections … maybe indefinitely.

Could happen!

October 28, 2012 9:56 am

Shit, stuck, you may be onto something there. How fucking frightening is that?

Stay safe Jim.

October 28, 2012 10:01 am

Last November we had an ice storm …. had no power for 6 days … lost a lot of food, had some cold dark nights …. a pretty shitty experience.

So we bought a 5k watt generator.

This summer we tried to sell the house (now off the market). We didn’t want to drag along/move the generator. So I made a big sign and nailed it to the tree in the front yard —- “Brand NEW generator, never used — $500 ($200 below cost)”. Left that sign out for about two weeks. No bites. Not one.

Fast forward to ….. yesterday. THREE people on our street ring our doorbell; “You still want to sell that generator?” lol lol lmfao “No!!”. haha One guy asked how much I paid for it. I told him “$700”. He offers me $900!! I say “No, thanks”. Then he says, “$1,000”!! Seriously. I contempate this for a few seconds. Then I realize that having to re-attach my balls after Ms Freud cuts them off will eat all my profits, so I again say, “I just can’t do it. Sorry.”

October 28, 2012 10:07 am

Tell ya what. That sucker goes right over admins house i am out of hereand off the internet for good. Think about it folks, they steered a freakin hurricane over his house. This is the motherof all conspiracy theory wetdreams.

President uses HARP to silence blogger, hundreds die and billions in damage.

October 28, 2012 10:17 am

We have several large plastic storage containers. Going to fill all of them with water. I’m guessing between 200-300 gallons. Got enough food and water to last two weeks, maybe longer. My only serious worry? That the four huge fucking trees in the yard don’t fall on the house. Maybe we should sleep in the extra bedroom in the basement.

Oscar Mannheim
Oscar Mannheim
October 28, 2012 11:30 am

Best of luck to you folks up there!

October 28, 2012 12:08 pm

This June a ‘derecho’ passed over Washington, D.C. This violent thunderstorm front knocked out electric power in the metro area for days. Figure Sandy to do the same so Obama’s posturing will be invisible and irrelevant in the aftermath of the storm. This is a catastrophe for him as rounding up the underclass and getting them to the polls requires working infrastructure which won’t be working. All the effort put into ‘early’ voting will be for naught unless, as Stucky suggested, Obama can somehow extend the voting in the most affected states but how he can do this in Pennsylvania and New Jersey without the collusion of the governors is not clear.

It will be Wednesday before damage assessments can even begin. Swollen creeks and rivers will have to recede before repairs can be attempted in many areas. As this storm will impact a wide area utility crews will have to be brought in from far away. That too will take 2 or 3 days for them to travel, stage and be assigned work areas. Figure Friday as the earliest non emergency repairs can begin. Figure 10% per day having their power restored beginning Saturday so more than half the people who lost power will still be without on election day.. Landline phones, cable TV and ISP service will also be lost. Not good for the Democrats.

October 28, 2012 1:32 pm

I’d say the political fallout from the storm could go for or against the Pres. Just depends on how bad the damage is and how well (or poorly) the disaster response is.

Good response = good numbers for Obummer.

Utter chaos and long power outages make him look bad and give the Romney camp more ammunition to point out his lack of leadership ability. Of course, they have to be careful if they try that tack. It could backfire. Generally speaking Americans like to pull together in a true disaster.

Glad to hear that those of you most likely to be affected are as ready as you can get. Hunker down and don’t take any necessary chances. It looks very, very bad to me.

Hope that generator gives you a nice clean sine wave for the computer. I’m looking forward to the play-by-play.

October 28, 2012 1:33 pm

“no unnecessary chances”. You know what I meant.

Muck About
Muck About
October 28, 2012 1:53 pm

It’s not the wind or the rain that kills you with a hurricane.

It’s the storm surge that kills most people with floods a distant second. You hear about the freak deaths (“Speared by a power pole!” ” Man gets blown off his balcony!”) but the serious shit comes in with the tide.

That’s why I sit 65 miles from either coast her in Central Florida.. I’m at 65 feet elevation (above mean high tide mark over on the coasts) and that’ll take a hell of a storm surge to get here.

Of course if the volcano in the Canary Islands burps and half the mountain slips into the sea, we’ll get a mile high tsunami that wipe out everything between the coast and the Blue Ridge mountains, up the Mississippi River Basin to Michigan.. Florida will be a sand dune again, probably 200 feet down when the waves stop sloshing.

Life is fragile. Mother Nature doesn’t give a shit about you and I – no more so than the politicians and PTB care. Believe it..


October 28, 2012 1:59 pm

All my Yankee “friends” are in my thoughts and prayers. “canes really suck, they are no fun at all. Take some pictures of the 30 blocks and let us see how the FSA did. Regards, ragman.

October 28, 2012 2:10 pm

Muck About you may be spot on but have the wrong ocean. Yesterday’s 7.7 quake off British Columbia could be the prelude to the next big seismic event on the Pacific ring of fire. If you think about what has been happening around the Pacific basin over the past 8 years it is really unusual.
We’ve had three 9.0 plus quakes in less than 8 years. The Boxing Day quake off Sumatra in 2004, the Chilean mega quake on February 27, 2010 and the March 11, 2011 Japanese mega quake. BTW the Japanese mega quake was preceded a month earlier by a 7 plus quake. Dormant has been the Cascadian subduction zone off our Pacific Northwest. It is overdue for a major seismic event.

Geologists tend to not believe a quake in one region has any immediate effect on adjacent regions but our understanding of what goes on 20 miles below our feet is limited. 3 mega quakes in 8 years is really unprecedented and to this laymen suggests something major is going on around the Pacific basin.

October 28, 2012 5:49 pm

Here I am in florida. In stock right now i have roughly 360 gallons fresh water(not counting water purifier pitchers and the like), 1 1/2 years of food, 60 bars of soap, almost 2000 disposable coffee filters, 15 2 1/2 pound bags eight O’clock coffee, candles and batteries up the wazoo, and an endless list of stuff I probably wont need this year! All in the name of hurricane preparedness!
Better safe than sorry I say….I must be fricking nuts!! I shoulda bought beer like all the rest of the zombies and joined em!
Good luck to all of you up there in harms way. Your gonna need it….

October 28, 2012 6:39 pm

Some houses flooded, electricity out for a couple of days, grumpy people and a few silly (could have been prevented) deaths. And that’s worst case scenario. What a load of Doomtards the world is breeding

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
October 28, 2012 6:45 pm

Stuck, when did you start commenting here again? I thought you went walkabout?

Anyhow, Sandy is shaping up into a Wet Dream for Doomer Bloggers, so I dropped in to see how the East Coast crowd here was prepping up.

Nothing exciting up here on the Last Great Frontier, just a Whole Lotta Shakin’ Going On down south of us in BC.

Good Luck in Philly Jimbo!


October 28, 2012 6:46 pm

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October 28, 2012 7:13 pm

I was “blown away”by a Weatherchannel report on how Sandy will affect the Great Lakes. They are forecasting 25 foot waves on Lake Michigan and Huron. 14 foot on Ontario and Erie so people a thousand miles away from the Jersey coast are going to have pull their boats and see their shoreline battered if that forecast is correct.

Down here on Sarasota Bay it has been windy and the high temp today was just 70 degrees. I guess that is that low pressure system pulling Canadian air in and sucking Sandy toward New Jersey. At least no rain. When TS Debby parked itself in June for three days we had 25-30 mph winds 200 plus miles from the center and they piled water up over the boat docks downstairs plus blew all manner of leaves and stuff into my boat. I had to keep wading out to it to make sure the sump pumps didnt’ get clogged as we also got 8 inches of rain. I pity the folks who have boats up North.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
October 28, 2012 8:04 pm

Jeff Master’s article on his Wunderground Blog highlights the biggest single economic danger from Sandy, the possibility that the Storm Surge will overtop the seawalls in southern Manhattan and flood the vast network of underground tunnels and electrical conduits beneath the city streets.

Anyone who has ever been to NY Shity knows there are no High Voltage Power lines on poles above ground bringing electric power to the NYSE and Goldman Sacks-the-taxpayer, all of these lines are below ground in lower Manhattan, well protected from Wind Damage but extremely vulnerable to flooding. In this case with seawater, a fabulous electrical conductor and also extremely corrosive.

If the seawall is overtopped, the many Tunnels out of lower Manhattan that connect it to the Mainland and to Long Island could fill with water. Estimates are it would take a month to pump them out and get them operational again. Without these tunnels operational, it would be just about impossible to commute into and out of Wall Street.

Besides that, although many of their computer centers are now remotely located, it would be about impossible to run many of the Bloomberg Terminals on Emergency Generator Power for more than a few days. Getting the fuel to run said generators into lower Manhattan itself would be a nightmare.

Just the repairs alone would cost $Billions$, and the inability to “do bizness as usual” for a full month would cost many billions more in lost ttax revenue and so forth.

Sandy’s projected track puts the maximum Storm Surge straight into NY Shity Harbor. Jeff Masters gives it a 30% chance of overtopping the Seawalls. I think he is being generous there, not to seem too Doomerish but at the same time covering himself if it does flood.

This is one question which will be answered fairly rapidly, since it will/will not occur inside a few hours when Sandy makes Landfall. If it does overtop, you’ll get the same kind of dramatic footage that occurred when the levees were Breached during Katrina.

NY Shity is highly dependent on the subways and light rail lines for moving around so many people in that machine. Many do not even OWN carz.

If the Subways FLOOD, this is a Black Swan of immense proportions. Wall Street will have to move their operations to data centers on the mainland, and that will be very hard to do since those DCs are not set up for people to commute to.

The Clock is Ticking on a Time Bomb here. Wall Street is a CENTRAL NODE for all International Trade, and disruption of those operations at this level for a month is a domino that will cascade through the entire Global Financial system.

Not $Billions$ in losses there.



October 28, 2012 8:34 pm

RE ,any predictions on how many will die?
And,any chance Sandy may turn up the Potomac and due the nation and huge favor by flushing that fetid swamp?

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
October 28, 2012 8:42 pm

“Only you could take a horrific situation and explain why it will be 100 times worse. You have a gift.”-Admin

Thanks Jim! RE’s the Name, and DOOM is my Game! LOL. Like I said, Sandy is a Doomer Blogger Wet Dream. 🙂


October 28, 2012 8:44 pm

I’m not sure who to worry about more; Admin or Stuck. I think NJ is going get it worse. They’re saying Philly may get hurricane winds though. What a fucking mess this is going to cause.

Who are the two queers that thumbs downed that rack and that ass? Really? When the power goes out, and you have no internet, all you’ll have is this page and that T & A. Geezus.

A couple of days off can’t be all bad.

#17 Meteorologist Mike Smith of AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions is projecting that Hurricane Sandy could potentially cause a total of 100 billion dollars in damage to the U.S. economy. That would make it a far more costly disaster than Hurricane Katrina.

I think it’s only going to muddy the waters in an already fraudulent election. The yuts in W. Philly will be having a ball the next few days.

October 28, 2012 8:53 pm

RE – where you been hiding? I, for one, if you were to remain civil (as you were above), would welcome (in my own special way) you back just for the sport of kicking your ass. Our battles were the stuff of legend. Newbies would be enthralled and amazed.

Nice doomsday scenario. When is the caldera going to blow? Got your boat ready to sail to far off shores, just in case? Probably wouldn’t save you from the caldera, but maybe from the zombie hordes of doompocalyse happens.

October 28, 2012 8:58 pm

RE’s vision of NYC:


October 28, 2012 9:00 pm

Democrats are speaking out about the storm:

“Party officials, ever concerned with the safety of American citizens (especially women, minorities and children, who are expected to be the hardest hit), were swift to respond to the dire threat to democratic voters. Speaking from Chicago, campaign insider David Axelrose reassured voters that their votes would be cast and their votes would be counted “even if he had to do it himself.”

“We will not stand for this racist and misogynist attack on American voters,” Axelrose stated, “knowing that this weather threat is a premeditated act on the part of the Republic National Committee.” When asked how the storm was a result of RNC actions, Axelrose responded that global warming, caused by George Bush’s anti-environmental policies, had generated the hurricane, and that the RNC was steering it, in much the same way they had steered Hurricane Katrina, to have the greatest possible impact on urban minority populations. “It is even more despicable that they are doing so on the eve of the most important national election in the history of the world,” he added.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
October 28, 2012 9:05 pm


I’m not hiding, I’m chief cook and bottle washer on the Doomstead Diner. for the Blog, for the Newz Page

Keeps me very busy,6000-12,000 Page Hits a day now so it is hard to go out trolling OPBs much. Sandy here caused me to see how Jim was handling it, and then saw Stucky has returned to posting here so I figured I would chip in the Doom chat here also. 🙂


October 28, 2012 9:08 pm

I figure that Sandy will probably end up being akin to the tsunami that hit Australia:

[imgcomment image[/img]

Mary Malone
Mary Malone
October 28, 2012 9:39 pm

Well, we decided to stay up at the farm until the storm subsides – given the forecast for NJ.

If the worst happens – 100 year old trees surrounding our NJ home come crashing down – best not to be on the scene.

Just bought a compilation of Thomas Paine’s pamphlets that I can hunker down and read if TBP goes offline. We have water, wine, food and wood. Bought flashlight batteries, candles and canned my own pasta sauce, jam.

Hopefully Sandy won’t be as deadly as predicted and the loss of life and property will be little to none.

Stay safe everybody!

October 28, 2012 9:49 pm

The storm damage will be telegenic but what will really make this storm a real disaster ( for Obama at least) is if civil disorder breaks out in the aftermath. Having grinning, laughing underclassers pushing shopping carts full of looted goods from the 30 blocks of squalor all the way to Newark would be a fitting end to the Obama presidency. I’m counting on the worst from the FSA!

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
October 28, 2012 10:03 pm

For you Conspiracy Theorists out there, go have a look at this “Hurricane Simulation” scenario done for Westchester County AREA/RACES in 1997!

[imgcomment image[/img]

[imgcomment image[/img]

Can-U-Spell H-A-A-R-P?


October 28, 2012 10:48 pm

HAARP bitchez – just like the RNC’s cheap shot at NOLA.

October 29, 2012 12:13 am

Just read that the stock market will be closed tmw and possibly Tuesday….. things that make you go hmmm….Oh and Gigantes Win!

October 29, 2012 3:07 am

Best wishes, Admin. This one looks like the real deal. Maybe it will prove to be the domino that brings the entire shitaree down, if it creates enough havoc in NYC.

October 29, 2012 7:20 am

Too bad the markets are closed – can’t short the insurance companies!

October 29, 2012 7:51 am

admin, keep in mind that electronics like “clean power”. Very few generators put out clean power. Most put out a stepped or modified stepped sine wave which many delicate electronics do not appreciate. Get yourself a line conditioner (120v) or a true sine wave inverter (12v). Charging batteries should be fine straight off the generator.

marmot mike
marmot mike
October 29, 2012 7:56 am

You people really are doomtards.

1) The storm will be bad, electricity will be lost in some areas, some areas will have flooding.
2) People will band together and help each other out
3) first responders will do an amazing job
4) under 10 people will die (probably from stupidity)
5) Electricity will be restored withing 2/3 days
6) America will be back up and running by the end of the week with lots of cool stories
7) The government will blame the hurricane for the next GDP numbers

cheer up doomtards

October 29, 2012 9:15 am

1) The storm will be bad, electricity will be lost in all affected areas, three states will have flooding.
2) People will band together and hunt each other down
3) first responders will do an amazingly bad job
4) under 10,000,000 people will die (probably from gov’t stupidity)
5) Electricity will be restored withing 23 days
6) America will be back up and running by the end of the week with lots of cool stories under Chinese Rule
7) The government will blame the hurricane for the last 4 years of GDP numbers.

October 29, 2012 9:18 am

Guess you have the generator out of the box now, Jim? 🙂

Seriously, watching the news coverage of people buying generators at Home Depot makes me chuckle.

I can confirm high winds and waves here in Chicago. And I’ve been thinking about the effect on the election since last week… I can see, in a really bad situation, where power is out for 1-2 weeks, that the election will be “suspended” (or at least postponed) and some areas may even see martial law.

The financial markets are probably our biggest worry right now, given how tenous the economic situation already is. But they have contingencies, so hopefully it won’t get too serious.

October 29, 2012 9:49 am

Fortunately elections are a state matter ( except for those states and counties under permanent DOJ supervision for acts committed 50 plus years ago) so the ability of the Obama administration to wage political warfare on the public will be limited in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. In Maryland I expect the Governor there to suspend all election laws and allow anyone to vote since ID’s and voter rolls will all have been swept away in the wind. Whether the underclass can be persuaded to abandon their looting and go stand in a line to vote is another matter.

October 29, 2012 9:57 am

Good Luck to Admin, his family and any of our TBPers in the path of Sandy.

This storms looks like it is going to pound not just the coast but the entire NE corridor and extend inland to even Chicago.

Should be a great Doom Primer given the population density affected and the general level of unpreparedness of the population.

I also expect to hear some serious whining from the WH about depressed voter turnout, especially since this storm is coming right over where a huge number of likely Obama supporters live.

Perhaps we will hear “Due to the unprecedented (Obama’s fav word) size of this storm, and in the interests of fairness and everybody getting a shot (Obama’s fav phrase), elections will be held until the following week”.

October 29, 2012 10:16 am

Good luck to all TBP’s on the East Coast

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