It has begun to rain where I live. This shows how large this storm is. It won’t make landfall at the Jersey shore until Monday night and it is still 400 miles away and it is already raining here. I did my normal 7:00 am Sunday trek to Wal-Mart and Giant for our normal weekly needs. There is usually no one shopping at this time. Today, there were hundreds of people milling about. Situations like this give me a glimpse into the future. The flashlight, battery and bread aisles were bare. I would guess that 98% of Americans don’t have enough supplies to survive for one week before riots start. What will 60 million East Coast morons do when the charge on their iPhones and IPads runs out? How will they tweet? How will they know if their BFF Melissa is sad on Facebook. I think a few people are going to get a slap in the face over the next few days and get a dose of reality about the future.

In the meantime, I will blog on this thread during the course of the storm. I will have power because I bought a generator over a year ago. It feels good not being panicked like the masses. Philadelphia has already declared a state of emergency, so I expect to have a day off tomorrow. If not, I’ll work from home. I wouldn’t want to run into the rats that will be coming out of the sewer drains in West Philly.

Awaiting Sandy


The effects of Sandy have arrived as the outer bands of rain are affecting parts of the region.  There is a band of moderate rain stretching from eastern PA southward to Delaware as of 7:30am.  The rain will increase in coverage throughout the day.  It will mainly be light to moderate, as the heavier rainfall won’t arrive until later tonight and during the overnight hours.

Winds will be on the increase throughout the day from the Northeast.  They will range from 10-15 mph, but there will be occasional gusts over 20 mph.  The winds will be stronger at the beaches, gusting over 30 mph.  With the rain, the winds will continue to increase as we head into the evening hours.

Hurricane Sandy continues to move Northeast off the east coast.  Throughout the day, she will begin to turn north and eventually make that turn west towards the mid-Atlantic coast.  Landfall continues to be in NJ late tomorrow night somewhere along the NJ coast between Ocean City and Seaside Heights.

While the weather will be going downhill, there is still time to make final preparations for Hurricane Sandy before the brunt of the storm arrives tomorrow.  I can’t stress enough how dangerous of a situation this is and the effects it will have for everyone in the region over the next few days.  Make sure you have several days worth of food, water and other essentials in the event you lose power for an extended period.  This is going to be a truly unprecedented event and one that many people have never experienced.

Posted by msannutti at 10/28/2012 08:07:00 AM
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October 29, 2012 10:40 am

RE: generator.

Put it outside where exhaust cannot come back in house!!!

If you have a basement with a sump pump run power cord to sump pump before power goes off. Trying to do it in the dark in a flooded basement can be hazardous.

October 29, 2012 10:46 am

Just heard on CNBC that 2/3rds of the East Coast refiners are shutting down.

Huge jump in pump prices bitchez! That can’t be good for O.

Batten down the hatches and good luck to all of you Easterners.

JIMSKI (and others) reminded me of a thought I had last night, this storm did NOT form off the coast of Africa (how strange), and I pray that this isn’t a gov-created storm.

Because that is evil, just as evil as invading other countries and killing people without due process.

Meanwhile, the urban yoots are busy scoping out their soon-to-be possessed looted crap. My only wonder (educated guess really) is if the news stories will be shown on national TV. My guess is they will be under-reported to keep the rest of the country from reality.

Interesting times, no?

October 29, 2012 11:07 am

This guy has an interesting take on current events.… (at least until he starts up with the sports.)

Will storm hype hide or bury the extremely important Personal Income and Expenditure data this morning? Or, will tomorrow’s planned release of the Case-Shiller/S&P Housing data take place on schedule?

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
October 29, 2012 11:13 am

A little wind and rain… Slightly higher than normal waves… Doesn’t sound like much to worry about up here in Maine, just a big storm. They happen every year.

Hope things don’t get too bad down in New York, looks like they will get hit pretty hard. Good luck to Stucky and Admin, as well as all the other TBPers in the path of Sandy. May your basements stay dry, your fridge cold and your roof in one piece.

I suspect the Admin is right, Obama will have FEMA out in force and will be throwing money at the entire east coast like his job depends on it. Which it probably does. If even one person isn’t happy with the government response they will be assaulted by every new organization on TV, maybe get invited to live in one of Romney’s houses. They’ll become the mascot of the republican campaign.

Never let a good crisis go to waste, after all.

October 29, 2012 11:17 am

11:00 AM National Hurricane Center reports barometric pressure down to 943! That’s the lowest ever for a storm this far north.

October 29, 2012 11:21 am

@TeresaE – “JIMSKI (and others) reminded me of a thought I had last night, this storm did NOT form off the coast of Africa (how strange), and I pray that this isn’t a gov-created storm.

Because that is evil, just as evil as invading other countries and killing people without due process.”

I don’t think the government is nearly competent enough to pull off something of this magnitude.

Sometime nature just throws up weird shit, and we have to deal with it or die. It always has been that way, and it always will be.

October 29, 2012 11:24 am

Obama’s problem is that DC is going to get walloped too. All his Federal workers are going to be at home in the dark for the rest of the week. He’ll have no time to affect anything.

October 29, 2012 11:38 am

I live in NY but Bloomberg has outlawed all storms over 18 ounces i mean 18 mph so I’m safe.

October 29, 2012 12:02 pm

Here’s PSEG ( New Jersey electric utility) outage map.

October 29, 2012 12:03 pm

RE — Welcome back … at least for this thread. I have too much time and blood vested here on TBP to ever leave.

I briefly considered suicide after reading your NYC doomsday scenario. Good thing Ms Freud hid all the knives. How many will die? Please tell me.

Speaking of which ……. The Weather Channel is getting more RE-doomy with each passing hour …. they REALLY should have a suicide hotline banner at the bottom of the screen.

October 29, 2012 12:06 pm
October 29, 2012 12:10 pm

The Weather Channel is in hog heaven. They’ll have the highest TV ad rates in America for the duration of Sandy. NBC is smiling too since they bought the channel.

October 29, 2012 12:19 pm

sangell’s advice @ 10:40 bears repeating.

So, here at the Stucko household …… the generator is filled up, it has been started, sitting at the ready just outside the side door …. and ALL the cords are laid. When/if power goes out, the sump pump, fridge, electric stove, kitchen lamps, and ‘puter will be hooked up and running within 2 minutes.

Just to be clear, the ONLY reason I’m doing all this prepping is so that I can continue to log on and post on TBP. I am dedicated to gloom and porn.

October 29, 2012 12:24 pm

Sandy passed by the mid-Atlantic states as predicted.

I’d heard mentioned she could cause the national elections to be postponed. This may put a crimp in the global elites holiday plans, since the outcome is predetermined, but delaying the announcements may affect some travel plans.

On one hand, if you put the planes on the tarmac before the election is called, and the civil unrest commences, it could be seen as more than just prudent planning.

On the other hand, since the global elite have declared war on the general population, what difference does it make anyway? Bring on the right gear, in your face, bitchez!

October 29, 2012 12:32 pm

@Admin: I am really sorry about your condo but if this storm keeps up it is gonna be a goner, even if it is 1/2 mile from the shore.

Here’s some pix from Galveston after Ike roared over it in 2008.

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Not trying to bum you out, just trying to get you used to what you are going to see when this storm comes over, sorry.

October 29, 2012 12:36 pm


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harry p.
harry p.
October 29, 2012 12:36 pm

admin, that path looks nasty, it looks like the storm is hitting you and my parents (phoenixville) and then heading directly over my house (just south of h-burg)
why is sandy being such a c#nt?

on a side note, I wonder how much krugman is creaming in his pants thinking about putting the “broken window” theory into practice on this scale.

October 29, 2012 12:38 pm

Admin prepares his cat
[imgcomment image[/img]

Admin prepares to feed the family
[imgcomment image[/img]

Admin prepares for alternate sleeping arrangements
[imgcomment image?w=510&h=302[/img]

October 29, 2012 12:40 pm

Sadly, Admin believes that he can continue to blog and post …. as long as he can still see his computer monitor
[imgcomment image[/img]

October 29, 2012 12:40 pm

Sadly, wordpress sucks donkey dick.

October 29, 2012 1:00 pm

Power going off all over Long Island

October 29, 2012 1:16 pm

Admin, interesting pics you’re posting, but who on this life infested rock orbiting the sun is out there in a hurricane taking pics? As long as roads still exist, why aren’t they being used as the get -the -hell -away form Sandy route?

But ,still I’m glad their are saps willing to document what a real storm looks like

Stay safe ‘cuz it’s likely someone will need to be available to rescue Stuck.

October 29, 2012 1:35 pm

@flash –

It was pretty easy to get people to stay out there snapping pictures. We just told the Section 8ers that the hurricane is part of a new MTV reality show.

October 29, 2012 1:44 pm

Oh lookey here.

The little darlings are about to use Twitter to go on a post-Sandy looting spree.

(yes I know it’s infowars)

3 guess as to ethnicity.

October 29, 2012 1:50 pm

TPC, isn’t that how law enforcement now serves warrants.They advertize, free housing , hip hop or be a baby daddy with no strings attached reality TV auditions, or simply get a free gold plated teeth grill for just showing up,
and Voila’ warrants served .No driving around looking for perps .They show up in herds for their free shit share.

October 29, 2012 2:20 pm


“TPC, isn’t that how law enforcement now serves warrants.They advertize, free housing , hip hop or be a baby daddy with no strings attached reality TV auditions, or simply get a free gold plated teeth grill for just showing up,
and Voila’ warrants served .No driving around looking for perps .They show up in herds for their free shit share.

Actual picture of FSA rushing to the new “reality TV show”.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Oops, forgot to adjust for ethnicity.

[imgcomment image[/img]

October 29, 2012 2:36 pm

Admin, about three posts up the page, is that not the eye just off shore taking a sort of due west turn toward wildwood? Is it really going to take until 8-10 tonight for the eye to come ashore?

October 29, 2012 3:07 pm

So it’s a bonus then?!!

I survived Hurricane Hugo in ’89 and vowed to never live in hurricane country again. I don’t recall ever doing any prepping so to speak. I had just bought two whole beef tenderloins and 40 lbs of king crab and had to grill that shit up (along with everything else in the freezer) before it went bad. For a couple of weeks, the residents of Horatio, SC worked their asses off all day long and ate like kings every evening! In a way it was sort of fun but I’ll pass on a repeat!


October 29, 2012 3:09 pm

I wonder if your section 8 neighbors evacuated or decided to ride it out? If there is any justice in the world, theirs will be the only condo destroyed and you’ll never see them again.

October 29, 2012 3:12 pm


Making final preparations. Decided to top off gas in the car … about 1/4 tank. Went to the same gas station I went to earlier today to fill up three little 1.5 gallon containers. Sign out front — “out of gas”. Long story short … had to travel about three miles to find an open gas station. This isn’t Wyoming …. that means I passed about 20 closed gas stations. Maybe they just sent people home because it IS starting to get nasty.

Stopped by the A&P supermarket. Thought I’d get another gallon of milk and two dozen eggs. No problem. BUT … the bread shelf was completely empty … not even a single English muffin.

Drive home was interesting. Trees are starting to sway violently between gusts. I am really concerned about the four huge old trees in our yard. Was stuck at a traffic light. Between gusts the fucking light was swinging horizontal from one side to the other. I floored the little Honda once it turned green. lol

October 29, 2012 3:12 pm

Keep posting Admin, great job. As I remember, your condo is on the second floor? No worries.

It’s kinda cool in S. Florida, 74 with wind. I’m on the cruise ship ready for departure. As near as I can tell, it’s geezers, boomers, and gays. Should be fun. Why are there so many fat boomers everywhere you go? They’re like locusts, only fat, with their stupid hippie long hair and ponytails. They look ridiculous. They never give up. I expect to be doing CPR on 3 or 4 when they keel over at sea, or explode from eating themselves to death.

I hope your generator works, so TBP stays up, and I can continue complaining about boomers.

October 29, 2012 3:18 pm

Damn, Stuck, stay home. You don’t want to be decapitated by a sign, or crushed by a tree. Stay out of the fall-path of the trees, just in case.

These guys aren’t scared

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Guards at Tomb of the Unknowns to remain on-site during hurricane

the U.S. servicemen who guard the outdoor Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery will remain on duty.

“They will not abandon their post,” an employee who answered the Arlington Cemetery’s phone confirmed to Yahoo News. He identified himself as “George,” but was not authorized to speak on the record to the media.

The tomb, located just outside Washington, D.C., holds the remains of unidentified soldiers from World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam.

The elite sentinels selected to guard it have kept watch continuously at the site since 1948.

October 29, 2012 3:21 pm

No problemo AWD!!! Staying home for good at this point … probably won’t leave the house until Thursday …. unless my parents run into trouble …. “only” a 6 mile drive, fortunately …. and I’ll walk if I have to.

October 29, 2012 3:21 pm

Never let a crisis go to waste.

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October 29, 2012 3:32 pm

Regarding HZK’s post about looters @ 1:44. Some samle tweets ….


“Bout to do some looting when this hurricane finally hits….gonna get a new laptop and tv…this hurricane might be the best thing to happen.”

“If this hurricane gets real bad I’m looting stores ! i always wanted to do that.”

“I’m gonna go looting once this hurricane hits Utica.”

“Has #HurricaneSandy made landfall yet? My bitch ass is ready to go looting!”

“helllll yeah I’m gonna go looting after the storm hits.”

“Who wants to go looting with me when Sandy hits?! I need some new shit!


By the way, they are all ………………… blacks. Gasp!!!! Where the fuck is Colma?? I need his perspective and reasoned anlaysis.

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October 29, 2012 3:41 pm

1) The storm will be incredibly bad bringing down the power grid across the entire US. 9 states will have flooding.
2) People will band together and hunt each other down
3) first responders will be too busy trying to help their families survive to show up for work.
4) under 10,000,000 people will die
5) Electricity will never be restored.
6) Amerika is done.
7) The government will cease to exist.
8) People will finally find out what freedom really means to their lives. Finally…

October 29, 2012 3:57 pm

“Guards at Tomb of the Unknowns to remain on-site during hurricane the U.S. servicemen who guard the outdoor Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery will remain on duty.”

Damn right they will! These men have a higher calling than themselves. They have integrity, honor, fortitude and a sacred duty they believe in.

October 29, 2012 4:01 pm

AWD said:
” I’m on the cruise ship ready for departure.”

Damn AWD! I’m no germaphobe but I’d wager that your line of work is cleaner than the average cruise ship! They only way you’d get me on a cruise ship is if it rescued my ass from a raft on the high seas! Even then I might just ask that they throw me a line and tow me in!

Anyway, I hope you have a good time…… need a break. How being surrounded by fat boomers qualifies as a break intrigues me.

October 29, 2012 4:16 pm

Shut down the power, shut down the subways, shutdown the freeways, shutdown the bakeries, shutdown the airplanes, shutdown the gas stations, shutdown everything… my have we become a pussy nation. We can no longer take care of ourselves. The government will save us.

I have been through some rough weather in my time along with many other people. Now that we have all this weather software and computer models we pick the worst ones to follow and prepare according to what the government creatures, politicians and media chicken littles tell us to do.

October 29, 2012 4:19 pm

@Stucky –

Are those tweets just humorous fabrications, or are people really that stupid?

October 29, 2012 4:29 pm

In between tears , Shep the Snot-sucker on Faux News is claiming that Sandy has the lowest pressure of any Northeastern storm ever recorded, which ain’t good newz.

Damn , where is RE when one needs a worst case scenario update?

Hurricane Sandy is strengthening and now has maximum sustained winds of 90mph. … winds of 90mph and a very low central minimum pressure of 943mb, possibly the lowest ever recorded on a hurricane this far north.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
October 29, 2012 4:31 pm

Her Stuchenmoobs:

Here I am!


They’ll see how much water there is and run the other way.

October 29, 2012 4:36 pm

Looks like it may be a teensy bit bigger than the Australian tsunami. Beachgoelrs might get wet up to their ankles. If they are doing handstands that is.

October 29, 2012 4:51 pm

I’m pretty amused at all the HAARP weather-modification theories, especially given how the highest posting members view 9/11 and climate change.


1) We’ll know this WAS, in fact, HAARP, if Wall Street is spared while the rest of the east coast becomes Waterworld; and….

2) We’ll know it was an act of GOD (or space Jesus or the FSM, if you prefer) if Wall Street is obliterated while the rest of the country is largely spared.

October 29, 2012 5:17 pm


Just reading my portable generator manual. I have a Husky with a Briggs&Stratton engine.

It emphasizes that the first time it is used, that the oil must be changed after 5 hours.

just an fyi

October 29, 2012 5:23 pm

The potentially worst Northeastern storm EVAH meets mostest important election EVAH!
Coincidence ?
I think not.

This storm has the GOP’s fingerprints all over it!

Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
October 29, 2012 5:30 pm

Stuck, Whaddya mean this isn’t Wyoming? We have 3 gas stations, after that, 30 miles north, 30 south, or 50 west to the nearest. Can’t drive East. Besides, we don’t need to evacuate. We’re already here.

Good luck back there, it was a bit nippy Saturday, high of 45 & I only caught 15 trout.