27 dead —- 20 dead kids

Maybe you want to discuss it. Maybe you don’t.

I am in shock. I can’t “get used” to this. Deeply sad … it’s Christmas, dammit! When will this crap end?? So much for “Fun Friday”. Nothing is fun in America anymore, is it?

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Hollow man
Hollow man
December 14, 2012 3:51 pm

Stucky stan is right o nut case will use it to restrict gun ownership. If not ban some guns.

December 14, 2012 3:53 pm

How come Obama doesn’t address the nation when a big car accident kills 10+ people? Or when actions of wall street banksters effect millions of kids and their well being? What a douche…

December 14, 2012 4:00 pm

Stan… figure out a way to get guns away from the criminals and mentally unstable, not just the law abiding, and the world will beat a path to your door.

What a sad, sad day.

December 14, 2012 4:11 pm

Ok, here is the deal. We all feel awful about this happening. It is horrible. We have kids too. I used to drop my kids off at school when they were little and I would have been devastated and heartbroken and mad as hell if this had happened to them. It sucks. It is beyond words to describe the pain the families feel. My heart breaks for them.

There is no shortage of idiots and nuts out there, who will do ANYTHING! A lot of people in this world don’t care about other people. Sad but true. This will happen again, and again. We cannot stop it. Crazy people will do crazy things.

But I promise you this: Obama and his party will use this and other things to ban guns. It is wrote in stone. He has always wanted this and believe me, he loves it when this happens. This makes a president look good, look ” Presidential” He is in a no lose situation when this happens. He acts like he is crying, tells people he cares, has children of his own. His approval rating will go up 10 % after this. Earthquakes, tornados, terrorist attacts, school shootings are all great for Presidents because they can go on tv and act like they are all tore up and concerned. He loves this shit. And it furthers his anti- gun agenda.

Trust me, a gun ban is coming. Say good bye to easy to buy guns. Say good bye to the 2nd amendment to the constitution. As a matter of fact, say good bye to the whole constitution.

P.S. It is bad when kids die. But we all have to die. 150,000 people a day die. No law will EVER stop that.


December 14, 2012 4:14 pm

Maybe we should go the opposite direction, instead of banning guns, the govt should offer a tax credit for self defense and gun safety classes. It wouldn’t matter if we banned all guns these things would still happen, if we can agree on that then the only solution would be to make sure all of the “good” people were armed and trained. Just a thought.

My wife hates guns but when I explained it that way to her she wanted to take a gun safety class, she thought it would help her get over her “fear of guns”. I don’t know about you but I would rather that my wife have a gun and be safely trained in how to use it rather than be scared of them altogether.

December 14, 2012 4:27 pm

The mother was a teacher and physiologist so I assume she was a child physiologist.

Every case where I’ve known a child physiologist, their children (grown children) have been fucked up emotionally and some expressed hatred for the mother for haven fucked them up. Just sayin.

December 14, 2012 4:28 pm

stan, obama was going to do this no matter the circumstances which bring it about. he is ruining our beloved country.

that being said, my emapathydar went off this am and i spent the whole day in a dr.s office and didn’t hear about until much later. however, i haven’t been able to truly stop crying since 9:45 am. my heart goes out to everyone. more, my heart goes out to our world, as we have forgotten each other. this is a time of many blessings, but our governments have slowly taken our blessings away. to hell with not saying the name of God or giving prayer! i say PRAY MORE AND GIVE THANKS TO GOD FOR WHAT WE HAVE AND WHAT WE CAN DO FOR OURSELVES! bless all of you.

December 14, 2012 4:29 pm


I don’t see an Obama gun ban in the near future – too many out there.

I do see media whores and politicians pontificating for face time – narcissists trying to outdo each other in a sordid attempt to use this tragedy to get more attention for themselves. I have to wonder if the TPTB back in 1927 used the dead school children to further their own careers – I suspect not – it would have been too shameful.

We give them their power by being glued to the TV – how will they ever feel shame if we don’t spew our disgust.

December 14, 2012 4:33 pm

Stucky, quote from Washington Post:

“Our hearts are broken today,” Obama said. He promised “meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this,” but did not say specifically what he might do.

read between the lines buddy, Obama’s whole cabinet just blew a huge load in their pants after this incident, frankly I don’t give a shit, people who own guns now will get some of their rights grandfathered in, so I’ll just focus on buying more ammo, but if ure stupid enough not to own a gun by now then u don’t deserve to have it

December 14, 2012 4:34 pm

Of course Obama didn’t mention gun control. That would have been too obvious an attempt to politicize this horrible event. Instead he said ‘meaningful action’ which was ominous in its implications.

Obama can’t get specific yet as the details were not known when Obama spoke. Recall when Rep. Giffords was shot the sheriff and Giffords mother immediately blamed the shooting on Talk Radio and the partisan political climate and many in the media and on the left joined the chorus. Only it wasn’t so. It was a lone madman.

Here the motives don’t matter because of the nature of the killings. Kindergarten kids! The only thing that would inhibit Obama from using this thing to the hilt for partisan political purposes is if this Lanza nut was a red hot Democrat activist and at 20 years old that isn’t likely.

December 14, 2012 4:47 pm

I have to go with INTJ here (maybe because I am one)… I don’t think they’ll ban guns, I think they’ll turn schools into veritable prisons where the inmates are allowed to go home every night. They’re already one of the “safest” places in our communities, but I envision armed guards now patrolling the halls.

All in the name of safety for the children. And the government will love that it further indoctrinates society to the kind of police state they want in the future.

Sick as hell over here.

December 14, 2012 4:53 pm

Mark my fucking words, we will see in the days to come what psychotropic pharmaceuticals this feral animal was taking under the orders of some pill-pushing whore with the letters “MD” after his name. The focus will be on Smith & Wesson and Sturm-Ruger because they spend far less lobbying Congress than do the witch doctors at Pfizer, Astra-Zeneca, Novartis, etc.

If you need guns or ammunition, get them NOW and be prepared to put them in a box and bury them in the backyard.

December 14, 2012 5:17 pm

December 14, 2012

Just minutes after the news broke that a shooter in his 20′s had opened fire at an elementary school in Connecticut, noted gun control advocate and CNN primetime host Piers Morgan began tweeting calls for stricter gun control.

As most of the country set glued to their TV or computer screen watching the horror unfold on TV, Morgan began posting a series of tweets that, among other things, implied the need for an across the board handgun ban.


December 14, 2012 5:32 pm

These mass shooters are sick individuals who are bent on murder and suicide so they can go out in a blaze of glory. The media is largely responsible for enabling them because the perps know they will be made famous around the world after their deaths. If the media were to voluntarily begin following these simple rules for reporting these incidents, the perps would be robbed of their motivation and the incidents would dry up. 1. Never mention the killer’s name. 2. Never show the killer’s picture. 3. Never discuss in any detail the killer’s motivations/grievances.

December 14, 2012 5:36 pm

Thinker, I’m an INTJ as well 🙂 aren’t we supposed to be rare? 3 in this thread so far…

December 14, 2012 5:57 pm

Glock — I think we Rational Masterminds are just drawn to sites like this. Lots of data, lots to think about, constantly looking for new solutions — or at least piecing together the puzzle in an attempt to see where things are going.

Yep, TBP is heaven to us.

December 14, 2012 6:30 pm

This is a real sad tragedy. I live about 15 miles away from Newtown. Newtown a nice fairfield county suburb. I driven thru Newtown more times then i can count. I watched Saturday night one dollar movies at the Edmontown town hall in Newtown, . Ate awesome Ice cream at Ferris acres creamery. Sandy Hook is a part of Newtown. It is very common in most Connecticut cities that there is the city proper and a township that is part of the city where the wealthier folks live, Sandy hook is a place like that. I had a cousin that lived in Sandy Hook (she passed away about five years ago).

Newtown, prior to this shooting, was best known for a giant American Flag that was flown in the town center on Route 25.


the one thing that is true no matter where you live you can’t escape evil. In my mind a shooting like this is Demonic.

December 14, 2012 7:05 pm

Tragedy, and such a shame.

That being said, the shooter is apparently ADAM LANZA (not Ryan as was early reported and repeated by ‘journalists’ who now days fail to fact check anything before reporting it).

The Facebook profile picture which has been widely disseminated in the media and which Stucky posted here of “The Monster” is a picture of Ryan Lanza, who was at work at the time of the shooting, and apparently had nothing to do with it. AGAIN, the shooter was ADAM Lanza, and is not the (presumably innocent) person Ryan Lanza who’s picture has been plastered all over the Internet and even here on TBP.

December 14, 2012 7:15 pm

Hang in there Stucky, the world needs more of you.

December 14, 2012 7:29 pm


OK, Adam Lanza but those tweets by Ryan that Stuckey posted are maybe just a little odd if Ryan posted them. Perhaps why the police took him away in handcuffs and the early confusion about more than one person being involved.

I assume the police and media will learn more about this family and I can imagine not a whole lot of people want to come forward to say Adam or Ryan were good friends of mine at this time but it is odd the media has found no one to as of 7:00PM to say who these people where even to bad mouth them. What were they, hermits. After Columbine we had plenty of folks talking about Eric Kleibold and Dylan Harris. The trenchcoat mafia stuff. Their popularity or lack of it at school. The Lanza family seems to be a blank in terms of having anyone able to describe them. Rather odd in and of itself.

December 14, 2012 7:46 pm

@Sangell – OK, but as I understand it the picture that is being distributed of “Ryan Lanza” isn’t even a picture of the Ryan Lanza who is the alleged shooter’s brother. He is just some other poor schmuck who happens to be named Ryan Lanza and the media grabbed his photo off Facebook and started saying its a photo of the shooter. So – it’s a double mistake by the media, first by misreporting the name, and second by distributing a picture of the misidentified shooter that isn’t even his picture. If I were the innocent Ryan Lanza in this photo, I’d be horrified to be linked to this crime and tragedy.

December 14, 2012 7:52 pm


Even if you want to hate or suspect Ryan Lanza (brother of Adam Lanza) the guy who’s photo is being used isn’t even the correct Ryan Lanza – he is just some guy with the same name.

December 14, 2012 7:54 pm


Your 6:19 post was one of your best, and most sarcastic, rants ever. I especially liked, “But you know my favorite cliché’ that’s a coming? Yeah — “We had no idea he was troubled!”. Haha As if troubled utes have a “I’m-gonna-murder-a-shitload-of-people-soon” tattoo on their foreheads.

Well, in this particular case, the person who could help put piece of the “we had no idea he was troubled” puzzle together – the shooter’s mother – is dead. So that key eyewitness is lost forever.

That is not the case with the Tucson shooter, Jared Loughner, who lived with his parents. Both his mother and father are alive and well and still living together. And both of them, unless they are blind, deaf, dumb and terminally stupid, personally saw Jared’s slow descent into a mental basket case over the course of at least 5 years, maybe longer. Loughner’s parents HAD TO HAVE KNOWN THAT THEIR SON WAS A NUT CASE, BUT TO MY KNOWLEDGE THEY DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. But we, the public, will never know these private and personal details of a mass murderer’s march to his day of infamy.

Here’s some questions. Should we know these details about Loughner’s behavior as observed by his parents? Would they help us, the public, or perhaps more importantly, relatives/friends of a potential future mass murderer to identify such a person? And most importantly, is any of this our business?

Apply these questions to the current tragedy. Adam Lanza’s living relatives could provide very helpful information about his personal behavior. Should, at some point, we be privy to that information?

fwiw imho
fwiw imho
December 14, 2012 8:01 pm

Well I feel better. I found someone to lash out at.

“We’ve endured too many of these tragedies in the past few years. And each time I learn the news, I react not as a president, but as anybody else would as a parent. And that was especially true today. I know there’s not a parent in America who doesn’t feel the same overwhelming grief that I do.”

Used “I” four times in three sentences. It’s all about him. Narcissistic prick. He doesn’t share our grief, we share HIS.

December 14, 2012 8:07 pm

@Drowning in Parasitism

We can hope this Adam Lanza is just another lunatic in the mold of Sung Cho, Jared Loughner and that Holmes fellow as it will turn the debate away from ‘guns’ and put it where it belongs, why do we have so many twenty year old madman on the loose. All the secrecy around mental health records when anyone who met any of these guys immediately suspected they were crazy.

Rather than put cops in every school ( as if that would even work, cops aren’t invincible supermen) we might be better off building more rubber rooms to keep these time bombs in or bring back lobotomies.

December 14, 2012 8:35 pm

Tiny Angels rest your wings
sit with me for awhile.
How I long to hold your hand,
And see your tender smile.
Tiny Angel, look at me,
I want this image clear….
That I will forget your precious face
Is my biggest fear.
Tiny Angel can you tell me,
Why you have gone away?
You weren’t here for very long….
Why is it, you couldn’t stay?
Tiny Angel shook his head,
“These things I do not know….
But I do know that you love me,
And that I love you so”.

December 14, 2012 8:40 pm

Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the snow on the mountain’s rim,
I am the laughter in children’s eyes,
I am the sand at the water’s edge,
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle Autumn rain,
When you awaken in the morning’s hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight,
I am the star that shines at night,
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there, I did not die.

December 14, 2012 8:41 pm

Please don’t tell me you know how I feel,
Unless you have lost your child too,
Please don’t tell me my broken heart will heal,
Because that is just not true,
Please don’t tell me my son is in a better place,
Though it is true, I want him here with me,
Don’t tell me someday I’ll hear his voice, see his face,
Beyond today I cannot see,
Don’t tell me it is time to move on,
Because I cannot,
Don’t tell me to face the fact he is gone,
Because denial is something I can’t stop,
Don’t tell me to be thankful for the time I had,
Because I wanted more,
Don’t tell me when I am my old self you will be glad,
I’ll never be as I was before,
What you can tell me is you will be here for me,
That you will listen when I talk of my child,
You can share with me my precious memories,
You can even cry with me for a while,
And please don’t hesitate to say his name,
Because it is something I long to hear everyday,
Friend please realize that I can never be the same,
But if you stand by me, you may like the new person I become someday.

Judi Walker
(In Memory of Shane)

December 14, 2012 8:42 pm

Oops 4:27 —- child physiologist >>> child psychologist

December 14, 2012 8:51 pm

Eric Clapton – Tears in Heaven


December 14, 2012 9:11 pm

Ah God.
I weep.

December 14, 2012 9:46 pm

I call total BULL SHIT on Obama shedding a tear at his so called news conference, oops Telepromter Reading.

I wanted to vomit when I saw it. I literally started to foam at the mouth in rage.

I stood there in my chemo room and this is what I shouted, damn the consequences:

Where the Fuck are the tears about the hundreds of dead Mexicans and one US Border Guard as a result of Fast & Furious??

Where the Fuck are the tears over the hundreds of dead non combatants in the NW Territory of Pakistan as a result of Obama’s Drone War?.

When the Fuck are the tears over the increased combat casualties since Jan 2009 when this PO(TU)S changed the fuckng ROE?

Where the Fuck are the tears over the hundreds of young Black children SLAUGHTERED by other blacks every single year in this country???

Fuckity Fuck Fuck.

I call total and complete Bullshit on this faux outrage by OZero. Please note that this outrage is all about WHITE kids, like who is 80% of the population, natch, wink wink.

Make no mistake. This is the opening salvo for restriction of gun rights. It is “for the children” after all.

I will soon be basking in the total glow of complete vindication, as I have many times before, heh.

For the rest of youse guys, go out this weekend and buy 10K rounds per caliber you already have and make sure you have a good long rifle and scope (or several) and several good hand guns.

My personal favs are: well, I am not telling you, you lazy wretches, git your asses to your local gunstore and fnd out what works.

Do it soon. Time is getting short.

December 14, 2012 9:53 pm

“We’re still waiting for more information about the incident in Connecticut,” Carney said when asked about the president’s reaction to it.

Carney called the event “tragic” and said there would be time later for a discussion of policy implications.

Obama remains committed to trying to renew a ban on assault weapons, Carney said.

December 14, 2012 10:06 pm

The assault rifle was in the trunk of the car. Banning it would have zero impact. Funny too that the guns were all registered to the mom. Anyone familiar with CT gun laws? Do you have to be 21 to buy firearms. Did he have some other issue that would show up on a background check, like maybe a history of psychiatric problems? Did mom buy the guns for her son? If so what good are new gun laws?

December 14, 2012 10:16 pm

Update 4: the NYT has released a brief biopic on Lanza’s, who it turns out had Asperger’s Syndrome:

He carried a black briefcase to his 10th-grade honors English class, and sat near the door so he could readily slip in and out. When called upon, he was intelligent, but nervous and fidgety, spitting his words out, as if having to speak up were painful.

Pale, tall and scrawny, Adam Lanza walked through high school in Newtown, Conn., with his hands glued to his sides, the pens in the pocket of his short-sleeve, button-down shirts among the few things that his classmates recalled about him.

He did all he could to avoid attention, it seemed.

Until Friday.

The authorities said Mr. Lanza, 20, wearing combat gear, carried out one of the deadliest mass shootings in the nation’s history. He killed 20 children and six adults at the elementary school where his mother worked, they said. He then apparently turned his gun on himself. The police said he also earlier killed his mother.

In his brief adulthood, Mr. Lanza had left few footprints, electronic or otherwise. He apparently had no Facebook page, unlike his older brother, Ryan, a Hoboken, N.J., resident who for several hours on Friday was misidentified in news reports as the perpetrator of the massacre.

Adam Lanza did not even appear in his high school yearbook, that of the class of 2010. His spot on the page said, “Camera shy.” Others who graduated that year said they did not believe he had finished school.

Matt Baier, now a junior at the University of Connecticut, and other high school classmates recalled how deeply uncomfortable Mr. Lanza was in social situations.

Several said in separate interviews that it was their understanding that he had a developmental disorder. They said they had been told that the disorder was Asperger syndrome, which is considered to be a high functioning form of autism.

“It’s not like people picked on him for it,” Mr. Baier said. “From what I saw, people just let him be and that was that.”

One former classmate who said he was familiar with the disorder described Mr. Lanza as having “very flat affect,” adding, “If you looked at him, you couldn’t see any emotions going through his head.”

Others said Mr. Lanza’s evident discomfort prompted giggles from those who did not understand him.

Law enforcement officials said Friday that they were closely examining whether Mr. Lanza had such a disorder.

More here. Indeed, there is a statistical predisposition, at least anecdotally, for those with Asperger’s toward both murder and violence. In other words, watch as the debate rants and rages over the traditional bogeyman of gun control, when we may well simply be talking about a mentally ill child.

As for the misidentified Ryan, who for a few brief hours was presented by law enforcement as the suspected shoorter, we learn from the WSJ:

Israel raids Palestinian NGO officesKatie Colaneri, a 24-year-old resident of Hoboken, N.J., described herself as a friend of Ryan, the suspect’s brother who for hours Friday was incorrectly identified as the alleged gunman. “He [is] a little shy, but very nice and sweet,” said Ms. Colaneri, who has known Ryan for over a year.

She said Ryan is a gentle guy who was devoted to his job at the Ernst & Young accounting firm. A representative for Ernst & Young would not comment on his employment status.

A law-enforcement official briefed on the investigation told the Associated Press that Ryan has been “extremely co-operative” and is not under arrest, although he was still being question late Friday.

The official said Ryan’s computers and phone records were being searched but only “in an abundance of caution.” Ryan told authorities he had not been in touch with his brother Adam in recent years, and the official said he isn’t believed to have any connection to the school killings.

In Hoboken, Ryan lives in a newer building that was hard-hit by superstorm Sandy, Ms. Colaneri said. He lost power for a number of days following the storm.

The last time she saw him, about a month ago, Ms. Colaneri recalled that Ryan ran up to her and gave her a hug. ”I’m really shocked,” she said. “As the details unfolded, I was totally devastated.”

December 14, 2012 10:30 pm

“Obama remains committed to trying to renew a ban on assault weapons, (Obama’s press secretary Jay) Carney said.”
—-from Admin’s 9:53 post above

The glorified Clinton administration’s “ban” on assault weapons, which are all semi-automatic as opposed to the real deal assault rifle’s ability to fire fully automatic (banned since 1934), relegated these weapons to a 10-round clip. As any idiot familiar with firearms knows, you tape two ten-round clips together, voila, you have a interchangeable 20-round clip in seconds. Have two or three of thes clips together in your cargo pants, and you can pop dozens of people on a killing spree.

All of this shit is well known to criminals, law enforcement, gun owners, TPTB, and the village idiot The only exception is the Brady Bunch and its acolytes in the White House and Congress. A ban on assault “weapons” amounts to putting a band-aid on a sucking chest wound.

December 14, 2012 10:32 pm

Fuck the damned mainstream media and their casual incompetence in smearing the wrong person. There will be numbnuts that will remember the wrong person for years.

December 14, 2012 10:34 pm

Uh, let me clarify with one sentence what I said above, lest there be misinterpretation since no one trusts my motives on this site.

I am 100% pro-2nd Amendment.

December 14, 2012 10:50 pm

Tidbit from tonights WAPO.

But there was still something that troubled her about Adam Lanza. When Israel heard that Ryan Lanza — Adam’s brother — had been described by law enforcement sources as the shooter, she felt they had the wrong brother: “It has to be Adam, not Ryan,” Israel wrote on Twitter…

( Beth Israel was a former neighbor). So again its seems people who came into contact with Adam Lanza knew there was something wrong with the young man. Autistic kids have are known to become increasingly violent as they mature and more than a mothers have been killed by their autistic children.

December 14, 2012 10:51 pm


I think you might be wrong on that assessment.

Meanwhile …

“Investigators are looking into whether Adam Lanza was carrying his older brother Ryan’s identification at the time of the shooting, which may have caused the confusion. Neither Adam nor Ryan has any known criminal history. ”

ABC via Yahoo. And the CYA team.

December 14, 2012 11:06 pm

INTJ, Thinker, Glock – another INTJ here! Love theory, systems, connections. I guess it’s understandable we would be here.

Administrator – “Maybe we need to examine why more and more people are becoming unhinged.” Yes, we need to look at the cause, not the effect. There is a suffocation occurring, and the least stable bodies in society will react first. Society will devour itself from the inside out. There is no leadership at the top, at least not good leadership built on character, integrity, honesty. Events will mirror this lack.

I am numb. My heart goes out to the families of those who were lost. I cannot wrap my head around the horror and bottomless sorrow these parents must be going through. It would be my WORST nightmare.

Rest in peace, little angels.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
December 14, 2012 11:32 pm

lest there be misinterpretation since no one trusts my motives on this site. -SSS

I dont recall ever questioning your motives, SSS. Maybe it is because I know a few people that have also served in government intelligence services and who signed agreements they would not speak about certain things till well after they died of old age. I do not question their motives nor hound them to tell me secrets. It is better that way.

  Kill Bill
December 15, 2012 7:59 am

Anybody else have trouble sleeping last night?

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
December 14, 2012 11:37 pm

People with aspergers are known for their lack of empathy yet they are intelligent. We will probably never know why this guy went off like he did.

Miy condolences to the families that have lost children, a parent, wife, husband brother sister or a friend.

December 14, 2012 11:50 pm

@Stucky – you’re a good man Stucky. Don’t think anyone could blame you for posting that picture, but much to your credit that you requested it removed. I think everyone here knows the Media is no longer credible, and it doesn’t surprise me one bit that they fail to verify any of the vital facts such as “who, what, when, where, why” and get straight to social media and pushing gun control. *sigh*. But anyway, you’re a good guy Stuck and I share your rage and grief over this incident.

@INTJ, Thinker, Glock, and Backward – I am INFJ, another vey rare type and one very closely related to yours (just not quite as rational and systematic in the thinking department). It would be interesting to know what other TBP afficianados M-B type as. I bet there are few, if any, ES here… And probably more Ts than Fs, and probably more Js than Ps. You guys might strangely be part of a majority here (I have a couple of regulars in mind that I think are INTJ as well). Probably explains why TBP is so appealing, compared to Walmart and other places where common personality types frequent. 😉

December 15, 2012 12:09 am

I think the question of why Ms. Lanza had those firearms will be the story. It really is odd for a suburban housewife living in an upper middle class neighborhood to have a Glock, a Sig Sauer and an M-4 rifle. Did she buy them for her son or did she buy them because she feared her son?

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
December 15, 2012 12:41 am

INFJs, making up an estimated 1% of all people, are the most rare type (males even more so). They are introspective, caring, sensitive, gentle and complex people that strive for peace and derive satisfaction from helping others.

Huh. Do you still want to cull the old and obsolete SAH?

December 15, 2012 1:20 am

Eliminating guns will not stop mass murder.

Those that propose gun control after these horrible incidents claim that without the guns the person would be forced to scale down to some less deadly form of assault like baseball bats or fists and therefore the innocent victims would be exposed to much less danger, and the assailant would find it far more difficult to harm a large number of people. When events show otherwise, they totally ignore the evidence. As an example, in New York a strict gun control state they completely overlook the worst mass murder incident in the US.


This person managed to murder 87 people without a gun. The fact that he didn’t have a gun didn’t force him to choose a less deadly form of expressing his aggression, just the opposite he selected a far deadlier and horrific way to kill.

And then there’s Columbine

The anti-gun group love to talk about Columbine and how so many died because of the use of guns. They totally ignore a shocking fact, and that is that Harris and Klebold brought with them two means of committing mass murder. Everyone focuses on the guns and overlook all the bombs that they brought with them. Of course the guns were their primary weapons, and they focused most of their efforts and time on the use of guns. But lets assume they had no guns. I think it should be clear to anyone that the bombs would have then gotten all their attention and in which case if they had used those effectively, they could have killed close to 400 students. Here’s the report. Read the SUMMARY. The anti-gun people will never talk about this


So the point is there are far more efficient ways to commit mass murder and believing that restricting or eliminating guns will force the crazy individuals to assault their victims with pillows is a beyond naive.

The key is not guns and their elimination. The key to the problem is in the heads of these disturbed individuals. Just because that’s a hard nut to crack doesn’t change that fact.

I'm With -> Stupid
I'm With -> Stupid
December 15, 2012 1:41 am

i wanted to call myself, i’m with stucky, because he tends to be in the right frame of heart most times, but i’m afraid i couldn’t measure up to his level. all i can add to the comments by other human beings posting here is this:
it’s a hard heart that can make this story about their gun rights. i am sure the parents, grandparents, aunts uncles, brothers and sisters of the victims found a small bit of comfort from the president’s words , sincere or not.

December 15, 2012 2:00 am

Just in case some are too lazy to click the above link- this is too important to ignore.

“Computer modeling substantiated by field testing indicated that had those two large 20-lb. propane bombs detonated with a cafeteria full of students, most would have been killed or severely injured by the resulting blasts and subsequent fireballs. There were approximately 488 students in the cafeteria at 11:17 a.m. on April 20, the time the bombs were set to detonate.”

December 15, 2012 2:01 am

IWS-I’ve been following this thread all day. I’ve had a mix of emotions, and yes, the families of the victims may get some comfort from O’s speech. I wish them whatever peace they can find in this difficult time-if O’s performance helps them, great. That doesn’t change the fact that the president and the media are nothing but whores, exploiting a horrible situation.

I share Hope’s assessment of the teary-eyed performance. And this bullshit of reporting the incorrect perp borders on criminal. I understand that the media is under tremendous pressure to report news, whether accurate or not. But that does not excuse inaccuracy. Is it really better to be first, rather than correct?

Those so inclined will no doubt say a prayer for the victims and their families. But keep Ryan (assuming the current reports are true) in your thoughts as well-he too is a victim. As is the totally unrelated Ryan whose pic was doubly inaccurately broadcast.