6 Groups that Will Win Big From a War with Syria

6 Groups that Will Win Big From a War with Syria

By Paul Rosenberg, FreemansPerspective.com

Freeman's Perspective

It has to be obvious to almost everyone that the US war machine is trying desperately to get another war going… and – at least for the moment – failing miserably.

Now, it’s entirely possible that they’ll get their war going before this article even reaches you, but still, it’s quite another question whether they can sustain it.

War is a wild beast, of course, and you can never tell what it’ll do once it’s released into the world. But the beast of 2013 seems a bit emaciated and weak.

This situation reminds me of the old set of posters and buttons from the 1970s that asked the question:

What if they gave a war and no one came?

That looks to be the case right now. But that doesn’t mean powerful interests aren’t pushing for it.

Who Benefits?

The Romans had a phrase that they used for legal analysis: qui bono, which translates to “who benefits?” Clearly, powerful individuals are pushing hard for the US to go to war. Let’s take a look at who these people are.


Early 20th century writer Randolph Bourne was ever-so right when he taught us that “war is the health of the state.” In times of peace, the state is commonly resented. After all, they forcibly remove money from the people in their control, and that engenders bad feelings. When terrified by war, however, people are willing to forget about such matters: It is better to be a serf than to be a corpse.

Consider the “great Presidents” – nearly all of them were associated with a war, and probably a big one.


I’m talking here about central bankers, not the operator of your local savings and loan.

War requires money, and lots of it. And money comes from central bankers, not from governments or even from simple printing presses. Dollars, yen, euros and the others come from central bankers, and those bankers get a cut of everything they create.

And then, of course, they get interest on those dollars from every business that needs loans for machines to manufacture bullets, uniforms, bombs, portable food, and everything else that goes into “giving a war.”

The Mega-corps

State-connected corporations thrive in time of war. These outfits are addicted to over-sized profits, and the very best tool for obtaining them is war. Nothing else comes close. So, for the sake of their stock prices, they need war and will push in dozens of ways to get it.

The Intelligence Complex

What’s not to like about war for these guys?

More money, worship on the nightly television shows, unlimited power, and no questions asked about your misdeeds… not to mention the segment of womankind that will reward the impressively violent with prompt mating privileges.

The Military Contracting Complex

There are literally thousands of military contracting firms these days, and all of the successful ones are allied with one government agency or another – a military service, a foreign affairs department, a retired general, a politician… someone with pull. It’s the only way to get work in those fields, and it’s also the best way for bureaucrats of the middle and upper levels to get kickbacks.

War funnels immense amounts of money to all levels of the state-corporate complex through this new conduit.

People Who Play On Emotions

Nothing stirs up “rah-rah” emotions better than images of dead people wearing your home team’s uniform. And that’s really good for the many people who cash in on your emotions. That list begins with politicians and continues with Hollywood (TV, movies and games) advertisers, all the people mentioned above, and even religious leaders. The churches of America fill with military rhetoric (and people) in time of war, and ambitious ministers play it up big. (With a few exceptions.)

So, that’s just a general list of people who benefit from war. The interesting thing about this moment is that the Western world – and America in particular – seems weary of the bloody exercise. They’ve had it for more than a decade, and the emotional surge has worn off.

And, it may just be that the terrified Americans who ran to politicians for safety in 2001 have grown up a bit.

Let’s hope so.

[Editor’s Note: Paul Rosenberg is the outside-the-Matrix author of FreemansPerspective.com, a site dedicated to economic freedom, personal independence and privacy. He is also the author of The Great Calendar, a report that breaks down our complex world into an easy-to-understand model. Click here to get your free copy.]

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John Angelo
John Angelo
September 4, 2013 3:39 pm

Between this article and your commentary on the previous one, I want to say, “That’s right. You tell ’em, Jim.” The sad thing is that although most might be against military action, few care to explore the matter beyond what they’re spoon fed by politicians or their news channel of choice.

Our one-party system with split factions will do as they please and operate under “might makes right” as long as there’s something to be gained in an armed conflict. “We the people” are powerless to do little more than observe.

I’m glad I’m too old to be drafted then to one day be sent into an unconstitutional conflict. It’s flabbergasting that presidential administrations are so brazen as to say they can do what they please and simply go to Congress as a courtesy or formality. When I saw the Arabs told Kerry they’d finance the entire operation, it made me feel that our military has been pimped out as the world’s mercenary.

I’d like to bring this post to a nice conclusion, but I can’t because economically, militarily, and morally the US has grown from an innocent younger sibling to a corrupted soul. We’ve become Lindsay Lohan from Mean Girls in more ways than one.

September 4, 2013 4:02 pm

LOL, I love the comparison of Mean Girls and our foreign policy and politicians. So true.

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John Angelo
John Angelo
September 4, 2013 4:35 pm

Your picture didn’t load, Calamity. If it was Lindsay Lohan from her pre-cocaine years please try again!

September 4, 2013 4:37 pm

Lots of talk lately about Qatar and Saudi Arabia and their natural gas pipeline–they want their attack dog (dipshit Obama and Kerry) to take out Assad, put in puppet government, and allow the pipeline and billions of gas to flow to Europe. Russia wants their own pipeline through Syria, and/or doesn’t want Qatar or Saudi, so Russians make billions supplying NG to Europe. It’s about the oil and gas (and the money) in the great fucked sandbox of the middle east. It’s just a matter of time until the last countries with cars and consumers start WW3 for what’s left of oil in this world.

John Angelo
John Angelo
September 4, 2013 4:41 pm

I ask for Lindsay Lohan and get a random bikini babe (good) photo bombed (literally) by Nancy Pelosi (not good). Rachel McAdams would also do.

September 4, 2013 4:50 pm


September 4, 2013 4:53 pm

John, It wasn’t even of lohan. But anyway, here is an attempted repost.

[imgcomment image[/img]

September 4, 2013 5:04 pm

This whole thing makes me wanna puke.

From the Murikkan political side, it’s all to save Obama’s “image” – yeah, let me know how THAT turd polishing works out!

Query: How much blood and treasure must we spill to satisfy the ego of this narcissistic psycopathic SCOAMF?

There is only unmitigated fucking disaster at the end of this for the USA, and probably the world in general. I have a horrible feeling about this. I get the sense that this urgency to bomb Syria is more about diverting attention from another impending economic crash than any concern about gassed civilians. Why do this right before the G20? Is this the planned demise of the petrodollar and the USD as the world’s reserve currency? Gahh, there is so much to go FUBAR here you almost cannot keep it straight.

These mother fucking hypocritical, ammoral douchnozzle fuckwits are going to get us into a fucking quagmire worse than VietNam because now OIL, the lifeblood of global civilization is on the line, and we are going to piss off two of our bankers – Russia and China.

Lord, please, I am begging you, smite that ass-crack cesspool called Mordor on the Potomac before these dipshits light the world on fire, Hallelujah, Amen.

John Angelo
John Angelo
September 4, 2013 5:29 pm

Thanks, Calamity. I forgot about her. Hat tip to Admin.

HZK, there is no transparency at all with the impending Syrian debacle. I feel the same way about this as the lead up to and passing of TARP in September 2008.

Syria has technically been in a “state of emergency” for over 50 years. Fitting that we’re hitting our five year anniversary. According to Hallmark, the traditional gift for five years is wood and the modern gift is silverware. Something tells me the posters on this site trade in both markets.

September 4, 2013 5:37 pm

This Syrian question could be a very interesting tell on the current overall state of social mood. Could it be …deflating agression? Isolationism taking hold? A creeping sense of enough, already…

Or one last orgy of chest beating and flag waving?

Stay tuned…

September 5, 2013 8:17 am

My long-time buddy and former co-worker suggested we could both go over there and make a fortune in 2-3 years working in military contracting. He said 2-3 years sleeping on an army cot in an air conditioned trailer would do wonders for his back, even if we did need to carry pro masks on our hips all day. I suggested we go over to Jordan or Turkey as fixers, support the troops, make ourselves useful, and secure the local contracts where we could avoid the WMDs. Besides, Turkey has great food, it’s scenic, and is, or at least was, dirt cheap.
If we can keep up a steady supply of pork rinds, dip, smokes, maybe some illicit alcohol and pron, Uncle Sugar could keep us in Cohibas and nice hand-tooled leather slippers for years to come as we bring Syria under our heel. Just remember to repeat after me, “There is no God, but God, and Muhammad is his Prophet.” Ahumdalillah!