I lived in Oakland county for 3 years during residency. Everyone knew that Detroit was a “no go” zone. You took your life in your own hands if you did. The only time I drove through Detroit was to get across the bridge to Canada where it was safe. There were always stories in the news about kids driving to Detroit to buy drugs, and they were raped and murdered. No sane person would venture past 8 mile road (the border of Oakland county and Detroit) for any reason. All this was 20 years ago, and it’s infinitely worse now.

Detroit is the poster child for liberal Democrats and the end results of the socialist welfare state. It’s a catastrophic disaster. Detroit is now bankrupt, having run out of other people’s money. Soon, every democrat run shithole city will be bankrupt, and as lawless as the wild west as they even afford to pay cops anymore.

And when people tell the truth about the situation, they are immediately called racists. Liberal progressive socialist democrats hate it when they are confronted about the disasters they have created. Tough shit. If they aren’t stopped, every city will soon be Detroit.


L. Brooks Patterson Slams Detroit: ‘The Truth Hurts… Tough S***’
January 21, 2014 6:45 AM

DETROIT (WWJ) – The often outspoken Oakland County Executive is once again in hot water over comments he made about Detroit in a recent interview with “New Yorker” magazine.

L. Brooks Patterson is quoted in an article titled “Drop Dead, Detroit!” as saying he only has negative things to say about the Motor City. He made the controversial comments while giving reporter Paige Williams an extended tour of Oakland County last September.

“Anytime I talk about Detroit, it will not be positive. Therefore, I’m called a Detroit basher,” he said. ”The truth hurts, you know? Tough s***.”

The 75-year-old Republican went on to say he warned his children never to travel to Detroit.

“I used to say to my kids, ‘First of all, there’s no reason for you to go to Detroit. We’ve got restaurants out here.’ They don’t even have movie theatres in Detroit — not one,” he said.

Patterson said the one thing Detroit offers that the suburbs can’t is live sports – and even then a trip to the city is quite risky.

“For that, fine — get in and get out,” he said. “But park right next to the venue — spend the extra 20 or 30 bucks. And, before you go to Detroit, you get your gas out here. You do not, do not, under any circumstances, stop in Detroit at a gas station! That’s just a call for a carjacking.”

He’s also quoted as saying a prediction he made has come to pass. He said, “What we’re going to do is turn Detroit into an Indian reservation, where we herd all the Indians into the city, build a fence around it, and then throw in the blankets and corn.”

Patterson Calls Controversial Article A ‘Hatchet Job’, Says He’s Not A Racist

A statement from Patterson’s office said the seven-page article casts the executive in a false light, but didn’t dispute the quotes or apologize for his actions.

“It is clear Paige Williams had an agenda when she interviewed County Executive Patterson. She cast him in a false light in order to fit her preconceived and outdated notions about the region,” the statement read.

Williams told the Detroit Free Press on Monday that there wasn’t agenda against Patterson. “Our focus was simply to explore what made Oakland County so successful. That’s what we did do. It’s a balanced portrait,” she said.

The National Action Network, an organization founded by the Reverend Al Sharpton, is calling for a public apology from Patterson. The group is holding a news conference at 11 a.m. Tuesday to request the apology.

In a statement, Rev. Charles Williams II, the National Action Network’s Michigan chapter president, said Patterson’s remarks were “repulsive” — not just because Detroit is mostly a black city, but “because it is also a direct slight to the American Indians who occupied the land before Detroit was Detroit, and Oakland County.”


This is what happens when you let democrats run things, it’s worse than a nuclear bomb….

Notify of
January 21, 2014 4:21 pm

Unfortunately they won’t be stopped. Hillary is in the wings and will be president in ’16. The pubbies are clueless eunuchs and are worthless. Half of Americans are in the FSA and will never vote themselves out of their “benefits”.

January 21, 2014 5:22 pm

Those who accuse folks of “Detoilet bashing”? Cry me a fuckin’ river…

Japan got nuked – TWICE! And where before was radioactive rubble, there now stands modern, clean, safe cities.

Germany suffered almost as badly. Many of their cities were firebombed so badly that nothing stood in the city centers, most notoriously Dresden. Fast forward, and their cities are also modern, clean and relatively safe…


Folks from Europe are taking “Armageddon Tours” there now to witness the destruction of a 1st world city firsthand. It is simply incomprehensible to someone who has never seen it that a population of negroes can lay waste to a city so thoroughly that they film ‘end of the world’ movies there…

Yeah, yeah… save that ‘liberal policies and fleeing industry contributed to the fuckity fuckity blah blah blah” for some wide eyed Minnie in University willing to suck up anything OTHER than the truth-

Blacks moved in and started agitating, making trouble, rioting, etc. Whites fled. The End.

Why is it that everyone who insists that “They’re just like us” overlooks the fact that wherever there is a majority black population, it is a dangerous shithole. If they really and truly were “just like us” then they could build modern, clean, safe cities on their own…

I guess they just “choose not to” huh?

Love the ‘fence it off’ idea… sort of like that Englishman who had the same idea for Africa.

Wall it off. Wait 100 years, then come back and remove a brick. Take a look. If they’re still killing each other, replace the brick and wait another 100 years…

January 21, 2014 6:26 pm

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January 21, 2014 7:03 pm

In 1950, Detroit was known to the world as the Paris of the West. Boasting a thriving economy and a population of more than 2 million people (80 percent being white), the sky seemed the only limit for this city on the move.

In 1967, the “Arsenal of Democracy” would be home to the worst riot in American history as the Black population of Detroit – roughly 30 percent of the population at the time – would explode in orgy of violence that was only stopped when the Army marched in to restore order.

The white population of the city fled to the suburbs, leaving the remaining Black population in political control of the city’s destiny.

In 2014, order still has not been restored.

Now a city of roughly 770,000 inhabitants – a city now 89 percent Black – has collapsed in a sea of financial mismanagement, crime, drugs, broken schools, eroding infrastructure, and hopelessness.

Detroit Is The Story Of America’s Future.

January 21, 2014 8:49 pm
El Coyote
El Coyote
January 21, 2014 9:12 pm

llpoh says:

“Gotta say he deserves a heaping sponnful of kiss my fucking ass you slimy piece of shit for his comment about herding Indians into Detroit.”

If he had an apocalyptic vision like the scene from Escape From New York, I still can’t understand how Indians come into the picture. Everybody has some special group they love to hate I guess. Or maybe he felt it was time to give the place back to the Indians, ship the blacks to more amenable accommodations. Good news, Llpoh, you might get Chicago back as well.

January 21, 2014 9:29 pm

Coyote – same as always. Whitey has ALWAYS given the Indians the worst pieces of turf they can find – the desert, the unproductive farmland, etc. Now you say the fuckers are happy to give us Detroit and Chicago – the slums and dregs of the US. Figures. Indians always get the shit end of the stick.

January 21, 2014 9:29 pm

At least take ownership of what you said. I agreed with most of the comments. I feel the same way about a lot of places in America. But the reservation comment lost me. If he had said we should just wall off Detroit, I could understand that.

January 21, 2014 10:21 pm

“Whitey has ALWAYS given the Indians the worst pieces of turf they can find – the desert, the unproductive farmland, etc. …… Indians always get the shit end of the stick.”

Largely true, but not 100%. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the Navajo got exactly what they had been displaced from in the mid 19th Century (by Kit Carson and others in the U.S. Army at the seige at Canyon de Chelly) and then subsequently granted as their current reservation and avowed homeland, which is most of the northeastern corner of Arizona, along with a thin slice of southeastern Utah and northwestern New Mexico.

That part of the West is an incredibly gorgeous and wild ……. desert shithole. The Navajo (and Hopi and nearby Zuni) are living in their homeland. Where their ancestors lived. That’s where they have lived and want to live. Wish granted. Again, correct me if I’m wrong.

January 21, 2014 10:24 pm


If we could clean the vermin out, I’d take Detroit in a heartbeat.

With the understanding that we would be a Free City in the sense that certain European cities were “Free Cities” once upon a time… not a part of the United States anymore. Port city like Detroit sitting there, unused? Damn.

Yep. Once it was empty, I’d wall it off. BIG fuckin walls. Then I’d start a massive reclamation project. No freebies. Only people who wanted to be there would be allowed there.

How many people do you think would sign up to help rebuild Detroit if they could really live free? Think I could get enough takers to make it a go?

I think you’re looking a gift horse in the mouth…

January 21, 2014 10:27 pm

I agree llpoh, Oklahoma sucks.

January 21, 2014 10:32 pm

SSS – sometimes the Injuns were left with what they started out with, IF it had little value to whitey. If it had value, whitey generally kicked the Injun out, and gave him some desert shithole or barren rocky bit of farmland.

So, I do not consider they were given a shithole so much as allowed to remain in said shithole. Any “gifts” that I know of were downgrades. There may be some exceptions – I do not know every transaction. But generally when Indians were shifted they did not end up with prime waterfront property.

January 21, 2014 10:38 pm

Billy – as long as we are wishing for a nice, Free City, I think we should wish just a bit bigger than Detroit. I would rather have North Carolina, for instance. Oregon would be really nice once we kick out the Oregonians. Or even Washington. Or Florida. I would rather Idaho or Montana Or Wyoming, ND,SD, etc thasn Detroit.

But Detroit? When I do my wishing, I aim for better than Detroit. Better than nothing I suppose.

January 21, 2014 10:43 pm

Now you say the fuckers are happy to give us Detroit and Chicago -llpoh

I think, and it is just me, that he was referring to India indians [IE muslims] and not American Indians. IMO.

January 21, 2014 10:51 pm

Anonymous – fucking bullshit. He qualified it with throw in the corn and blankets, and called it a reservation. It was aimed squarely at American Indians.

Do not be a dolt. That is seriously stupid.

January 21, 2014 11:12 pm

Do not be a dolt. That is seriously stupid. -llpoh

I’m not. This is just a politician making absurd remarks.

An example

As of September 11, 2000, Scanlon was one of the lobbyists assigned to Abramoff’s team lobbying on behalf of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan.[4] After Abramoff left Preston Gates and went to Greenberg Traurig in January 2001, Scanlon formed his own public relations firm, Capitol Campaign Strategies (along with the dummy organizations American International Center, Atlantic Research Analysis, and Scanlon Gould Public Affairs). Abramoff and Scanlon used the firm to bilk tribal clients for millions of dollars in fees. Abramoff directed clients to use Scanlon’s firm for political campaign services, without disclosing his own relationship with Scanlon. Scanlon’s firm would then only perform part of the campaign services billed for, and would split the excess money received with Abramoff in a scheme known to the two as “Gimme Five”.

Private communications revealed as a result of the Congressional enquiry into Scanlon and Abramoff’s consulting business demonstrate a contemptuous attitude to both clients and supporters. Indian Clients were referred to as “troglodytes” and “monkeys”, while Christian Conservatives were called gullible “wackos” who could be manipulated to vote on demand:

The wackos get their information through the Christian right, Christian radio, mail, the internet and telephone trees … Simply put, we want to bring out the wackos to vote against something and make sure the rest of the public lets the whole thing slip past them.

Scanlon also emailed colleagues, saying:

This whole thing about not kicking someone when they are down is BS – Not only do you kick him – You kick him until he passes out – then beat him over the head with a baseball bat – then roll him up in an old rug – and throw him off a cliff into the pounding surf below!!!!!

Don’t let these fools piss you off llpoh.

January 21, 2014 11:25 pm

“Simply put, we want to bring out the wackos to vote against something and make sure the rest of the public lets the whole thing slip past them”

Its not about Indians, trogs, or monkeys or the fundamentalists, llpoh.

This is about riling up groups to pass questionable legislation while profiting from it.

Its sad that humanity has come to this, and I will not fall prey to it, for I have no problem with you, or your ethnicity, whatsoever.

I wish you only well and no politician will ever change that.

January 21, 2014 11:28 pm

Thanks Anon. Politicians suck.

January 21, 2014 11:38 pm

If you can see your hands, or feet, in your dreams, you can change them.

Mike Moskos
Mike Moskos
January 22, 2014 3:48 am

Wow: to me, Detroit is like a libertarian’s fantasy: cheap high quality buildings (that need some love) and effectively zero government regulation for micro businesses. The young entrepreneurs in this country should be rushing to Detroit because there may be no better opportunity anywhere else–except in similar situation that may exist in the city they now live in.

Mark my words: those that go now will make a lot of money.

January 22, 2014 6:44 am

“In a statement, Rev. Charles Williams II, the National Action Network’s Michigan chapter president, said Patterson’s remarks were “repulsive” — not just because Detroit is mostly a black city, but “because it is also a direct slight to the American Indians who occupied the land before Detroit was Detroit, and Oakland County.”

The National Action Network (a not-for-profit, civil rights organization) is just another watered down version of the NAACP. Good Christians all, Rev Al Sharpton and Michigan’s chapter president Rev Charles Williams II fighting social injustice and preaching the gospel of Forgiveness, Salvation, and Eternal Life through Jesus Christ while skimming 20 percent off the top.

January 22, 2014 6:54 am
January 22, 2014 2:51 pm

@llpoh, I believe good ole’ Pats was speaking about the Native owned casinos, which, unless you realized that the 3 casinos are majority Native owned, then you might take offense he wasn’t meaning.

He has stated before that the only “profitable” venture in Detroit is the casinos. Which is primarily true, any other “profitable” business is primarily connected to/funded by the Feds.


Patterson has never minced words about the state of Wayne County and Detroit. The man has been in office for decades and, like clockwork, he has these “foot in mouth” interviews every couple years.

Tends to keep the race-baiting/war-mongering on the burners. He is one of the Democratic Unions best campaigners around here.

Yet more Kabuki theatre to keep the masses firmly entrenched in their Red vs. Blue teams and dreams.

January 22, 2014 3:00 pm

Oh and Mike, you crack me the hell up.

Detroit has all the systems in place to shut those cottage-industries down, and eventually, they will get to them.

Detroit has the highest income tax in Michigan, the highest property taxes – including “personal” property tax which is a tax on a business equipment and inventory, the highest insurance rates, the highest crime rates, the list goes on and on.

All those incubators will make for great shopping when the veneer of civilization falls away. As a suburbanite, I, for one, am uber grateful that the fine citizens will have pickens near their homes before they make the trek to the ‘burbs.

There is a reason that businesses that made it through the riots, through the crack epidemic, through the government overreach are finally giving up and leaving.

Anyone starting a biz in Detroit that isn’t seeing reality for what it is will soon fine themselves up the river without a paddle.

I truly wish them luck. Between the criminals – both illegal and gubment sanctioned – there isn’t much else left.

Hopium is amusing to me. Too bad I can’t figure out a way to package that crap and sell it.

January 22, 2014 3:18 pm

A large part of the problem in this country is that we can no longer have candid conversations about tough issues without being labeled and dismissed.

Maybe this guy can start a “tough shit” party.

January 23, 2014 4:01 pm

Mike says Detoilet is a libertarian’s dream…

No. Not what Detoilet IS, but what it CAN BE.

Give me Detroit. I’ll put out a call nationwide like Shackleton did –

MEN WANTED: for hazardous mission. Small wages, bitter cold. Long months of labor. Constant danger. Survival not guaranteed. Honor, recognition and freedom in case of success.

If we can get Detoilet’s status changed to FREE CITY, and not be a part of the United States anymore, I’m willing to bet we can get enough real men together to clear the city and start tearing down the eyesores, reclaiming what we can and start over…

Oh, but I bet that would be a thorn in the side of the multicultis, progs, New World Order pukes, etc…

Like a tiny Switzerland…. and a great big FUCK YOU to the US…