According to a new Gallup Poll, Obama has an 80.8% approval rating in Washington D.C. They must be thrilled with his food stamp achievements, his droning of innocent people around the globe, his un-Constitutional collection of all electronic data from every American, and his ability to drive the National debt up by only $6.5 trillion since his reign of error began.

Obama’s next highest approval rating was in Hawaii, according to data released today by Gallup. In 2013, 61.3 percent of the people in that state–where Obama attended high school–approved of the job he was doing. Obama’s third highest approval–57.0 percent–came in Maryland, which borders Washington, D.C., and encompasses many Washington suburbs.

The results in Washington D.C. shouldn’t be a shock. The Free Shit Army has complete control of the capital. Blacks account for 51% of the population, with whites constituting 38%. There are only 7% registered Republicans in Washington D.C. I’m shocked his approval rating isn’t higher. After he announces the 39% increase in wages for the few employed inhabitants of DC, and pounds the podium for the food stamp program to be doubled, he’ll surely get his approval rating in DC, West Philly, Detroit and all the other democrat controlled kill zone shitholes off the charts.

Try to figure out which states are inhabited by delusional morons and which states are inhabited by hard working, rational, liberty minded citizens.

Top Bastions of Liberalism and Land of Idiots who think Obama is doing a fantastic job:

1. District of Columbia, 80.8%

2. Hawaii, 61.3%

3. Maryland, 57.0%

4. Rhode Island, 56.7%

5. New York, 56.7%

6. Vermont, 56.6%

7. Massachusetts, 56.5%

8. New Jersey, 56.4%

9. California, 55.8%

10. Connecticut, 55.1%

11. Delaware, 54.4%

12. Illinois, 53.7%

Rational Bastions of Reality, Reason and Responsibility who think Obama is a disaster

1. Wyoming, 22.5%

2. West Virginia, 25.1%

3. Utah, 27.3%

4. South Dakota, 31.7%

5. Idaho, 32.1%

6. Oklahoma, 32.1%

7. Montana, 33.1%

8. Alaska, 33.5%

9. Arkansas, 34.9%

10. Kentucky, 35.1%

11. Kansas, 35.1%

12. North Dakota, 35.5%

HAT TIP to Boston Bob

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January 28, 2014 4:40 pm

Oregon, 45.4%, Texas, 45.6%

It appears to me that Texas has percentage wise, more idiots than Oregon. What part of it’s population that isn’t neocon central are either free shitters or even moar “progressive” than a state that hasn’t elected a Republican to any significant office in 30 years…actually that is one of the things I liked about Oregon.

January 28, 2014 4:43 pm

Missouri has 3 blue counties.

Jackson County, the heart of downtown Kansas City.
St. Louis County, speaks for itself
MU – University of Missouri

All it takes is 3 counties to turn my state from die-hard red to a 50/50 split. I’m not arguing which side is better than which, just that such a marked contrast is unsustainable.

January 28, 2014 4:47 pm

No surprise.DC is 80%. black

January 28, 2014 4:52 pm

Wyoming mike ,is freezing his ????? Off.Not a good state if you have arthritis.

January 28, 2014 4:58 pm

I can’t believe Massachusetts is only number 7. I will have to work on that. Our State Senate, Congress and Governor as well as all of our Congressmen and Senators are Democrats and most are died in the wool progressive and or union lackeys.Their constituencies have been bought and paid for by your tax money and Federal Reserve inflationary debt, but they don’t care as long as they continue to get elected. A recently retired Concresscritter recently landed a lucrative right to a newly legalized pot dispensary. Nice retirement gift, no inside politics here. Trust me I have heard he already has the deal in the bag, so to speak, for the Boston dispensary. From the Boston Herald:

Tuesday, November 26, 2013
PrintEmail Comments
Hillary Chabot

William Delahunt — who once vowed as a lawman to hit pot peddlers “where it hurts” — is looking to 
enter the multimillion-dollar medical marijuana business by opening three dispensaries, saying he changed his tune after hearing testimony from pain sufferers who get relief from weed.



January 28, 2014 5:03 pm

Any wonder that the IRS drones – populated by left wing nutjobs – are found targeting right wing organizations, teapartiers, Repubs, and the like. Fact is, the liberals do not respect the rule of law.

For them ,any means justifies their idealogical endgame. They see the affluent, the hardworking, the aspirational as criminals. Everyone must be the same, whether they work or or not, whatever skills they have, however stupid they are.

I am glad I am nearing the end of my exit strategy. I am tired of feeding the unworthy. My affairs will be set up so that very little gets syphoned of for the parasites.

They can all go fuck themselves.

January 28, 2014 5:10 pm

Its one thing to eat at the public trough, but is it necessary to lick it clean:

” A longtime “double-dipper”

In 1997, in his first term as our congressman, Delahunt was a major player in the legislative push back to give district attorneys like himself special pension deals which meant a $54,081 pension on top of his $174,000 congressional salary.”

I am not sure what his Congressional pension is but I am sure he is taking it. As well as the substantial retainer for his lobbying group. Did I say I hate these fucking guys. He was an ex district attorney. I just love the way they get extremely rich at the tax payers expense and break no laws.


January 28, 2014 5:13 pm

Isn’t D.C. 85% black?

The rest of the states that support Obama are also heavily black and Jewish. We’re screwed, because these people are taking over (breeding like cockroaches on the taxpayer’s dime).

January 28, 2014 5:16 pm
January 28, 2014 5:20 pm

AWD, thanks for tempting me to put my fist through my computer screen.

January 28, 2014 5:20 pm

Tuesday night Barack Obama is going to declare he’s both a Marxist and an enemy of the Constitution of the United States.

He will, thus, plead guilty to charges of Impeachment.

State of the Union: Obama to Disqualify Himself From Office

Whether “Republicans” can actually make anything of it is another story.

But the astonishing prospect remains clear: Obama will state he is for ending “Income Inequality” (i.e. “I am a Marxist”) and that he intends to pursue that, and other left-wing policies, “with or without Congress.”

Without Congress?


Obama’s people call it a plan for a “Year of Action.” Guess what kind of action? The kind characteristic in South American and African juntas.

Obama’s flaks say it is a plan to enable El Presidente to “re-assert command.”

Say again?!

Interesting political system.

And we deserve better.

Problem is, it isn’t ours.

Obama’s brazen pre-fight threat to wield “my pen and my telephone” (more Steve Martin, “The Jerk,” than General Patton) to circumvent the Congress is, admittedly, novel.

It also happens to be blatantly Un (nay Anti-) Constitutional.

But why should that trouble Obama – the Harvard Law “constitutional expert,” so long as it serves partisan politics?

Speaking of which: when a President defies the law, aren’t we supposed to have Checks and Balances preventing it?

And we would. Only if we had any Real Republicans.

The State of the Union will be historical, hysterical in fact.

But it’s arrogance and illegality matter only if there is a countervailing force to challenge it.

That would, in theory, be the opposition party.

Republicans, Helloooooo? Anybody home?

Think about it; if you haven’t. We have: Obama vows to unilaterally “end income inequality” (you know, for the first time ever, on earth, in human history), and do it totally in defiance of our elected representatives, what do you call that?

We – and my 4th grader – call it: UnAmerican, Lawless, Impeachable.

But Impeachment is as Impeachment does.

If the opposition party sits on its hands (and rumor is, it will do worse*), then Obama can threaten, and do, anything.

(Rumor has it turncoat John “Benedict Arnold” Boehner, “Republican Leader” has cut the deal with Darth Obama to usher in massive amnesty for criminaliens. This will equal Game Over).

Given what Obama is planning to actually say Tuesday night – forgetting for the moment what we know he is planning to do thereafter – if the opposition has anybody, they will more than sit down when Obama rants.

They will stand up, turn their backs on this “Manchurian Candidate,” and storm out of the chamber.

Given the fundamental, mortal Constitutional sins expected of Obama in this historic State of the Union, this is the very least Real Republicans – Real Patriots – ought do.

But if these, our only hopes, demonstrate merely the pro-forma, nauseatingly polite, socially acceptable umbrage of, say, the model “Republican” John Boner(s), we’re sunk.

If there is nobody to make the case against Obama – there is no case!

And what do I mean by sunk?

I mean the crime – and political opportunity – of a President of the United States that stands before our elected representatives (i.e. you and I), and declares, screw you – I’ll do what I want…I mean, if we stand for that, we get what we deserve.

And we deserve better.

January 28, 2014 5:34 pm

The words Dimocrat, dumbass, dullard, dimwit, dolt, dunce, dunderhead, and dumbfuck are all one in the same and completely interchangeable. These descriptor’s are self explanatory and describe the supporters of Dumbass and Chief Obango.

Fuck’em and feed’em fish heads!!

Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
January 28, 2014 5:37 pm

BB, Actually, fantastic for arthritis. The old folks here sit their butt in the Hot Springs every day.

January 28, 2014 5:41 pm

Thanks AWD, please post Levin quotes and Videos as often as you can, he’s top shelf.

God Bless Mark Levin!

January 28, 2014 5:45 pm

Admin – I will remember you in my will. I have put aside a couple of bottles of good Scotch. If my kids do not find them first, they will be yours one day.

January 28, 2014 5:55 pm

LIpoh, may ask where you are going to live.When you say exit strategy ,do you mean leaving the country?Will you be taking your family?I don’t mean to be personal but I am looking for a way out
myself if I can afford it.

January 28, 2014 5:56 pm

Illinois …. Oreo’s home state …land of that other Hater Of The Constitution, Abe …. home of millions of free shitters ….. a Democrap bastion for decades ….. corrupt to the core ……………… and only 53.7% like the Big Neegrow in charge. That’s pretty encouraging in one sense.

America’s other shithole … NJ …. at 56.4% …. is also encouraging.

That’s why the Free Shit Giveaway Parade is necessary tonight.

January 28, 2014 7:20 pm

“I am glad I am nearing the end of my exit strategy.” —–Llpoh

Hey Llpoh, once you’ve crossed the finish line, you’re not gonna bail out on us too are you?

January 28, 2014 8:00 pm

Don’t worry everyone. Sure, the nation is full of total fuckwits and handout-demanding tax-eating parasitic leaching moochers and insane communist turds who can’t see anything wrong with Barry, even when he does the same shit Bush did. The whole stinking mess is about to collapse, so no matter what they want, no matter how much they take, no matter how grand they try to spin the bullshit, EVERYONE is headed for zero soon enough. If many of you readers are similar to me, I think there is a distinct class of people in this nation who are going to pop to the surface like a cork while millions sink like turds.
After a couple generations of soft living, I hope millions of losers just kill themselves or shrivel up and blow away while we stubborn assholes hang tight like limpets on rocks at high tide. (notice the change in semaphores? A horse in rolling in mid-stream gathers no moss before saves nine.)

Anyone remember that show, Titus? Watch the first 40 seconds of the following:

Tommy freakin’ out over the toilet is probably at least 60% of the population.

January 28, 2014 9:50 pm

Get your facts straight, AWD. Blacks may be breeding like cockroaches but Jewish people aren’t. American Jewish population is declining except in the courts, the legislature, the top positions in the various branches of the executive departments, banking, the media, etc. Jews stick together very well and are very good at carrying out long range political, economic, and cultural plans, unlike the ethnic groups they’ve replaced and cockroaches.

Mike Moskos
Mike Moskos
January 29, 2014 1:09 am

I think DC loves Obama for the same reason DC loved W: the opinion makers are all there to gouge on the federal teet or gain monopolistic advantages.

January 29, 2014 2:11 am

I am embarrassed and ashamed that AK only came in 8th in the realm of reason and responsibility. I blame those liberal fucknuts in Anchorage (that represent about half the population of AK). At least we still have a no-permit required CC law. And no registration. Eat yer hearts out.