1,100 points in tens days. Buy the dip. Right?

Actual picture of cocky stock market momo investor.

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February 3, 2014 4:41 pm

Holy crap should I sell my AAPL and GOOG, my brain hurts I don’t understand. I must invest. I must invest . I must invest.

February 3, 2014 4:54 pm

I have a question for y’all since I am a stock market dope. If I sell a penny stock below the bid price, what does that do to the ask price? And yes, I bought some on the recommedation of my idiot brother. He and the stock have no volume.

February 3, 2014 5:20 pm

There has never been a better time to buy….only for the better informed , of course….right Sensetti ?

February 3, 2014 5:24 pm

Clown, buying a penny stock based on a stock tip from your idiot brother probably suggests that your idiot brother, probably has an idiot brother too. Just saying.

February 3, 2014 5:40 pm

Idiot, sister, yes. I freely admit it. I’m gonna lose some cash.

February 3, 2014 9:33 pm

flash says: There has never been a better time to buy….only for the better informed , of course….right Sensetti ?

I missed the whole run up. I have a couple different retirement plans, a defined benefit and a defined contribution. In the DC it’s in the safest, lowest risk instrument available. Which means the interest paid doesn’t keep up with inflation. But I am planning on both plans failing in the end so I have a third plan. Things I can lay my hands on and move around and a wife much younger than I that has a depression proof job. Sensetti’s planning on working his little farm till he falls over, don’t plan on retiring, so I really watch my health.

February 4, 2014 10:58 am

All retirement plans will be confiscated & forced into Treasuries. This will coincidentally happen after the market crashes, to protect U, of course.

The USA has run out of suckers to buy its worthless paper = the people will fund the debt internally. It’s patriotic, unlike those terrorists that buy gold & undermine our currency!

February 4, 2014 11:16 am

My hub is literally one of the luckiest people I have ever met. He is betting it continues indefinitely, personally, I’d lay odds on his eventual balancing to overshoot to the “you’re screwed” side, only time will tell.

Anyway, last night while watching the evening news they showed Ford’s “loss” for yesterday. He perks up and says, “ha ha! I sold last week at a buck higher!”

So, naturally, I asked what he invested the proceeds in. Ah, the truth comes out, cashed them out to pay fees from our new banksters.

So lucky, simply, lucky.

If (when) the actual crash occurs (and I so hope you are right Leobeer – from another thread) his entire life savings will be wiped out.

For now though, just like the CNBC mouthpieces and idiots, he sure is an investing genius!

Ponzi and fiat on America, this is only a temporary blip on the pre-ordained path of wealth and greatness that we have been promised in exchange for no production and big gubment.

Sure it is.