

It really pays to be part of the ruling party. Union government drones make much more than you do, on average, and get to retire at 50 with a massive pension and non-Obamacare health benefits. And, if you work in the private sector, you’re paying for it.

Un-elected union government drones make rules, regulations, and laws by the thousands, most of which cost you money or what’s left of your freedom. Union government drones administer the massive frauds known as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the 78 different welfare programs. There is redundancy piled on redundancy. They never prosecute fraud, because then there might be fewer entitlement recipients, and that might mean union drone staff cutbacks. Union government drones don’t have to worry about getting fired for incompetence, because incompetence gets you promoted.

There are some 30 million government employees in this country, and would anyone even notice if 20 million of them were fired? They are parasites, stealing money from productive people so they can warm a desk and make life ever more difficult for people that work for a living.

Socialist and communist countries rely on massive bureaucracy and red tape to stifle competition and crush freedom and dissent. The USSA does all that in spades. I’m glad union government drones are living the high life on our money, because most of ’em couldn’t get a job anyplace else.

Union government drones make almost 100% more than you do, but they don’t think they have to pay taxes like everyone else.

Fire them? Federal employees, retirees owe $3.4 billion in taxes

A recent IRS report showing that current and retired federal employees owe more than $3.4 billion in income taxes is fueling a drive on Capitol Hill to fire — and prohibit the hiring of — tax delinquents on Uncle Sam’s payroll.

The report shows that about 98,000 federal civilian workers and postal employees — or roughly 3% of the federal civilian and Postal Service workforce — owed about $1 billion to Uncle Sam in 2010, including 684 congressional staffers who owed more than $10 million.

Read more here:

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February 12, 2014 4:43 pm

Don’t forget unlimited paid time off whenever there’s a government shutdown. What a DEAL!!!

February 12, 2014 5:17 pm

You need to do your homework on the Federal retirement system before you publish an article.
First off the it is 55 not 50 for retirement age and that was part of the CSRS system and that system was ended in 1985. The current system FERS is just like the private sector retirement with the TSP program which is just like a 401k. Retirement is scaled to the year you were born and if you meet time in service and age you can retire. But here is a little know fact, when the government runs out of cash they start tapping the TSP program for cash, I don’t think they do that with a normal 401k (YET), With health care benefits, we have the same program as ALL the unions have both public and private. I could go on but I don’t think it will do any good. I wish you all the best. God Bless America and Long Live the Republic.

February 12, 2014 5:52 pm


Nice post. Go government! Go unions!

Are you overweight … even a little? Cuz if you are, I envision a long and fruitful internet friendship between yourself and AWD.

February 12, 2014 6:50 pm

Only people I know who are doing even 1/2 way well these days work for the government. Everyone else is either unemployed, under employed, or scared to death they’ll lose whatever menial job they have.
Something’s got to give and soon, I suspect.

February 12, 2014 7:31 pm

If you think about it government drones do not pay taxes. Well, they pay taxes but its a zero sum gain for the government.
A government drone does not produce anything of value. A true wealth creator pays the taxes that pay a government drone.
The government drone is taxed on money that is provided by wealth creators. This is just an exchange of dollars. There is no real gain.
And now there is no debt ceiling. Kiss that baby goodby forever.

February 12, 2014 7:35 pm

Well done AWD taking another massive ass dump on the Gubernment. Let’s wage class warfare on the well to do ..government drone. Are f’n Kidding…you know government pensions are wrapped up in federal promissory notes. If you don’t know where the sugar cookies are perhaps your super sluething skills would they are in the top flight of high income low tax paying Sam Zells of the world. The class war is over

February 13, 2014 12:42 am

Government worker is an oxymoron, like jumbo shrimp, fast turtle, smart politicians, or calling the NSA an intelligence agency.

February 13, 2014 12:45 am

Taking a dump on the government is, as Triumph The Insult Comic Dog would say, “Like pooping on poop. What’s the point?”

February 13, 2014 12:51 am

In an article in some financial rag, I actually saw the term “fiscally responsible government”. Lol.
Has that ever happened on earth?

February 13, 2014 12:57 am

Those pictures of Rosenthal are actually “Admin. taking some time off”.

A little good-natured ribbing is good. We’ll give Admin. a “roast” someday like they do on Comedy Central.

February 13, 2014 1:00 am

Sorry. Found out those pictures are of Chris Christie.

February 13, 2014 12:33 pm

Here in Massachusetts nearly 9000 state workers make over $100,000.That’s just state employees, and this is not a very large state.