
New Government Warning Labels

After requiring new warning labels on cigarette packaging, the Federal government is expanding the idea to other items. Each of the following should have a black-box label:

The two main political parties use voting as a distracction so that the criminals can steal the chrome wheels from your car while you’re in the polling place.

U.S. Dollar:
Today’s dollar was created out of thin air in violation of the Constitution. It’s not money, it’s an IOU from the Federal Reserve. Such fiat money is anything but storehouse of value, and only fools would keep their lifetime savings in such Monopoly money.

Welfare Payments:
These checks create dependency, obesity, out-of-wedlock births, and children who are considerably more likely to commit crimes, have poor grades, drop out of school, and grow up to vote for democrats.

Public School Report Cards:
The grades are inflated; unionized teachers are required to know progressive pedagogical nonsense but not anything abut the subject matter (reading, writing, arithmatic); and high school graduates will have to go to college for remedial education.

Property tax bills:
Most of the money will go to public schools, where most of it will be wasted on greedy apparatchiks and unions, who pay off democrats and ensure continued socialism. Not really tax bills, they are rent payments; you don’t own your house, you rent it from the county tax authority.

Bank Deposit Slips:
The bank shouldn’t be trusted with your monopoly money because it is part of an unconstitutional and corrupt banking cartel controlled by the Federal Reserve.

Pay Stubs:
Deductions for FICA go to the Ponzi schemes of Social Security and Medicare. What’s left of your hard earned labor once the criminals get done stealing their “fair share”.

Paperwork from health insurance companies and medical facilities:
High prices and Byzantine rules are results of the government’s destruction of a consumer market in medical care and insurance in 1942.

Census forms and Equal Employment Opportunity Posters:
Government racial classification schemes result from certain racial and ethnic groups’ race-baiting and unconstitutional search for racial preferences, hand-outs, and union government jobs.

College Applications:
Ninety percent of professors are leftists who love to turn the children of the bourgeoisie into neo-Marxists who loathe capitalism, the traditional family, and the nation’s founding principles.

Speeches by Members of Congress:
Hide your children and your silverware while Congress is in session. Your accounts will be looted, and the air your breath will now be taxed. They will spend more and more, and provide less and less, they will bankrupt this country, but not before they bankrupt you. All Hell has been let loose, and the demons and devils reside in Washington D.C.

Unfortunetly, because of the proliferation of warning labels over the decades, no one will read the new warnings and the nation will continue its rapid descent into insolvency and social anarchy.





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A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
March 21, 2014 12:19 pm

SHTF Day is on its way – unstoppable. BC-LR to all

March 21, 2014 12:53 pm

Passing thousands of pages of unlawful bills that no ones read? The Patriot Act, then?

Destruction of currency and hyper inflation? Alan Greenspan and $100 , Alex for who appointed him?

And, what party was it that got the sub-prime mortgage meltdown a rollin” eh?..

Bush On Low Income Loans To Encourage Buying Homes – YouTube
Former president George Bush pushed the American Dream Downpayment plan to use taxpayer money to give loans to those with low income interested in purchasing… More from

And what party was it that refuses to enforce state laws enforcing the Fair Lending Act , which was the catalyst for the great credit boom boom , that went bust? Roy Barnes was the last Democrat governor Georgia, since then nothing but Republican sleaze has occupied the governors mansion.–T-by-paul-craig-roberts-111024-92.html

Morgenson and Rosner provide a number of unique accounts of how those benefitting from fraud were able to defeat laws that were passed that would have held them to account. For example, the state of Georgia passed perfect legislation that held predatory lending to account. William J. Brennan Jr. and Georgia Governor Roy E. Barnes got the Georgia Fair Lending Act through the state legislature. It was a model for other states. As the federal regulators had thrown in the towel, the state laws would have prevent the worst part of the financial crisis, it not prevented the crisis altogether.

The Georgia law only lasted a few months, because the rating agencies saw that their enormous profits from issuing fraudulent investment grade ratings were threatened by the law. The corrupt rating agencies mischaracterized the consumer protection act as a jihad by regulators. Standard & Poor’s declared that it would no longer allow Georgia mortgages to be placed in mortgage securities that it rated.

In other words, Georgia mortgages could no longer be securitized. This announcement banned Georgia mortgage lenders from securitization. Thus, the law was overturned, and fraud ran wild.

These kind of mafia strong-armed tactics in order to protect at all costs the short-term mega-bonuses that drove the totally fraudulent system have never been held accountable or punished. Totally innocent people are held indefinitely and tortured by the US government for no other reason than to convince the gullible public that they are endangered by terrorists, but those who wiped out the home ownership and retirement pensions of millions of Americans now hold high and honorable positions on corporate boards and US regulatory agencies.

And what party is it that is funneling tax payer money as fast as they can steal it to prop up their corporate cronies under the guise of “economic development\?” When you hear a booger-eating Republican talk about Smart Growth , what the vermin is really is blathering on about is funelign money from producers (i.e. taxpyers) to corporate parasite.

Subsidizing the Corporate One Percent: Subsidy Tracker 2.0 Reveals Big-Business Dominance of State and Local Development Incentives
by Philip Mattera

February 2014

All I’m saying is if the Dems are the Party of Stupid, then surely the Repugs are the Party of Fools, because only a damn fool would buy into a second of their limited government bullshit.The only think I’ve seen the Republican Party be limited in is intelligence.

March 21, 2014 1:19 pm

Here how we fix the Republic

Repeal the 17th Amendment .If you don’t know the 17th from shinola, you shouldn’t be voting anyways.
Eliminate national election for POTUS.That should be the duly elected representatives of your states job.You elect them to represent your interests…eh? Then let them do it. It will take tons of money out of the election process and thus eliminate tons of corruption in the process.

Next up , severely restrict voting by to age 30 and up .Most have matured by that age.Voter restrictions should prohibit those who are divorced-if you can’t pick a mate then you have no business picking my leader.Those who are homosexual.If your confused about your gender , then you too confused to make a wise choice in electing my leader. Those who are bankrupt.Managing money should be no less important than managing to cast a wise vote.Unwed mothers.Lack or morals and sense responsibility should be enough reason to prohibit baby momma from participating in any leadership decisions. . And lastly , singles should not get a vote , particularly if their still single by thirty, which is indicative of yet having wild oats to sow; unsettled or too damn weird to attract a mate, all which should disqualify one from choosing my leader.
Sounds draconian , right?Good.The idea is to severely limit the vote.
If the Republic is to be saved then the popular vote has to go.

March 21, 2014 1:27 pm

Scratch the word Democrat and just say Voting.

“Nothing says Dumb better than voting Republican” – Zara

March 21, 2014 1:30 pm

And let my add a no-brainer. If you work for the a local state or Federal agency, including militarily , then no vote for you, for obvious reason.Pigs will always vote the public trough.

March 21, 2014 2:06 pm

More on saving the Republic via voter restriction.Another no-brainer.Absolutely no vote for anyone receiving any sort of entitlement .e.g. medicare, medicaid , Social Security , disability , Welfare, unemployment insurance, government pensions… ect.

And about the traditional married couple only vote .That’s one vote per couple….to be decided in the bedroom, by drawing straws or blood…couples choice.May the best man win.

March 21, 2014 5:21 pm

Here’s another warning label that I expect the NSA and the gov’t will begin labeling posts and comments on TBP with:

Administrator/ TBP/ AWD/ llpoh/ Stucky/ et al…
Posts and Perusals May Lead to

March 22, 2014 11:53 am

Nice quotes from Charles Hugh Smith’s blog. He is soooo on target!

March 22, 2014 12:36 pm

How about one for the power grid?

Government Agency Warns If 9 Substations Are Destroyed, The Power Grid Could Be Down For 18 Months